Bin Laden Show 47: Eye, Ear, Nose Forensics

07 Other Atrocities, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency

Osama bin Laden’s Nose and Left Ear

by Joe Quinn May 10, 2011

I’m sure we’re all very tired by now of the Osama bin Laden nonsense, I know I am, and I really wish it would just go away. Sadly, that seems an unlikely prospect in the near future.

I’ve already provided more than enough evidence for all rational people to seriously doubt the authenticity of the “Osama bin Laden is dead” story. I’ve also exposed the many faked images and videos of the alleged terrorist mastermind that were released over the past 10 years. But the US government and CIA aren’t ready to quit just yet. It would appear that they’re determined to push the boundaries of belief and exploit public credulousness to the max (and perhaps beyond).

Full report with numerous photographs and links…

Phi Beta Iota: Over 15 individuals are contributing to the Bin Laden Show series.  This one wishes to remain anonymous but observes that the reported details all defy credibility, and that forensics is a science that is not being applied by the gullible (or co-opted) mainstream media.

Bin Laden Show 46: Blackwater Blown in Abottabad in January 2010

07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency
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Phi Beta Iota: We like the presentation format, and we respect the fact that this was posted in 2010, over a year ago.  This should be an orchestrated “open web” rather than a closed  limited dissemination offering.  It is an accurate representation of something the CIA clandestine culture–and even less so the Blackwater and contractor culture–refuse to acknowledge: indigenous counter-intelligence is inherent, intuitive, and impossible to avoid.  As Reuel Gerecht, a former clandestine case officer now with the Foundation for Defense of Democracies has noted, CIA just does not do operations where diarrhea is the daily norm.  This lends added credence to the likelihood that the Bin Laden Show was a fully joint operation with the Pakistanis, and that Bin Laden was NOT there–with this kind of counterintelligence at his service, it is certain the Pakistanis responsible for protecting him if he were alive would have moved him.

Bin Laden Show 44: French Muslim Account of Fake

07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency, Media, Military

Fake Hollywood-style US killing of long dead Usama bin Laden

Usama bin Laden was not a Muslim leader although, as a Muslim himself, he had his own views about Islam just like Christians George Bush and Tony Blair had their views on Christianity when they ordered the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, spilling Muslim blood.  Bin Laden was a CIA agent financed by them, together with his troops, mainly Muslims drawn from various countries, to fight the Soviet occupiers of Afghanistan.  For the Soviets, Usama bin Laden was a terrorist but for the US and other European countries he was a war-hero who turned against them. His crime was that he wanted the US out of his homeland, Arabia, and wanted Israel punished for her crimes and terrorism against the Palestinians whose country is still under occupation. He described the US as having a government within a government working for the benefit of Israel and not for the Americans.  He also said that 9/11 was the work of Israel.

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Safety Copy Below the Line

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Bin Laden Show 43: Islamist Slam Fake Video

07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency, IO Multinational, IO Sense-Making, Media, Military

Islamist website says US tape on bin Laden fake

Agence France-Presse, Dubai, May 10, 2011

An Islamist website has accused the United States of releasing a fake tape of an ageing Osama bin Laden watching images of himself on television, and posted a video on YouTube it says offers proof. Shoumoukh al-Islam, the main website that broadcasts al Qaeda videos, posted a video comparing an earlier picture of bin Laden and the aired picture.

Bin Laden Show 41: Captured, Lost or at Camp Peary

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, IO Impotency, Offbeat Fun

The plot thickens.

Option A1: He really did survive kidney malfunction and was alive (age 54).  He was captured and his “execution” faked in front of his family after their helicopter ride as prisoners self-destructed, or not faked at all, the family in Pakistani custody is putting out the joint military deception line.  Pakistan gets US out of Afghanistan, US gets to waterboard Bin Laden (which does not work but the macho-morons are in the ascendance again). His burial at sea was faked, he is being interrogated at Camp Peary or another location.

New Information on Medical Condition:

Now evidence from the medicine cabinet in Bin Laden's hideout and quotes from one of his six wives paint a picture of a 54-year-old devotee of natural remedies who was in much better shape than previously thought.   “He was neither weak nor frail,” Sadeh, 29, told Pakistani investigators, according to the Dawn newspaper in Karachi, Pakistan.  NBC News obtained a list of medications found in Bin Laden's compound and none are used to treat long-term chronic illness.  Instead, the Pakistanis found drugs to treat shingles, ulcers, nerve pain, high blood pressure, common children's ailments – and Avena syrup, an extract of wild oats that is marketed as a natural “Viagra.”

A Yemeni who was just 17 when she was wed to a middle-aged Bin Laden, Sadeh said the 9/11 mastermind had recovered fully from two kidney surgeries a decade ago, Dawn reported. But Bin Laden's wife said he needed no dialysis. Instead, she said, he cured himself with his own regimen, which included watermelons.

Phi Beta Iota: A kidney transplant would have been required for the surgery to be successful.  There remain severe inconsistencies in what has been reported from 2001 to date on Bin Laden's actual condition.  The above information may be part of a more sophisticated military deception plan than originally recognized.  If he was actually captured, it would have made sense to play down the “treasure trove,” which is suspect anyway.  We share our confusion anticipating that others will make sense of it all.

Option A2: As above, but after being captured and put on the helicopter alive, he dies or jumps to his death.  Here is one video that is just too good not to watch.

Option B: He really did survive kidney malfunction and was alive and in retirement.  He was supposed to be captured but was accidentally killed in the heat of a night assault (with no return fire).

Option C: Bin Laden is still alive somewhere else.  Here is one video depiction.

Option D: He died in 2001 timeframe as Dr. Dr. Steve Pieczenik asserts.

Bin Laden Show 40: NIGHTWATCH 8 Stories, No Body

07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency

…since 1 May US officials have stated no less than five variations of the story of bin Laden's death. Pakistanis have issued three versons; Saudi news media have issued an entirely separate version of the death and al Qaida's general command has issued still another.

Without the corpse, it is entirely reasonable to believe that bin Laden could be still alive and in US custody. All of the evidence of his death is testimonial, not demonstrative.

Full NIGHTWATCH on Pakistan and Bin Laden Below the Line.

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