2003 Pelton (US) World’s Most Dangerous Places

Communities of Practice, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Historic Contributions, Methods & Process, Peace Intelligence

Robert Young Pelton
Robert Young Pelton


Mr. Robert Young Pelton is perhaps the greatest journalist-adverturer on the planet.  This is a man that gets kidnapped by accident, is recognized by the leader of the kidnappers, and is promptly released with apologies and an honor guard.  His book World’s Most Dangerous Places and his TV series Come Back Alive are among the most extraordinary “ground truth” offerings available to the public and admired by the spies.  In his every waking moment, in his every action, in his every report, he embodies the true spirit of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT).

This extraordinary person may well be the prototype for engaged citizen investigative journalism.  Below is the summary of his presence at OSS '03, and links to his two most important websites.  The photo above links to his Wikipedia page.

Pelton at OSS '03
Pelton at OSS '03
Come Back Alive Web Site including Dangerpedia
Come Back Alive Web Site including Dangerpedia
Amazon Page
Amazon Page

2002 Creveld (IL) Twenty-Four Theses on Intelligence

Analysis, Briefings (Core), Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Historic Contributions, History, Methods & Process, Policy, Strategy
Martin van Creveld
Martin van Creveld

Along with Colin Gray, Steve Metz, and Max Manwaring, Martin van Creveld is among the intellectual giants of our era with respect to strategic reflection, and he stands alone at the intersection of strategy, logistics, technology, command & control, and the art of decision-making under conditions of great uncertainty.

His contribution to OSS '02 was created especially for this multinational group, and we believe it will stand the test of time as a seminal work for those who seek to transform intelligence from a bureaucracy that measures inputs to a cosmic force that determines outcomes favorable to all concerned.

Martin van Creveld
Martin van Creveld

2002 Fyffe (CA) Synopsis of A Canadian Perspective on Global Issues

Analysis, Government, Historic Contributions

Dr. Greg Fyffe, Executive Director, International Assessment Staff, Privy Council Office, is little known to the general public, but most respected by all who appreciation his apolitical balanced approach to the evaluation of conflicting sources and the presentation of actionalbe decision support to the Prime Minister of Canada and selected other Ministers.  Below is his contribution to OSS '02.

Greg Fyffe
Greg Fyffe

2002 Hardee (US) Growing an Open Source Program for the U.S. Special Operations Command and the Global War on Terrorism

Historic Contributions, Military

The US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) has always taken Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) more seriously than the rest of the government, and after General Peter Schoomaker, then Commander-in-Chief, USSOCOM, gave the order in 1997, to establish a separate branch in the Joint Intelligence Center (JIC) and integrate OSINT into all Special Operaitons Forces (SOF) schoolhouses, the program grew fast.  Jim Hardee was the senior civilian in the JIC prior to 9/11, and it fell to him to help a series of officers move forward.

Today SOCOM JIC J-23 answers 40% of all Global War on Terror (GWOT) requirements from all SOF elements worldwide, for under $10 million dollars.  There is not another element of the U.S. Government that is remotely as capable, or as cost efficient.

Below is the earliest briefing available to the public covering White OSINT.

Jim Hardee
Jim Hardee

2002 Klavans (US) Technology Mapping: A Workshop on (Open) Sources & Methods for Identifying Commercial Opportunities in Technology

Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Historic Contributions, Policies, Threats, Topics (All Other)
Maps of Science
Maps of Science

Dick is President and Chief Executive Officer  of Maps of Science, having founded the company in 1991. Between 1991 and 2000, he created maps of science for large pharmaceutical, chemical and physics-based firms. He completely rewrote the computer algorithms in 2000, and continues to modify them in order to generate the most accurate maps possible. Dick, and Chief Technical Officer Kevin Boyack have a strong publication record on mapping science, and are considered world leaders in this area (see bibliography).  We met Dick in the 1990's when we were exploring how best to identify the top 100 experts on anything and everything, and he is still the master, aided by an exclusive total right of access to all citation analysis data owned by and generated by the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI) founded by Eugene Garfield (a small part of our Aspin-Brown Commission testimony in 1995 that persauded them the US Intelligence Community was “severely deficient” in not being able to do what OSS CEO did with six  telephone calls).

Below is Dick's OSS '02 workshop on Technology Mapping, done with Brad Ashton, his co-author in producing what is still the best book on the subject, Keeping Abreast of Science and Technology: Technical Intelligence for Business.

PDF: OSS2002-02-14 Klavans Technology Mapping

2019 Website: https://www.scitech-strategies.com

2002 Manwaring (US) Asymmetry, Conflict, and the Need to Achieve Both Vertical and Horizonal Integration

Historic Contributions, Military, Peace Intelligence, Strategy
Max Manwaring
Max Manwaring

The outline below does not do justice the rich spontaneous presentation that Col Dr. Max Manwaring of the Strategic Studies Institute shared with OSS '02.

Dr. Manwaring may well be America's top authority on both “uncomfortable small wars” and on “gangs against governments.”

He is the originator of the six generations of warfare (the US still fights 4th generation warfare at best) and inspired the definition by Robert Steele of the seventh generation,  Information Peacekeeping at “total war” using information and intelligence as the sole munition.

Click on the photograph to access his rich biography and many publications, most free online.  Click below to read the outline.

Max Manwaring
Max Manwaring