Robert Steele: Does “The Intercept” Take Orders from NSA Now?

Corruption, Ineptitude, IO Deeds of War, Media
Robert David STEELE Vivas

Top-Secret NSA Report Details Russian Hacking Effort Days Before 2016 Election

I discussed this article with Bill Binney and we agree that is is at best misleading. In my view The Intercept is betraying the public trust by failing to recognize that Barack Obama and John Brennan led a combination of interagency witchhunt and “spygate” against Donald Trump's campaign, at the same time that they fabricated the entire story about Russian collusion with  Trump and Russian “hacking” of the US election.  DID NOT HAPPEN.

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Roger Stone: “The Bitch Set Me Up” (Reclama Against Shelby Holliday of the Wall Street Journal)

Corruption, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Media
Images shot natural light

Roger Stone Slams Fake News Attacks From WSJ

Shelby Holliday is the epitome of fake news and she is now busted. But then, I’m sure she’ll be promptly invited onto MSNBC where bullschiff like hers has been raised to an art form.

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James Fetzer: Sandy Hook False Flag Updates Plus Why Alex Jones Should Win But Might Fold

Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Media
Jim Fetzer

Here are some cutting edge reports about matters of great moment::

“Sandy Hook: Not only is ‘Noah Pozner' a fiction, but his father, “Lenny”, is also a fake

“FACT CHECKERS GET IT WRONG: ‘March for Our Lives' WAS issued months in advance”

Additional links and comment below the fold.

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