Robert Steele: Reports Coming in of Deliberate Grocery Store Contamination by US Air Force Personnel

02 Infectious Disease, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, IO Deeds of War, Military

I have no direct knowledge. One of my regular contributors has come in with photos he alleges are a US Air Force person with a spray dispenser that has a visible red handle like one of those portable desk-top fire extinguishers.

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Mongoose: Back Story on NSA CIA and Crypto Company

Government, Ineptitude, Military

Adult leadership still lacking….

As the U.S. spied on the world, the CIA and NSA bickered

The terms of the transaction were all in place when the NSA abruptly “opted out” of negotiations to acquire the Swiss firm, Crypto AG, in the late 1950s, according to the documents. NSA’s last-minute balk is depicted as a typically misguided move by a code-breaking agency known for risk aversion, raising petty objections and “dithering.”

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Veterans Today: International Criminal Court Opens Inquiry Into US and Taliban War Crimes in Afghanistan

Ethics, Government, Military

Guardian: ICC Authorizes War Crimes Inquiry Against Pentagon War on Afghanistan

Earlier rejection overturned

The US military and CIA are accused of widespread use of rape and torture and the murder of thousands of prisoners.  It is believed that thousands of Americans who served in Afghanistan may eventually be under scrutiny including and especially civilian contractors.

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