Sheila Casey: Dave McGowan Photo Essay on Boston False Flag Theater

07 Other Atrocities, Collective Intelligence, Commerce, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Media
Sheila Casey

Dave McGowan has written the best thing I've seen on the actors at the Boston bombing.  I challenge anyone who can claim an IQ above 80 to read this and still believe that this was a genuine attack with real victims, real blood, real terrorists.   McGowan's not only a great researcher and writer, he manages to be laugh-out-loud funny at the same time.  Of course, given the obvious absurdity of the stories we've been told, humor comes pretty naturally in this situation.   There are 6 parts, with lots of photos, all linked on his home page.  This is not to be missed!

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I need to add that Dave clearly changes his views as he progresses through the six part series.  In the first part, he writes:

I need to be very clear here in stating that I am not arguing that no one was injured in the attack and that there was no real suffering. That undoubtedly was not the case.

but by the 6th part, having spent many days wading through photos and news reports, he no longer believes that there are any real victims.  He writes:

…these are people who have sold their souls and sold out their country. They are beneath contempt and nothing I have to say about them should really offend anyone.

(Part 1)  Debunks major reported injuries with photos of alleged victims, shows how shrapnel allegedly shredded clothes without drawing blood.

Continue reading “Sheila Casey: Dave McGowan Photo Essay on Boston False Flag Theater”

Berto Jongman: YouTube (9:34) Obama Doubles Militarization of US Police

Commerce, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Law Enforcement, Media, Military, YouTube
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Being watched in Europe.

Obama Expands Militarization of Police

Published on May 22, 2013

Among items transfered to local law enforcement agencies have been assault rifles and grenade launchers, even Blackhawk helicopters and .50 caliber machine guns ; In fiscal year 2011 alone, the Pentagon transferred almost $500 million worth of materials to domestic law enforcement — near double the previous year's total

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: YouTube (9:34) Obama Doubles Militarization of US Police”

DefDog: Kabul Update – Media Gets It Wrong … Again

Corruption, Media

From a SOF colleague in Kabul.

A great deal of sensational reporting….folks who were outside when it happened here did not hear anything…we are not that far away from where it happened either…

Of note, something that gets lost in the reporting, there were basically four/five guys who held off the response team for six plus hours… other words, a small group brought them to a standstill….part of the IO
effort on their part…..

This refers to following from NIGHTWATCH (which is read, via Phi Beta Iota, in every clime and place):

Afghanistan: Explosions and gunfire rocked central Kabul Friday as the Taliban launched an attack close to an Afghan intelligence facility and the headquarters of a government force that protects foreign firms. The Taliban said they were targeting CIA trainers. Two people died and 13 were injured in the attack. Six to eight attackers were killed in the firefight that lasted nine hours, according to press service reports.

Comment: This fighting occurred in the center of Kabul, indicating a major lapse in security. . It is another example of the ability of anti-government fighting groups to attack any target they choose at will. The damage and losses were not large, but the demonstration of the anti-government group’s ability to strike at the seat of power and the international quarter is a significant terror effect.


Jon Rappoport: White House Blood Relative with CBS News President — How Benghazi Exposure Was Stopped

Corruption, Government, Media
Jon Rappoport
Jon Rappoport

Explosive: president of CBS News and WH Benghazi fiction-writer are blood brothers

President of CBS News and WH Benghazi fiction-writer are blood brothers

by Jon Rappoport

May 23, 2013

Just a coincidence. Nothing to see. Move along.

Remember the Benghazi attacks? Remember how the White House rewrote their talking points to scrub out mention of a terrorist attack?

Well, here are some new talking points.

Point one: Star CBS investigative reporter, Sharyl Attkisson, has been discussing leaving CBS since April. She can’t get some of her Benghazi stories on the air. Attkisson was hot on the trail of figuring out who, at the White House, rewrote the Benghazi talking points.

Point two: One sure candidate at the White House? Ben Rhodes, Obama’s deputy national security adviser and “mind-melding” speechwriter.

Point three: Who is Ben Rhodes’ brother? He is David Rhodes, who happens to be Sharyl Attkisson’s boss, the president of CBS News.

Point four: Read point three again.

Point five: Those White House Benghazi rewrites scrubbed prior mention of “terror attacks.”

Point six: Again, reporter Attkisson was hot on the trail of the White House fiction writers—which could have led to her boss’s brother.

Point seven: Again, Attkisson got into hot water at CBS for her Benghazi coverage.

Point eight: Again, the president of CBS News, her boss, is the brother of the man who helped organize the White House fiction writing on Benghazi.

The Daily Caller broke this story.

Point nine: Somebody has been fiddling with reporter Attkisson’s computers. Attkisson has been assembling evidence on the what and the who for several months.

You’re welcome, CBS. I just wanted to arrange all this information so you could release it in coherent form.

My question is: who at your network will do the rewrites on my talking points? I’d like to be in the room.

The September 2012 Benghazi attacks killed US Ambassador Christopher Stevens, embassy information officer Sean Smith, and embassy security officers Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty.

The White House, in their talking-points rewrites, wanted to avoid calling this a planned terrorist attack. Why? Because investigating the terrorists opens the door to the matter of their funding and support.

That investigation, unimpeded, could lead to the fact that the US government has been recruiting, arming, and using thugs/terrorists/mercenaries from Libya to destabilize parts of Africa and the Middle East.

And then we would come to the possibility that some of those US recruits attacked the Benghazi embassy in 2012.

These talking points, of course, aren’t in the CBS or White House portfolio. They’re buried deep under the White House, under CIA buildings in Langley, and under CBS News headquarters at Black Rock in New York.

Jon Rappoport

Jon Rappoport: Who Hacked CBS Star’s Computers? Are We All In An Information Prison?

09 Justice, 10 Security, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Media
Jon Rappoport
Jon Rappoport

CBS News star hacked: the big chill

Sharyl Atkisson is the one thing CBS News has going for it. She’s the real article. As real as you can be in the current news climate, while still working for a major media outlet.  She crashed the credibility of the CDC, as it was lying through its teeth about numbers of Swine Flu cases and overplaying the fake “epidemic.”  She’s taken on the horrific effects of vaccines, to the point where her Wikipedia page, through a series of unethical maneuvers, continues to characterize her as irrationally “anti-vaccine.”  She broke key elements of Fast&Furious. She’s a hound on Benghazi, and the Obama administration’s funding of “green programs.”

Now, she states that her computer was compromised in 2011, as she was covering Fast&Furious. She’s still working to find out what happened.

From PoliticoSharyl Attkisson's computers compromised

“Sharyl Attkisson, the Emmy-award winning CBS News investigative reporter, says that her personal and work computers have been compromised and are under investigation.

“‘I can confirm that an intrusion of my computers has been under some investigation on my end for some months but I’m not prepared to make an allegation against a specific entity today as I’ve been patient and methodical about this matter,’ Attkisson told POLITICO on Tuesday. ‘I need to check with my attorney and CBS to get their recommendations on info we make public.’

“Attkisson told WPHT that irregular activity on her computer was first identified in Feb. 2011, when she was reporting on the Fast and Furious gun-walking scandal and on the Obama administration’s green energy spending, which she said ‘the administration was very sensitive about.’”

end Politico excerpt

Two computers compromised. Star reporter. Somebody gained physical access or remote access to those machines. Strong likelihood it started as a government response to Atkisson’s coverage of Fast&Furious. (Although, unfortunately, Atkisson should also look to someone at CBS as the possible hacker.)  All those nasty stories Atkisson’s worked on, over the years? If she ever wants to use sources from those pieces again, she’s going to have to convince them they won’t pay a steep price for talking to her.  Then, for future stories, she’s going to have to convince new sources they can talk to her without getting into serious trouble.

It’s the big chill. This is the government and its allies sending a message to reporters’ sources and potential sources, confidential or not: watch out; we’re listening in; we can make you sorry.

Continue reading “Jon Rappoport: Who Hacked CBS Star's Computers? Are We All In An Information Prison?”

Michelle Monk: Angelina Jolie’s Breasts Part of Massive PR Scheme to Protect Patents, Coinciding with Supreme Court Decision?

Commerce, Corruption, Media
Michelle Monk
Michelle Monk

Angelina Jolie part of a clever corporate scheme to protect billions?

EXPOSED: Angelina Jolie part of a clever corporate scheme to protect billions in BRCA gene patents, influence Supreme Court decision (opinion)

Mike Adams, Editor, 16 May 2013

(NaturalNews) Angelina Jolie's announcement of undergoing a double mastectomy (surgically removing both breasts) even though she had no breast cancer is not the innocent, spontaneous, “heroic choice” that has been portrayed in the mainstream media. Natural News has learned it all coincides with a well-timed for-profit corporate P.R. campaign that has been planned for months and just happens to coincide with the upcoming U.S. Supreme Court decision on the viability of the BRCA1 patent.

This is the investigation the mainstream media refuses to touch. Here, I explain the corporate financial ties, investors, mergers, human gene patents, lawsuits, medical fear mongering and thetrillions of dollars that are at stake here. If you pull back the curtain on this one, you find far more than an innocent looking woman exercising a “choice.” This is about protecting trillions in profits through the deployment of carefully-crafted public relations campaigns designed to manipulate the public opinion of women.

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Angelina Jolie's announcement and all its carefully-crafted language had four notable immediate impacts:

1) It caused women everywhere to be terrified of breast cancer through the publishing of false statistics that drove fear into the hearts of anyone with breasts. (See below for explanation.)

2) It caused women to rush out and seek BRCA1 gene testing procedures. These tests just happen to be patented by a for-profit corporation called “Myriad Genetics.” Because of this patent, BRCA1 tests can cost $3,000 – $4,000 each. The testing alone is a multi-billion-dollar market, but only if the patent is upheld in an upcoming Supreme Court decision (see below).

3) It caused the stock price of Myriad Genetics (MYGN) to skyrocket to a 52-week high. “Myriad's stock closed up 3% Tuesday, following the publication of the New York Times op-ed,” wrote It drove public opinion to influence the upcoming U.S. Supreme Court decision to rule in favor of corporate ownership of human genes (see more below).Read full article.

angelina breastsPhi Beta Iota:  There is some question as to whether she actually has the condition, or will actually have the double-masectomy.  In the immediate aftermath of the publicity, questions were raised as to whether the statue of Angelina Jolie breast feeding two infants (see image, we do not make this stuff up) would be modified at the expense of Myriad Genetics.  There was also a claim that Henry Kissinger has bid $1 million for the two breasts if they are cut off, to be bronzed and placed with his other memorabilia.

See Also:

Angelina Jolie Breast-Feeding Sculpture

Berto Jongman: Afghanistan For Real: This Is What Winning Looks Like — Article, Full Length Movie Online, and Book

03 Economy, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Proliferation, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Terrorism, 10 Security, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Idiocy, IO Deeds of War, Media, Military, Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

This Is What Winning Looks Like – Full Length



This Is What Winning Looks Like

My Afghanistan War Diary


Amazon Page
Amazon Page

By Ben Anderson

I didn’t plan on spending six years covering the war in Afghanistan. I went there in 2007 to make a film about the vicious fighting between undermanned, underequipped British forces and the Taliban in Helmand, Afghanistan’s most violent province. But I became obsessed with what I witnessed there—how different it was from the conflict’s portrayal in the media and in official government statements.

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In February 2013, on his last day at the helm of NATO forces in Afghanistan, General John R. Allen described what he thought the war’s legacy will be: ‘‘Afghan forces defending Afghan people and enabling the government of this country to serve its citizens. This is victory, this is what winning looks like, and we should not shrink from using these words.’’ 


The US and British forces are preparing to leave Afghanistan for good (officially, by the end of 2014), and my time in the country over the last six years has convinced me that our legacy will be the exact opposite of what Allen posits—not a stable Afghanistan, but one at war with itself yet again. Here are a few encapsulated snapshots of what I’ve seen and what we’re leaving behind.

Read full article.