Yoda: Biosecurity Myth Destroying Small Farms World-Wide

01 Agriculture, 03 Economy, 07 Health, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government

The Biosecurity Myth That Is Destroying Small Farming

The biosecurity approach, which standardises and compartmentalises production methods, fails to take account of the risk created by industrial-scale livestock rearing in confined spaces. Large-scale units are presented as the solution to a problem they helped create. While the destruction of nature and wild habitats, often for industrial purposes, has led to the transmission of new viruses, many studies have shown the acceleration of epizootic diseases also owes much to the industrialisation of livestock farming.

Read full article.

Video, Bio, Transcript of Edwin Vieira PhD JD on Election 2020 Fraud and What Giuliani Is NOT Doing (Criminal Conspiracy Instead of Civil Actions)

Civil Society, Corruption, Ethics, Government, Law Enforcement, Media, Military

SHORT URL: https://tinyurl.com/PBI-electoral-crime


Click image to go to video

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Mongoose: FBI HQ and FBI Washington Field Office Controlled by Deep State Creatures

Corruption, Law Enforcement

Wray Shows True Colors By Rewarding FBI Agent Who Pushed “Whitmer Kidnapping Plot” With Plum Promotion

Alert Reader writes in:

The FBI Washington Field Office just got a new boss.  The WFO is the second largest in the bureau after NYC.  The guy selected had been the head of the Detroit, Michigan office.  Dude supervised the 4 agents involved in what I suspect was total bullshit, the MI militia are gonna kidnap Gov. Whitmer, try her, and kill her.  Usual FBI reindeer games.

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Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Security Shortfalls

Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Ineptitude
Stephen E. Arnold

AWS Security Maturity

Struggling with leaky S3 buckets? Discovering phishing campaigns launched from your AWS instance? Wrestling with multiple, often confusing, security options? Answer any of these questions with a “yes”, and you may want to check out this paper, “AWS Security Maturity Roadmap.” After reading the essay, you will probably consider seeking an expert to lend a hand. Hey, why not call the author of the paper? The white paper does a good job of providing a useful checklist so the reader can determine what’s been overlooked.

See Also: Amazon @ Phi Beta Iota

Martin Armstrong: 2022 Mass Casualty Pandemic Planned — Postponing Elections a Last Ditch Effort to Retain Control Until Then

02 Infectious Disease, 05 Civil War, 06 Genocide, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Officers Call

Postponing Elections – The Plot  Thickens

It is highly likely that we are facing a 2022 pandemic that our model is pointing to and this time it will reduce the population as desired by many in this clandestine group. Given that they are already planning to postpone elections, they will need something far more lethal than what they have introduced so far. They need a virus that will kill not just the elderly, but otherwise healthy people in the form of a real plague. Then they can argue that the lockdowns are necessary and justify ending the protests. Will will see escalating violence starting in April/May 2021 and we have a Panic Cycle is the Euro during August 2021 when there should be the German elections.

Read full illustrated post.

Martin Armstrong: Video (6:44) CIA Ability to Hack the Vote (Brennan McInerney Validated by Armstrong)

Corruption, Government

The CIA Ability to Hack the Vote

Includes video (6:44)

I have independent sources that have long confirmed that this is absolutely spot on. This is something neither Russia nor China could do because they lack the infrastructure that the CIA/NSA has established with taps directly into the trunk lines for communications. Moreover, that was also confirmed by the documents released by Snowden.


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