Zero Hedge: Bowling Alone: How Washington Has Helped Destroy American Civil Society And Family Life

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude

Bowling Alone: How Washington Has Helped Destroy American Civil Society And Family Life


The urtext of this topic is Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community by political scientist Robert D. Putnam. He uses the decline in league bowling as a sort of shorthand for the overall decline in American participation in social life.

See Also:

Memorandum for the First Lady: Subject – A Politics of Love (the book and the author), you, your husband, and America UPDATE 1: Zionists Block Delivery of Mail

Mongoose: Do Congressional Seniors Have Dementia?

07 Health, Government, Ineptitude

Does Congress Have a Dementia Problem?

In early October, we learned that many members of Congress get prescriptions hand-delivered by Grubb’s Pharmacy, the oldest dispensary in town.

A cool perk that nobody else in America has? That’s par for the course in Washington. But there’s more to the story and it should alarm every American. Mike Kim, the owner of Grubb’s, told STAT News that he is routinely filling prescriptions for drugs that treat Alzheimer’s disease. For members of Congress!

Phi Beta Iota: Dementia can be treated with healing electromagnetic waves as well as ketone ether. The question should also be asked, how many of our senior executives and Supreme Court Justices suffer from dementia?

J. C. Cole: Memorandum for the President on Near-Term Potential for Collapse of US Food Supply Chain

01 Agriculture, 03 Economy, 10 Security, 11 Society, Commerce, Earth Intelligence, Government, Ineptitude


20 June 2019

Subject: Near-Term Potential for Collapse of US Food Supply Chain

1. Background. America imports 50% of their food. Of the other 50% we produce ourselves, 80% is grown in the mid-west and 20% of that is grown in California severely regionalizing it. The average unit of food travels 1,500 miles and is delivered by a sophisticated Just in Time (JIT) delivery system. If the JIT system is shut down then food delivery stops and the vast amount of Americans cannot get to it. The average household may have 1 week of food. The average supermarket may have 1 week of food. Therefore if the JIT delivery system collapses the country runs out of many forms of delivered food in only 2 to 3 weeks.

Continue reading “J. C. Cole: Memorandum for the President on Near-Term Potential for Collapse of US Food Supply Chain”

Zero Hedge: Is Real Estate the Sucking Chest Wound in US Economy?

03 Economy, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Government, Ineptitude

America's Demise In One Simple Chart – The Path To A FIRE Economy

Via Global Macro Monitor,

We originally posted this chart in February 2011, which we just updated also breaking out the real estate industry from FIRE (finance, insurance, and real estate).   It is still just as shocking as it was back when we first produced it.

Story and two valuable graphics below the fold.

Continue reading “Zero Hedge: Is Real Estate the Sucking Chest Wound in US Economy?”

Berto Jongman: Harvard on Geopolitics of Information, Robert Steele Comments

Academia, Collective Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Idiocy, Ineptitude
Berto Jongman

Rosenbach, Eric and Katherine Mansted . “The Geopolitics of Information.” Paper, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School, May 28, 2019.

  • Information as a Source of Power
  • The New Great Game
  • Toward a National Information Strategy

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: Harvard on Geopolitics of Information, Robert Steele Comments”

Berto Jongman: FBI Crisis — Playing Catch-Up on Cyber

Government, Ineptitude, Law Enforcement
Berto Jongman

Identity crisis: FBI plays catch-up as cyberthreats escalate

Now “every field office has a cyber squad” modeled after lessons learned fighting terrorism, said Ugoretz, speaking earlier this year at a conference in Sea Island, Ga. Some field offices are being assigned as leads for specific attacks or threat actors, she said. There is also a rapid response team that can be deployed out of headquarters in Washington at a moment’s notice.

Yet even as the FBI’s need for cyber experts is increasing, its ability to retain agents and employees with the needed technical expertise is under threat. According to interviews with over a dozen former FBI cyber employees as well as other national security experts, a cyber “brain drain” is taking place at the bureau that could hamper its ability to stem the constant flow of digital threats,

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: FBI Crisis — Playing Catch-Up on Cyber”

Zero Hedge: NASA Defrauded by Metals Company Blamed for $700 Million in Losses and Two Failed Launches — NASA Does Not Do Quality Control?

Government, Ineptitude

NASA Defrauded By Metals Company Blamed For $700 Million In Losses And Two Failed Launches

An Oregon-based metals manufacturer faked test results and provided faulty materials to NASA, which the agency says caused over $700 million in losses and two failed satellite launches, according to the results of an internal investigation.

Phi Beta Iota: What this really means is that NASA does not give a shit about quality control and has no serious holistic analytics and true cost economics oversight plan.  Welcome to the fraud that is called the US Government.