Contribute: Envisioning NATO Operations in 2040

Ethics, Military, Officers Call, Strategy

Join the SciTech Futures Team and the NATO Innovation Hub as we continue our latest exercise, “Envisioning NATO Operations in 2040“. We're asking key questions about NATO and the world in 20 years. To gain inspiration, we've partnered with a leading futurist author to explore this world through three short vignettes. Explore the challenges NATO will face in 2040, and help shape their response with your ideas.

Join us and the S&T foresight community in exploring these questions and more, 19 February to 1 March 2020 online at

Kelley Beaucar Vlahos: The Cost of Loyalty — Tim Bakken’s New Book Totally Trashes West Point and the Dishonest Fraudulent Failures That West Point Produces

Corruption, Military

West Point Prof Pens Blistering Takedown of U.S. Military Academies

There's a reason, Tim Bakken says, why the U.S. hasn't won a war in 75 years.

Bakken’s prognosis: the military as an institution has become so separate, so insulated, so authoritarian, that it can no longer perform effectively. In fact, it’s worse: the very nature of this beast is that it has been able to grow exponentially in size and mission so that it now conducts destructive expeditionary wars overseas with little or no real cohesive strategy or oversight. Its huge budgets are a source of corporate grift, self-justification, and corruption. The military has become too big, yes, but as Bakkan puts it, it’s failing in every way possible.

In the end, Bakken contends this world reduces “officers who are emotionally immature, needy, and dependent on others to make the most mundane decisions for them.”

Read full review.

Zero Hedge: Larry Romanoff in Global Research on the Geopolitics of Bio-Weapons

03 Environmental Degradation, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Proliferation, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, Idiocy, Military

The Geopolitics Of Biological Weapons, Part 1: A Useful And Timely Factual Overview

Authored by Larry Romanoff via,

The US government and its many agencies and educational and health institutions, have for many decades conducted intensive research into biological warfare, in many cases strongly focused on race-specific pathogens.

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Stephen E. Arnold: “Good Enough” Tech Exploded the Iowa Count, Will Explode the American Economy

Commerce, Corruption, Government, Military
Stephen E. Arnold

Acronym Shadow: Good Enough Presages the Future of US Technical Capabilities

DarkCyber believes that the misstep, if that’s what it was, was a reminder that technical expertise and excellence are not as easy as writing a proposal, pulling some influence strings, or assuming that code actually works in the real world.

Nope, the good enough approach is operating.

But the larger message is that if the US expects to maintain a place among technology leaders, a different mind set is needed.

Continue reading “Stephen E. Arnold: “Good Enough” Tech Exploded the Iowa Count, Will Explode the American Economy”

DefDog: For 3% Of What We Spend on War We Could Create a Prosperous World at Peace…

01 Poverty, 02 Infectious Disease, 03 Environmental Degradation, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, Military, Peace Intelligence

Just 3% of What the US Spends Destroying Countries Could End Starvation—On the Entire Planet

Democrats and Republicans alike remain silent as questioning the military industrial complex is akin to a thought crime. The war machine must go on and continue to expand or else they’ll find themselves out of a job. The majority of Americans follow the same code of silence when it comes to military spending. Boobus Americanus sits back in his recliner as his grandchildren’s future is squandered by mass murderers dropping million dollar bombs on people living in tents on the other side of the planet — for ‘freedom’ — of course.

Continue reading “DefDog: For 3% Of What We Spend on War We Could Create a Prosperous World at Peace…”

Yoda: Corey Goode & Michael Salla Et Al on Galactic Slave Trade & Base on Mars. Full Disclosure, Free Energy Loom?

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Corruption, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Government, Military

Alert Reader recommends 2017 text summary of testimonials and video. We have no direct knowledge but retired NASA PhDs swear this is very real.

Mars Slave Labor Controversy Builds with More Whistleblower Testimony


Continue reading “Yoda: Corey Goode & Michael Salla Et Al on Galactic Slave Trade & Base on Mars. Full Disclosure, Free Energy Loom?”

Pepe Escobar: Russia Won, US Lost, Deal With It

Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Military, Peace Intelligence
Pepe Escobar

You Say You Want a (Russian) Revolution?

His key takeway: “There is no parity between Russia and the United States in such fields as air-defense, hypersonic weapons and, in general, missile development, to name just a few fields – the United States lags behind in these fields, not just in years but in generations [italics mine].”

Continue reading “Pepe Escobar: Russia Won, US Lost, Deal With It”