Marcus Aurelius: Reserve C-130’s as Poster Child for Strategic Dishonesty

Corruption, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Military
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius

No Clipping These Wings

By David Ignatius, July 5, 2013

For an illustration of why the federal government has become so unmanageable, consider the Air Force's attempt last year to cut its budget by retiring unneeded warplanes. This sensible policy ran into a shredder — largely because of the political clout of the Air National Guard and the Air Force Reserve.

Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

Governors united across party lines to protest the potential loss of their pet C-130s and other planes. Members of Congress lined up behind the potent lobbying pressure of the Guard and the reserves. The result: The Air Force was ordered not to make the cuts it thought were best for the nation’s defense, and it instead had to retain scores of planes it wanted to retire.

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SchwartzReport: Only 47% of US Adults Have Full-Time Job — CAN YOU HEAR US NOW? Robert Steele Comments + REVOLUTION USA RECAP

03 Economy, 06 Family, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude

schwartz reportHere is some good news and some bad news. More jobs were created, but they are generally low level jobs, and 53 per cent of adult Americans still don't have jobs. We cannot have a prosperous democracy when over half the adults don't have secure full-time employment.

Only 47% of Adults Have Full-Time Job
MIKE FLYNN – Breitbart


Of the 144 million Americans employed last month, only 116 million were working full-time. Friday's report showed that 58.7% of the civilian adult population of 245 million was working last month. Only 47% of Americans, however, had a full-time job.

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Rickard Falkvinge: NSA is Stasi Scaled Global + Naked NSA RECAP

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Military

Rickard Falkvinge
Rickard Falkvinge

Stasi vs. The NSA Back To Back: Who’s Worse – A Visual Guide

Privacy:  If you were to compare the evil, reprehensible Stasi to the NSA side by side in a visual comparison, who’s the worse surveillance hawk? The people over at OpenDataCity have put together a nice visual guide with astonishing results. We tend to think of Stasi-scale surveillance as the epitome of evil surveillance, and have completely lost track of what today’s governments are doing to their people.

Read full post with graphics.

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4th Media: Has the USA Foresaken the Rule of Law?

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, Civil Society, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Law Enforcement

4th media croppedThe Breakdown of The Rule of Law: America’s Descent Into Authoritarianism

From early in one’s life, an American is taught the law and American institutions of justice are great equalizers within our society, ensuring that everyone is treated the same, no matter one’s class, race, or ethnicity. Yet, what has been happening quite recently, especially within the past decade or so, is that we have been seeing an increasing breakdown in the rule of law and the use of the justice system to enforce injustices.

President Obama rode in on a high horse in the 2008 presidential elections, specifically on his slogan of hope and change. He rightly criticized the Bush administration on a number of issues, from the economy to the wars abroad, as well as the use of drones.[1]

Yet, Obama subsequently went and not only increased the use of drones, but used them to kill Anwar Al-Awlaki, a member of Al Qaeda who was still legally an American citizen at the time of his death.[2]

However, the story gets even more shocking as not only does such as act create a legal precedent where the President can kill any US citizen that he deems a terrorist[3], but the Obama administration’s attorney general argued that such assassinations of American citizens on US soil “would be legal and justified in an extraordinary circumstance.’”[4]

Full article and all notes with links below the line.

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Rickard Falkvinge: YouTube (29:12) NSA, Public Shaming, & Civil Liberties

Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Military
Rickard Falkvinge
Rickard Falkvinge

As the NSA and other spooks continue to spy on the world's communications, we ask: who watches them? Is it a secret court under a secret law? Is Edward Snowden really a traitor or a champion of government accountability? Are we already living in George Orwell's 1984? To mull over these issues, Oksana is joined by Rick Falkvinge, Swedish Pirate Party founder and internet freedom activist.

SchwartzReport: US Agriculture — Industrialized Food Combined with Gestapo Tactics Against Small Farms & Interstate Transport — Threatens Public Health

01 Agriculture, Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Law Enforcement

schwartz reportThe food trend becomes ever more alarming. For people like Ronlyn and myself, who eat out of our garden, it has little impact, but for millions who don't have that option, the story is becoming ever bleaker. The Obama Administration's active complicity in this trend should be a national scandal.

Industrialized Food for Profit Threatens Our Health
DAVID GUMPERT – truthout

Full story and book cover with Amazon link below the line.

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Mike Lofgren: The Sleep of Reason Breeds Monsters – the Failure of American Public Institutions Enabled by the Collapse of American Public Intelligence

Communities of Practice, Corruption, Idiocy, Ineptitude
Mike Lofgren
Mike Lofgren

The Authoritarian Seduction

“The sleep of reason breeds monsters.”
-Francisco Goya

The Gallup organization has released yet another dog-bites-man opinion poll which found that Americans' confidence in Congress has fallen to a record low of 10 percent. This result is a continuation of a decades-long trend of declining approval ratings for Congress, and is justifiable based on that institution's shabby behavior. Wall Street's seizure of our national legislature in the 1990s and the consolidation of its control during the 2000s was at bottom a conspiracy of both parties to surrender popular self-government to the forces of plutocracy. Congress has reduced itself to diversionary behavior and the news media dutifully play along: abortion bills, Benghazi scandals, and similar emotional fodder crafted to stir up the animal juices get maximum press attention. Meanwhile, a bill that would effectively deregulate American financial institutions' overseas derivatives trades – remember the London Whale? – passed the House of Representatives by a 301-124 margin amid a near-blackout by the media.

While Congress's dismal approval rating was the lede in virtually all reporting on the Gallup poll, there are several other findings in that poll that establish a pattern. Labor unions? They are near the bottom, at 20 percent. The print and televised media? They clock in at 23 percent, deservedly so, for reasons explained in the paragraph above. Public Schools? They do better, but only relatively, at 32 percent.

What do those institutions have in common? They are all bodies necessary for enlightened self-government and the self-improvement of citizens. And they are all perceived to be failing in their roles, such that most poll respondents lack confidence in them. There is a good deal of justification in the public's view, but it cannot be healthy for a democracy if its instrument of representational government, its free press, its common provision of education, and the main organizational means by which working people improve their lives, are all held in such low regard.

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