Ed Jewitt: Aluminum Dust from Geoengineering Fueling Super Wildfires According to Author

03 Environmental Degradation, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, Idiocy, Military

Aluminum Dust from Geoengineering Fueling  Super Wildfires According to Author

“Millions of tons of aluminum and barium are being sprayed almost daily across the U.S., stated Mills, a former naval officer and UCLA graduate. “Just sprinkle aluminum or barium dust on a fire and see what happens. It's near explosive. When wildfires break out, the aluminum/barium dust results in levels of fire intensity so great as to cause firefighters to coin a new term ̶ ‘firenados,' ” he said. The entire U.S., in addition to various other NATO countries, are being sprayed.”

Robert Steele: Fake Raid? Abu Mohammad Salama Killed? Did Zionists & Kurds Schlong President Donald Trump? Zionist Strike 52!

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of Peace, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

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Gordon Duff: Russia says Baghdadi killing faked by US [& Israel] UPDATE 11

Corruption, Government, Military, Peace Intelligence

Exclusive: Russia says Bagdadi killing faked by US, part of new move against the region by Deep State

Russian intelligence inside Syria reported that their S400 radar systems which cover Idlib saw no American aircraft over the area where the Baghdadi raid was claimed. 

  • UPDATE 11: Robert Steele sums it all up in article published around world
  • UPDATE 10: The many times non-existent ISIS leader has been killed…
  • UPDATE 9: Pablo Escobar – DNA faked, “dead dog” is Abu M. Salama?

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Zero Hedge: Time to Dismantle the Pentagon and Terminate the Military-Industrial Complex?

Ethics, Government, Military, Peace Intelligence

Empire & Interventionism Versus Republic & Noninterventionism

Authored by Jacob Hornberger via The Future of Freedom Foundation,

The chaos arising from U.S. interventionism in Syria provides an excellent opportunity to explore the interventionist mind.

The results of U.S. imperialism and interventionism have always been perverse, not only for foreigners but also for Americans. That’s how Americans have ended up with out-of-control federal spending and debt that have left much of the middle class high and dry, unable to support themselves in their senior years, unable to save a nest egg for financial emergencies, and living paycheck to paycheck. Empire and interventionism do not come cheap.

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Owl: The Saker on New Weapons, New Tactics that US Military Cannot Handle Right Now….

Military, Peace Intelligence
Who? Who?

New Weapons and the New Tactics Which They Make Possible: Three Examples

Sophisticated drones are a major threat to every military out there, though Russia has developed truly effective (including cost-effective, which is absolutely crucial, more about that later) anti-drone capabilities.

Continue reading “Owl: The Saker on New Weapons, New Tactics that US Military Cannot Handle Right Now….”