Berto Jongman: Sandy Hook Cover-Up

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Media
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Being noticed in Europe.

Video: We need to talk about Sandy Hook

Documentary blows the lid off suspected Sandy Hook cover-up

A loose coalition of concerned citizen journalists known as the Independent Media Solidarity have produced an in-depth, well-researched documentary regarding the countless anomalies, inconsistencies and discrepancies evident in the Sandy Hook school shooting investigation.

Mini-Me: German Mustard Gas Used by Iraq Against Iran Under US Supervision — Is Russian Money Buying the Truth?

Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Media
Who?  Mini-Me?
Who? Mini-Me?

Journalist Reveals Iraqis Used German Mustard Gas on Iranians Under US Watch in 1988

MOSCOW, October 22 (RIA Novosti) – A prominent German journalist, Udo Ulfkotte, has revealed that Iraqis, guided by the United States, used German mustard gas against Iranian soldiers in 1988.

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The mustard gas was brought to Iraq from Germany labeled as “pesticides,” Ulfkotte explained in the e-mail. “The US gave the satellite photos of the Iranian positions and supervised the action and the Iraqis did it – and I photographed it and was not allowed to publish it,” the journalist said.

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Berto Jongman: Blowing Open Bought Journalists — Not Just CIA but Atlantic Council, Foundations — A Network of Funded Lies Masquerading

Corruption, Government, Media
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Media Critiques: German Editor Turned CIA Whistleblower

By Erik van de Beek and Udo Ulfkotte

Russia Insider,Saturday, Oct 18, 2014

Exclusively for Russia Insider, Dutch journalist Eric van de Beek interviews the senior German editor who is causing a sensation with his allegations that the CIA pays German media professionals to spin stories to follow US government goals.

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: Blowing Open Bought Journalists — Not Just CIA but Atlantic Council, Foundations — A Network of Funded Lies Masquerading”

Stephen E. Arnold: Robot Writers Flood the Web

Corruption, IO Impotency, Media
Stephen E. Arnold
Stephen E. Arnold

Robot Writers Flood the Web

If you are reading this, it is likely that you look to the Internet for bit of news that inform your opinion on trends, technology, news stories, and the like. And most would assume that those stories and articles are crafted by humans who have an interest and experience in the field, just as this one is. But alas, we would all be wrong to believe that assumption. Robot writers are a growing proportion of the field. Read the details in the Contently article, “Does Your Brand Newsroom Need a Robot Writer?

The article begins:

“If you’ve spent any time reading on the web the past week, odds are you’ve read something written by a robot—and you didn’t even realize it. Robot writers are algorithms that collect and analyze data and then turn them into readable narratives. Many news sites like the Los Angeles Times and Forbes are already using them. Even Wikipedia has articles that weren’t written by humans.”

It is not surprising that automation has invaded the world of writing, but the jury is still out as to whether the quality is acceptable. But this also poses a question about cultural expectations regarding the quality of writing, particularly on Web outlets. See if you can spot the difference between articles crafted by human experts versus those written by a robot.

Emily Rae Aldridge, October 10, 2014

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Stephen E. Arnold: How the NYT (and Google) Imploded — Bad Management, Static Content, Piecemeal Kludging

Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Impotency, Media
Stephen E. Arnold
Stephen E. Arnold

New York Times Online: An Inside View

Check out the presentation “The Surprising Path to a Faster”

I was surprised at some of the information in the slide deck. First, I thought the New York Times was first online in the 1970s via LexisNexis.

I thought that was an exclusive deal and reasonably profitable for both LexisNexis and the New York Times. When the newspaper broke off that exclusive to do its own thing, the revenue hit on the New York Times was immediate. In addition, the decision had significant cost implications for the newspaper.

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Robert Young Pelton: Foreign Policy Gets It Wrong on Afghanistan — PBI: Funded Disinformation?

Corruption, IO Deeds of War, Media
Robert Young Pelton
Robert Young Pelton

There is a need to establish a truthful narrative, background and facts. Below is antithetical to all that.

Fraud and Folly in Afghanistan

The  runoff round of the Afghan presidential election on June 14 was massively rigged, and the ensuing election audit was “unsatisfactory,” a result of Afghan government-orchestrated fraud on a scale exceeding two million fake votes, completely subverting the will of the Afghan people. That is the watered-down conclusion of the press release of the European Union's yet-to-be-released report detailing its thorough and non-partisan investigation of the entire Afghan election. The report was completed last week, according to sources in Kabul who have seen it, but political pressure has so far resulted in heavy redaction and kept it from public release.

The key point is this: Ashraf Ghani did not win the election. The U.S. Center for Naval Analysis (CNA) concluded in July that it was mathematically impossible for Ghani to win, given Afghan demographics and the initial 46 percent to 32 percent first-round vote spread, according to sources familiar with the analysis. According to sources who reviewed the private report, the top experts in statistical analysis in the United States used every known computer model of election balloting and concluded that a Ghani victory was scientifically impossible. In simple terms, there is no mathematical doubt that Abdullah Abdullah won.

Continue reading “Robert Young Pelton: Foreign Policy Gets It Wrong on Afghanistan — PBI: Funded Disinformation?”