Seeking Eagle Scout Candidates in Fairfax

03 Environmental Degradation, Civil Society, Earth Intelligence, Ethics
Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

Trailkeepers  is a new program being piloted by a new non-profit ( in Fairfax County. It brings together Scouts, hikers, cyclists, and horseback riders to elevate the stream trails, now a neglected asset, to co-equal status with the more formal trails where taxpayer dollars fund manpower, equipment, and improvement. The core concept is simple: those using the stream trails nominate needed bridges, obstacles, heavy litter (rubber tires, for example); Scouts (and others) do the volunteer work; and the Park Authority, which is in the middle of a Needs Assessment, changes its policies to respect citizen needs while providing the necessary oversight for insurance, legal, and safety in the public interest (under  the old policies, footbridges built by citizens are an encroachment subject to destruction at taxpayer expense).

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Chuck Spinney: The Arrogance of US Ignorance

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Military
Chuck Spinney
Chuck Spinney

The excellent BBC documentary Bitter Lake is on youtube in two parts and can be found at these links:

It is well worth watching … stylistically I found its format somewhat distracting to my tastes and would have liked it more organized chronologically.   But that is a nit pick.  CS

Guardian Review by Emma Graham-Harrison below the line.

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Sepp Hasslberger: Europe Pulling 48 Drugs Over False Clinical Trials

03 Economy, 07 Health, Commerce, Corruption
Sepp Hasslberger
Sepp Hasslberger

Europe Pulling 48 Drugs

Has offshore drug production and testing finally caught up with us? On Jan 23, 2015, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) recommended pulling four dozen generic drugs because they were approved based on flawed clinical studies conducted in India. A French inspection of GVK Biosciences in India revealed that “data manipulations of electrocardiograms during the conduct of some studies of generic medicines,” occurred for 5 years. Learn more.


Chuck Spinney: USAF General James Post Says Telling the Truth to Congress About the A-10 is “Treason” — Really…

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Idiocy, Military, Officers Call
Chuck Spinney
Chuck Spinney

USAF General James Post’s Mexican Hot Platter

There are indications and warnings (I&W) that the U.S. Air Force is headed for the rubber room, at least if the attitude of Major General James Post, the Vice Commander of Air Combat Command is an I&W of the Air Force’s corporate attitude.  As I said in an earlier blaster, the AF hates the A-10 for deep-seated cultural reasons and has been trying to trash it since it was the paper A-X in the 1960s.  But its recent efforts to kill the A-10 to save the troubled F-35 have degenerated into the bizarro world of cognitive dissonance.  For reasons explained below, this development raises medical questions that may open up a new lucrative area for psycho-pathological research. General Post recently told Air Force officers that any A-10 pilot communicating the virtues of the A-10 to a member of Congress is committing “treason,”

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Berto Jongman: 1% Buying Bug-Out Options

Commerce, Cultural Intelligence, Government
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

What Do They Know? Why Are So Many Of The Super Wealthy Preparing Bug Out Locations?

A lot of ultra-rich people are quietly preparing to “bug out” when the time comes

A lot of ultra-rich people are quietly preparing to “bug out” when the time comes.  They are buying survival properties, they are buying farms in far away countries and they are buying deep underground bunkers.  In fact, a prominent insider at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland says that “very powerful people are telling us they’re scared” and he shocked his audience when he revealed that he knows “hedge fund managers all over the world who are buying airstrips and farms in places like New Zealand”.  So what do they know?  Why are so many of the super wealthy suddenly preparing bug out locations?  When the elite of the world start preparing for doomsday, that is a very troubling sign.  And right now the elite appear to be quietly preparing for disaster like never before.

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Yoda: End of Servers III – BitTorrent Maelstrom — Open Power Beginning to Rock!

Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Ethics
Got Crowd? BE the Force!
Got Crowd? BE the Force!

BitTorrent Tests Websites Hosted in the Crowd, Not the Cloud

An experimental browser shows how peer-to-peer technology can serve up entire websites, not just individual files.

An experimental new Web browser makes it possible for sites to be hosted not on a company’s servers but, instead, by a shifting crowd of individuals on their personal computers. That turns the usual approach to serving up websites on its head and could provide a more effective and reliable way to disseminate bulky media files or distribute vital information in the event of natural disaster.

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Michael Flynn: Obama Delusional, CIA Unprofessional [PBI: and USDI a Waste]

Corruption, Government, Ineptitude, Military
Michael Flynn
Michael Flynn

Former Defense Intel Chief Blasts Obama

Lt. General Michael Flynn, former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, blasted the Obama administration’s approach to the War on Terror in a hard-hitting speech to a meeting of intelligence professionals. “The dangers to the U.S. do not arise from the arrogance of American power, but from unpreparedness or an excessive unwillingness to fight when fighting is necessary,” Flynn said, in an unsparing critique first reported by the Daily Beast.

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