Stephen E. Arnold: Journal Subscription Doomsday

Collective Intelligence, Commerce, Corruption, Ineptitude, IO Impotency
Stephen E. Arnold

Journal Subscription Doomsday Is Upon Us

China might have the great firewall when it comes to blocking access, but another infamous digital wall is the great academic paywall a.k.a. subscription paywalls that block access to scientific and academic journals. That could all be changing. Researchers everywhere are shocking and gasping at the thought of have free access to expensive research materials. Could this be the sound of celebration? Nature fills us in on the details in the story, “Radical Open-Access Plan Could Spell End To Journal Subscriptions.” Continue reading “Stephen E. Arnold: Journal Subscription Doomsday”

Berto Jongman: RAND Advocates Paradigm Shift in Secrecy — Just 22 Years After Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan Pointed Out the Obvious

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Secrets
Berto Jongman

Deja vu?

Secrecy in U.S. National Security: Why a Paradigm Shift is Needed

RAND, 38 pages, November 2018

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: RAND Advocates Paradigm Shift in Secrecy — Just 22 Years After Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan Pointed Out the Obvious”

Randy Short: Recommended Video Black White & Blue

09 Justice, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Ineptitude, Law Enforcement

Beginning with exclusive Baltimore riot footage, ‘Black White & Blue' tells the story of police brutality, race, and racial politics in America. Incorporating diverse perspectives from an assorted group of: authors, attorneys, historians, socially active pop icons, politicians and clergy, a more complete image of the trials and tribulations of African Americans emerges..


Berto Jongman: Beacon and Warning: Sherman Kent, Scientific Hubris, and the CIA’s Office of National Estimates

Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Impotency
Berto Jongman

Beacon and Warning: Sherman Kent, Scientific Hubris, and the CIA’s Office of National Estimates

J. Peter Scoblic, a doctoral candidate at Harvard Business School, is a fellow in the International Security Program at New America and the author of U.S. vs. Them: Conservatism in the Age of Nuclear Terror.

“From bias to probabilities, Kent anticipated the findings of modern scholars by many decades. However, in his conviction that intelligence analysts would soon be able to forecast geopolitical events with scientific accuracy, Kent overreached. Enthusiasm turned out to be hubris, and the predictive record of the Office of National Estimates was decidedly mixed. In light of this history, today's enthusiasm for the predictive potential of Big Data and artificial intelligence seems overzealous. Kent’s relentless pursuit of the truth makes him a model in today’s political climate, but his failures should serve as a warning to those who believe that technology can eliminate the uncertainty of the future.”

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: Beacon and Warning: Sherman Kent, Scientific Hubris, and the CIA’s Office of National Estimates”

Steven Aftergood: Army Admits Intelligence Sucks

Corruption, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Impotency, Military
Steven Aftergood


U.S. Army operations increasingly depend on intelligence to help confront adversaries who are themselves highly competent, the Army said this week in a newly updated publication on military intelligence.

Future operations “will occur in complex operational environments against capable peer threats, who most likely will start from positions of relative advantage. U.S. forces will require effective intelligence to prevail during these operations.” See Intelligence, Army Doctrine Publication 2-0, September 4, 2018.

The quality of U.S. military intelligence is not something that can be taken for granted, the Army document said.

Continue reading “Steven Aftergood: Army Admits Intelligence Sucks”

Stephen E. Arnold: IBM Blockchain Banking – Amazon Too But Better?

Advanced Cyber/IO, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Government, Ineptitude, IO Impotency
Stephen E. Arnold

IBM Embraces Blockchain for Banking: Is Amazon in the Game Too?

IBM recently announced the creation of LedgerConnect, a Blockchain powered banking service. This is an interesting move for a company that previously seemed to waver on whether it wanted to associate with this technology most famous for its links to cryptocurrency. However, the pairing actually makes sense, as we discovered in a recent IT Pro Portal story, “IBM Reveals Support Blockchain App Store.”

Continue reading “Stephen E. Arnold: IBM Blockchain Banking – Amazon Too But Better?”