MIMO: Multiple-In Multiple-Out
Robert Steele: Open Letter to POTUS on Reinventing Intelligence 4 Pages, Book, & 9 Minute Video
Advanced Cyber/IO, Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence, Policies, Strategy, ThreatsSHORT URL:
Via: (1) Mr. Matthew Pottinger, Deputy National Security Advisor, copy w/encl
(2) Mr. Robert O’Brien, National Security Advisor, copy w/encl
(3) Mr. Mick Mulvaney, Chief of Staff, copy w/encl
Dear Mr. President,
Stephen E. Arnold: Informatica Data Catalogue an Amazon Play?
Advanced Cyber/IOInformatica: A Play for Greater Relevance in an Amazon Chess Game?
According to “Informatica Aims to Better Track Data Lineage with AI-Powered Data Catalog,”
its AI-powered data catalog, called Catalog of Catalogs is notable because it is trying to track data lineage across ecosystems. Catalog of Catalogs includes metadata scanners for business intelligence, data warehouses, big data and third party repositories.
The “new” Informatica is represented in this graphic, which has a remarkable resemblance to Amazon Web Services blockchain diagrams:
Zero Hedge: Enemies of the USA Know Who You Are Visiting, Where You Are, 24/7 (Robert Steele Comments)
Advanced Cyber/IO, Commerce, CorruptionStephen E. Arnold: Artificial Intlelligence Fakery and BigTech #GoogleGestapo Architecture of Surveillance
03 Economy, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, IO ImpotencyAn Artificial Intelligence Doubter: Remarkable
The often cynical and always irreverent Piekniewski’s blog has posted another perspective of the AI field in, “AI Update, Late 2019 – Wizards of Oz.” AI and deep learning scholar Filip Piekniewski has made a habit of issuing take-downs of AI propaganda, and this time he takes aim at self-driving cars, OpenAI, Microsoft’s DeepMind, and more. He writes: read more.
Belated Recognition: Barn Burned, Intelligence Costco Operating
Amnesty International has described the “Architecture of Surveillance.” Quick out of the gate? Concerns about privacy and the ways in which large tech companies use and profit off user data have been more and more in the news lately. A recent report by Amnesty International goes so far as to say Facebook and Google, in particular, maintain a “surveillance-based business model.” Common Dreams discusses the report in its article, “Unprecedented ‘Architecture of Surveillance’ Created by Facebook and Google Poses Grave Human Rights Threat: Report.” Writer Andrea Germanos summarizes: read more.
Yoda: ESI Analyst Link Analysis & Timeline Presentation
Advanced Cyber/IOESI Analyst – The Power of Link Analysis and Timeline Presentation
Today’s investigations involve a whole slew of various data types that are highly relevant. In the impeachment trials we hear of emails, text messages, phone calls (including duration), social media and most importantly the timing of all of these elements.
ESI Analyst takes all of these forms of data and allows investigators to search, categorize and display these elements in a way to tell the story. Organize text messages into a thread to see in-line what the conversation was about like you are viewing it on your own phone. Pair geolocation with those text messages to see where the person was around the time of those text messages and layer in other data like financial transactions, social media posts, computer activity (websites visited, data saved to a hard drive etc.) to tell the entire story.
Now you have a timeline with data that is irrefutable to tell the right story as it happened.
Case Studies: Geolocation and text messages create better context
Text, Chat (WhatsApp, Slack, WeChat etc.) and Emails all together tell the real story: “Conversations don’t always live in one application, they can begin in text, move to Slack and end in WhatsApp.”
Robert Steele: NYT Nails Amazon
Advanced Cyber/IO, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, IO ImpotencyHats off to The New York Times for a superb article on Amazon. It barely scratches the surface but it is a very good start. I am the one who inspired Amazon in 2007 with my briefing, “Amazon as the Hub of the World Brain,” but they went down the rabbit hole which was not my intention, I had hoped they would become a source of power for the public rather than an extension of the police state. Amazon is gobbling up — some would say very unethically — both normal online businesses (e.g. Netflix) and open source offerings (e.g. Elastic) while doing mass and a la carte surveillance (e.g delivery drones with cameras on call for law enforcement missions) beyond the pale.
Prime Leverage: How Amazon Wields Power in the Technology World