Jim Fetzer: Boston, Truth, Justice, & the Shift

09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Media, Officers Call
Jim Fetzer
Jim Fetzer

Welcome to Amerika: No More Truth, Justice or American Way

Jim Fetzer, a former Marine Corps officer, is McKnight Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth.

John W. Whitehead is an attorney and author who has written, debated and practiced widely in the area of constitutional law and human rights.

Of all the tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.”—C.S. Lewis

This is an all-out psy op at this point with bizarre claims of “double agents” and future attacks in the works.  Having been caught with their pants down–where the younger Tsarnaev brother, Dzhokhar, was even photographed while leaving the scene with this backpack intact and spent his week as a normal college student–and  and now they are throwing in everything but the kitchen sink, including fantastic stories of him and his brother, Tameran, as “double agents”, which is nearly as ludicrous as the original story.

Continue reading “Jim Fetzer: Boston, Truth, Justice, & the Shift”

Owl: Best Alternative Analysis of Boston Bombing — and Its Opposite

06 Russia, Corruption, Government, Ineptitude
Who?  Who?
Who? Who?

Libertarian pundit Justin Raimondo has written a splendid analysis of the Boston bomber's overseas and other connections in his column today. The bad news is he makes a convincing case they did indeed have not only Islamic extremist connections but also connections to the Chechen mafia – a very bad mix of especially vile people. Read the entire article, it is well worth the effort, but here's a few select tidbits from it:

“To begin with, the brothers engaged in a firefight with police and held their own, throwing bombs at the police as they attempted to flee. Tamerlan was killed in a fusillade of gunfire, but Dzhokhar managed to get away. At least one of them was very familiar with firearms and knew how to use them. Neither has any known military experience: somebody trained one or both. The question is: who?…There are unconfirmed reports that the explosive devices which caused such mayhem at the marathon were set off by a sophisticated triggering mechanism, which, according to an unnamed law enforcement official, aren’t the kind of thing you can jigger from information garnered from a Google search. The same unconfirmed report says authorities are frantically trying to uncover what they believe is a “12-man sleeper cell,” and although this seems like an extravagant claim – how did they come up with the number 12? – I wouldn’t discount it entirely.”

“Nearly unnoticed in the dramatic denouement of Dzokhar’s capture: the apprehension of three people, including Dzokhar’s alleged girlfriend, in nearby New Bedford. The three were later released, but authorities reappeared at their apartment complex on Saturday and apparently detained two of the same men, who are reportedly from Kazakhstan: a van with consular license plates had earlier turned up in front of the complex, and a young woman was seen entering the van in a hurry. The Tsarnaev brothers weren’t lone nuts: they had help.”

Continue reading “Owl: Best Alternative Analysis of Boston Bombing — and Its Opposite”

Bush the Colossal Wreck: Ozymandius Naked and Bent Over — Papa Bush on JFK, Baby Bush Under Dick Cheney, & Jeb Bush in 2016?

Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Deeds of War
Theophillis Goodyear
Theophillis Goodyear

George W. Bush On Legacy: ‘There's No Need To Defend Myself'

Huffington Post, 22 April 2013


Of course the article suggests that that's essentially the whole purpose of the library: to defend his actions. And another reason is that Jeb might be running for president in 2016 and a lot of PR work needs to be done between now and then. And considering the hubris of the Bushes I think it's a virtual certainty that he'll run. Therefore there's a need to defend Bush's record after all. Even he admits the need to himself, just not to the general public, not to the citizens he betrayed.

So it's not for national security reasons or diplomatic reasons that he resists admitting his mistakes and his deceit. All the fiends and enemies of the U.S. are already well aware of the consequences to the U.S. and to the world of Bush's lies and bungling. He's just hiding behind the excuse of national security and diplomacy like a kid behind his mother's skirt. He's the embodiment of the tale of the emperor who wore no clothes.

Continue reading “Bush the Colossal Wreck: Ozymandius Naked and Bent Over — Papa Bush on JFK, Baby Bush Under Dick Cheney, & Jeb Bush in 2016?”

Theophillis Goodyear: Boston Suspect Has Throat Injury Cannot Speak — Lawyer Provided, Zero Proof?

Ineptitude, Law Enforcement, Media
Theophillis Goodyear
Theophillis Goodyear

That's quite convenient for his prosecutors. Of course that doesn't mean that he can't write. But it means that he'll have difficulty communicating even with his lawyer, if he gets one, because it will all depend on how well he can communicate his thoughts through writing. And it means that there will be a hard copy of everything he says unless it's destroyed.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Remains In Serious Condition, May Have Suffered Throat Injury

Continue reading “Theophillis Goodyear: Boston Suspect Has Throat Injury Cannot Speak — Lawyer Provided, Zero Proof?”

Owl: Re Boston & Social Media The Washington Post is Sooooooo Ignorant and Unprofessional

05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Proliferation, 09 Justice, 09 Terrorism, 11 Society, Corruption, DHS, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Deeds of War, Media
Who?  Who?
Who? Who?

Just finished reading the front page stories in today's Washington Post on Boston bombings. One of the stories mentions the role of crowd sourcing and social media, referring to what they call “vigilante detectives” who propound wildly “irresponsible” theories of what happened. I think it well represents what the Post thinks of web sites such as Phi Beta Iota. Especially interesting is they quote the mother of the Chechen alleged bombers regarding the FBI knowing about them for years. However, they say nothing, zero, zilch, not a word anywhere in the paper about her or father saying the FBI framed them. Very selective quoting.

Also, while the article rants about innumerable vigilante detectives with their cell phone cameras getting in the way of professional investigators, analyzing the photos for clues, they omit any mention whatsoever of vigilante detectives noticing the Craft operatives with their backpacks, and have many pictures to prove it. Whatever one thinks of the significance of those pictures, it is utterly irresponsible journalism to omit any attention to them. Very, very selective reporting, and clearly shows the most powerful propaganda works especially by omissions of facts, of avoiding notice or mention of what is right in front of one's eyes or ears..

Police, citizens and technology factor into Boston bombing probe

But for 102 hours last week, nothing seemed certain in the manhunt that paralyzed a major metropolis, captivated the nation and confronted counterterrorism operatives with the troubling and unforgiving world of social media and vigilante detective work.”

Continue reading “Owl: Re Boston & Social Media The Washington Post is Sooooooo Ignorant and Unprofessional”

Mini-Me: Boston Casualties Vanish Into Thin Air + Boston/Texas Meta-RECAP

Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Law Enforcement, Media, Military
Who?  Mini-Me?
Who? Mini-Me?


Treating the Marathon Casualties: Inside One Boston Emergency Room

Ellen Harrell

TIME, 15 August 2013


Before long, they had set up a makeshift triage center in the lobby of the ER and began to treat the incoming — sewing up victims’ wounds and sending those with more-serious injuries through to be admitted. “We were prepared for waves of victims,” Feins told TIME, still wearing his scrubs outside his apartment near the hospital. “In the end, we worked on six people. Four had small lacerations, and we sewed them up.” Two other patients who had been in close proximity to the explosions complained of abdominal pain — a warning sign to Feins, who had been trained during his residency that explosive shock waves can cause internal trauma even if no shrapnel is present.


(PHOTOS: Marathon Carnage: Explosions in Boston)

Phi Beta Iota:  We count exactly four apparently wounded in these photos.  FOUR.


“In the end, we only saw a few minor injuries,” Feins says, “But I have a feeling that some patients were taken straight from the ambulances to the operating theater. I was told we had four, very busy operating theaters today.”

Read full article.

Continue reading “Mini-Me: Boston Casualties Vanish Into Thin Air + Boston/Texas Meta-RECAP”

Mini-Me: Boston Media Manipulation, Known Veteran Double-Amputee Brought in as Actor — Amputees in Action Business — Clergy Barred from “Injured” UPDATE 1.4

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Law Enforcement, Media
Who?  Mini-Me?
Who? Mini-Me?


Tell others please — Rolling Stone, Mother Jones, The Nation — now is the time for the public to come together.

Update 1.4  There is a very good chance no one was actually injured and this was a “no real blood” false flag.  Tell others.  The second post below is the new master post with links to all other posts.

Mini-Me: Clergy Kept From Injured in Boston — and Now the Injured Have Vanished….

Gordon Duff: Col James Hanke, USA (Ret) on Five False Flags in USA, Dick Cheney Rogue Chain of Command into JSOG, and Bi-Furcated USG (Both Dual Chains of Command & Competing Rogue Elements) + Boston Meta-RECAP + 5 Comments

Update 1.3 to add focus on collapse of corrupt media, bloggers rule plus prediction: USA will lose freedom of speech and freedom of assembly next, town by town.  Oathkeepers and bloggers are all that stand between American the Beautiful and practical tyranny.

Theophillis Goodyear: Time for an Open-Source Truth Blitz on CNN and the Boston Bombing Story — Calling All Bloggers — Kick the Crap Out of CNN, Fox Et Al on Boston NOW — May the Force Be With You!

Owl: Public Awake, Major Media Shredded — the Revolution IS Being Televised!

Pierre Cloutier: From Quebec, A View of the Growing Tyranny in the USA

Update 1.2 to add YouTube of specific media manipulation:

YouTube (4:58)  MSNBC Totally Twists The Mother's Reaction To Sons Link To Boston Bombing

UPDATE 1.1 to show the switch taking place and add trauma EMT comments:

Pictures That Prove Double Amputee Was An Actor at Boston Bombings

Are You Just A Believer Or Do You THINK?


Crisis Actors — Amputees are real, the wounds are not

Amputees in Action – bringing dramatic realism to army exercises

In the compelling video below, direct manipuatlion of NBC footage is shown, and one of the alleged wounded is identified as a known double amputee being used as an actor to fake a new double amputation.

Phi Beta Iota:  It is now known that bomb-sniffing dogs were all over the event and should have, would have, “alerted” on a couple of homemade bombs.  The government stories being replayed by the media are simply not credible.  There has been no grid plot, no showing of where every victim was, nor have the actual victims, their limbs, and the scrap metal produced.  It is now highly likely that this was a staged event in two phases: explosions, prepared staged wounded, perhaps a few innocent by-standers also killed or wounded; and then a second stage, at an Israeli-controlled hospital, of fabricating the alleged treatment of actors as if it were real.  All signs point to this being a totally controlled, totally manufactured event.   The extraordinary number of amputees claimed, in contrast to the very limited number of those killed and wounded (none amputated) by past pressure cooker bombs, appears to result directly from one bright idea (use real amputees to fake new amputees) carried to excess.  The below YouTube has not been validated — it merely provides addition grounds for public concern about the lack of a coherent credible narrative for the Boston event.  As of today we have not found photographs of more than 10 alleged victims, and there are no photographs of victims at the hospital or interviews with victims after the fact.

See Also:

Boston bombing victims meet amputee veterans, prepare for prosthetics [still no photos of alleged victims]

Boston Marathon amputees face challenges relearning how to walk [used exposed veteran actor photo, still no photos of actual victims after the fact]

Mini-Me: Boston Casualties Vanish Into Thin Air + Boston/Texas Meta-RECAP