Owl: Ukraine Bodies Not Fresh – Israeli False Flag?

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 06 Genocide, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Terrorism, Government, IO Deeds of War, Media, Officers Call
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Who? Who?

Murderous Tails, Murdered Dogs

When I watched NBC's “Nightly News” the first time they reported on the downing of the Malaysian passenger jet, they showed video footage at the Amsterdam Airport of the relatives of those who were on the plane that was shot down. What struck me was this: not a single one appeared to be crying or showing any emotion, they were all, without exception, quite subdued or quiet, as if someone in authority told them to shut up, and they were compliant. Even the NBC news reporter commented on how unemotional they were, even though they knew the plane their loved ones were on was shot down (or whatever, given what follows below). I wondered, did the people on this footage truly have any connection to who was on the plane, was the video footage somehow manipulated or staged? Is the tail wagging the dog?

Now, along comes a report in which a rebel commander, who was in the crash area, makes an insane-sounding, bizarre claim: that the bodies scattered around the site were not “fresh” and appeared to be dead for a few days.

Continue reading “Owl: Ukraine Bodies Not Fresh – Israeli False Flag?”

Robert Steele: NYT Finally Gets It Right – Ghani Transformed Plus Fareed Zakaria on Iran and Maliki Not Signing BSA in Iraq — as Abdulllah will not sign if fraudulently “elected” in Afghanistan

Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Media
Robert David Steele
Robert David Steele

Better late than never.  Ghani won the election — now we need to see if the US Government will stand by our principles and help assure a legitimate count. See also the second headline, for an understanding of how Iran controlled the non-signing of the BSA in Iraq to create this situation. If Abdullah is fradulently election, I anticipate that he will NOT sign the BSA, this having been a condition for Iran's funding of his campaign and Karzai-Daudzai fraud.

Technocrat to Afghan Populist, Ashraf Ghani Is Transformed


NYT Asia Pacific, JUNE 11, 2014

KABUL, Afghanistan — When dealing with Western officials, Ashraf Ghani presents himself as the rare technocrat who possesses both the cultural savvy and practical expertise needed to put Afghanistan back on track if he is elected president in the runoff vote on Saturday.

After all, as Mr. Ghani readily reminds people, he has written a book titled “Fixing Failed States.”

Continue reading “Robert Steele: NYT Finally Gets It Right – Ghani Transformed Plus Fareed Zakaria on Iran and Maliki Not Signing BSA in Iraq — as Abdulllah will not sign if fraudulently “elected” in Afghanistan”

Owl: Alternative Media is Winning — on 9/11 and More…

Advanced Cyber/IO, IO Impotency, Media
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Who? Who?

Alternative Media is Winning

Is the tide finally turning, is the public becoming better informed despite the 24 hour-a-day propaganda onslaught of mainstream media produced by the 1%? It seems so, as this article implies that for the scions of the Establishment and the 1% and their propaganda organs to turn their attention to alternative media and independent research, that is, media and information not under the control of the 1% and their designated dupes, could only mean their mainstream media and information outlets are losing the war against the public's ability to find the truth about the global, regional and local machinations of the Elite, hence the new initiative underway, chronicled in this article, to attack and discredit alternative media under the loaded-term guise of “conspiracy theory.”

Continue reading “Owl: Alternative Media is Winning — on 9/11 and More…”

Robin Good: Six Key Content Curation Insights Emerging from the Leaked NY Times Executive Summary

Advanced Cyber/IO, Media
Robin Good
Robin Good

Six Key Content Curation Insights Emerging from the Leaked NY Times Executive Summary

The leaked New York Times memo of less than a week ago is making the round on the Internet, as it touches upon many of the key issues and opportunities any news journalism operation is facing today.

From my personal viewpoint the most interesting aspect of this lengthy 97-page memo is how much curation, news and content curation specifically, are part of the future view being described in it.

Since, even trying read the in-depth curated version of the leaked NY report done by the excellent Nieman Lab it may take you in excess of 30 minutes, I have extracted and highlighted here below only the points that are specifically relevant to curators and to anyone researching the future of content curation within the context of news and journalism.

Here, six key points to pay strong attention to:

  1. …resurfacing archival content. The report cites this passage: ““We can be both a daily newsletter and a library — offering news every day, as well as providing context, relevance and timeless works of journalism.”
  2. …restructuring arts and culture stories that remain relevant long after they are initially published into guides for readers.
  3. …consider tools to make it easier for journalists, and maybe even readers, to create collections and repackage the content.
  4. allow readers to easily follow certain topics or columnists.
  5. better tagging of the info and content being published.
  6. focus on the less glamorous work of creating tools, templates and permanent fixes that cumulatively can have a bigger impact by saving our digital journalists time and elevating the whole report.

Nieman Lab curated report of the NY leaked Executive Summary document:

Original leaked copy of NY report: 97-pages

Owl: American Mass Media – 24 Hours of Non-Stop Lies, Obfuscations, and Omissions

Corruption, Idiocy, Media
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Who? Who?

American Mass Media: 24 Hours of Non-Stop Lies, Obfuscations, and Omissions

Is there anything in all of human history that is quite like American mass media in its power and capacity to pump out – through gigantic electronic fire hoses for 24 hours a day, every day of the week – lies upon lies (to paraphrase the Koranic “light upon light”) and obfuscations and yet still manage, above all, to omit and cover up the truth, especially the most important truths, whatever the subject matter? This article confirms my increasing conviction EVERYTHING the mass media says is a lie, nothing they say can be believed, and that any news that is true and important is ALWAYS omitted and covered up.

Continue reading “Owl: American Mass Media – 24 Hours of Non-Stop Lies, Obfuscations, and Omissions”