John Pilger: From Pol Pot to ISIS

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, IO Deeds of War, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence
John Pilger
John Pilger

From Pol Pot to ISIS

“Anything That Flies on Everything That Moves”

John Pilger

CounterPunch, 8 October 2014

In transmitting President Richard Nixon’s orders for a “massive” bombing of Cambodia in 1969, Henry Kissinger said, “Anything that flies on everything that moves”.  As Barack Obama ignites his seventh war against the Muslim world since he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, the orchestrated hysteria and lies make one almost nostalgic for Kissinger’s murderous honesty.

As a witness to the human consequences of aerial savagery – including the beheading of victims, their parts festooning trees and fields – I am not surprised by the disregard of memory and history, yet again.  A telling example is the rise to power of Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge, who had much in common with today’s Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). They, too, were ruthless medievalists who began as a small sect. They, too, were the product of an American-made apocalypse, this time in Asia.

According to Pol Pot, his movement had consisted of “fewer than 5,000 poorly armed guerrillas uncertain about their strategy, tactics, loyalty and leaders”. Once Nixon’s and Kissinger’s B52 bombers had gone to work as part of “Operation Menu”, the west’s ultimate demon could not believe his luck.

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Robert Steele: Ebola, ISIS, & Dysfunctional Government

Commerce, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement
Robert Steele
Robert Steele

We have a perfect storm in the making. Among the ingredients:

01 Ebola for real — contagious, airborne, mutating.

02 Ebola from Fort Detrick — weaponized, perhaps planted in Africa and Venezuela.

03 Health “professionals” committing treason (CDC) and generally betraying the public trust (Spain, everywhere else).

04 Neo-cons, Zionists, Saudi Wahabbists, and  Turks intent on luring the USA into another ground war in the Middle East for varied reasons including profiteering, electioneering, as a distraction for internal disidents and as a cover for eradicating the Kurds (which is not possible).

05 Republicans that see the dysfunctionality of the Obama Administration on Ebola and ISIS as the perfect foundation for taking over the Senate in November.

06 Rogue elements of the US Government all too happy to use Ebola to dry run new martial law procedures.

07 Local law enforcement personnel fearful of Ebola on the one hand — to the point of refusing to contain — and being directed in an over-zealous manner using Ebola as a cover for achieving other disruptive ends.

Continue reading “Robert Steele: Ebola, ISIS, & Dysfunctional Government”

Berto Jongman: Saudi/ISIS Psychological Operations Script Working Perfectly

IO Deeds of War
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Isis is turning us all into its recruiting sergeants

As propaganda spreads terror and revulsion, calls for action grow louder – it’s the next page in the script

Owen Jones

The Guardian, 5 October 2014


The fact is, we are playing the part Isis has written for us in an even more profound way. “We must do something” has too often proved to be the cry of a man pouring a can of petrol over a burning home. Isis knows that, which is why it is doing everything it can to incite western intervention. “Is this all you are capable of doing in this campaign of yours?” mocks the spokesperson Abu Muhammad al-Adnani. “Are America and all its allies unable to come down to the ground?”

A British jihadi has called for the UK to “send all your forces” so Isis can “send them all back in coffins”. In the upsetting propaganda videos he has made under duress, the British hostage John Cantlie says Isis cannot be defeated by air power, but only with ground forces. As General Jonathan Shaw – the former assistant chief of the defence staff – says: “What possible advantage is there to Isil [Isis] of bringing us into the campaign? Answer: to unite the Muslim world against the Christian world. We played into their hands. We’ve done what they wanted us to do.”

Read full article.

Robert Steele: Ebola Today – Alex Jones Today UPDATE: Vaccines, Earth Healing

02 Infectious Disease, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, Corruption, DHS, Director of National Intelligence et al (IC), Government, Ineptitude, IO Deeds of War, Officers Call
Robert Steele
Robert Steele

UPDATE 7 OCT 14 to add vaccines and vitamin c, infection and mutation rate, additional references from Berto Jongman, Marcus Aurelius, and Owl.

From where I sit, there are four threads to be explored in relation to Ebola; I will be discussing these with Alex Jones at 1 pm EST tomorrow.

01 CDC incompetence and outright treason — malicious deception and misinformation

02 Saudi importation of Ebola via diplomatic pouch and the infection of 20 Saudi students hidden among the 100,000 or so that are already in the US, entrenched, and invisible to US counterintelligence and what passes for homeland security

03 False flag treason by rogue elements of the US Government perhaps funded covertly by rogue private sector elements, NOT approved by the White House or the Cabinet level — possibly the same people that could have unleashed Ebola in Africa as a test of the new weaponized variations for which vaccines exist in short supply for the favored few. The Nazi hydra could be buried in here someplace.

Continue reading “Robert Steele: Ebola Today – Alex Jones Today UPDATE: Vaccines, Earth Healing”

Worth a Look: American Deception

07 Other Atrocities, IO Deeds of War, Worth A Look

logo american deceptionWelcome to American Deception. This website is committed to exposing the deceptively hidden truths that have brought America, and the world as a whole, to the present situation, where individual freedom is becoming a thing of the past. Little of what has occurred throughout history has been by mistake, yet there is a wide belief amongst the majority of people that “bad things just happen for no reason at all”. Seen as more of a faulty and clumsy political dance, it is easier for many people to believe that most unfortunate happenings are a result of misjudgments or error.

As our visitors will quickly notice, the informational content has rarely if ever been covered by the Major Media. This is of no surprise since the triangle is as one. It is hardly a complicated reality that the corporations own the government as well as the media. Therefore one should not be surprised that what is called news in this country is more omission than commission, and therefore does not reflect accurately what is happening here in the U.S. or elsewhere in the world. When the truth has been burned or hidden, one immediately suspects connivance amongst those in charge, or to use a “dirty” word: “conspiracy”. We have been conditioned to believe that those who attribute certain actions to conspiracy should not be taken seriously with regard to the particular issue at hand, or more importantly, any issue they may discuss in the future. The media has been highly successful in limiting discussion of important issues simply by rejecting out of hand any mention of the role of conspiracy or planning in the economic, social, and political transformation of the globe as a whole.

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Berto Jongman: Secret Deal – Saudis Manipulate USA As Iran Manipulated USA, This Time Assad & Syria Are To Go Down…

02 Diplomacy, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

A Look Inside The Secret Deal With Saudi Arabia That Unleashed The Syrian Bombing

For those to whom the recent US campaign against Syria seems a deja vu of last summer’s “near-war” attempt to ouster its president Bashar al-Assad, which was stopped in the last minute due to some very forceful Russian intervention and the near breakout of war in the Mediterranean between US and Russian navies, it is because they are. And as a reminder, just like last year, the biggest wildcard in this, and that, direct intervention into sovereign Syrian territory, or as some would call it invasion or even war, was not the US but Saudi Arabia – recall from August of 2013 – “Meet Saudi Arabia’s Bandar bin Sultan: The Puppetmaster Behind The Syrian War.” Bin Sultan was officially let go shortly after the 2013 campaign to replace Syria’s leadership with a more “amenable” regime failed if not unofficially (see below), but Saudi ambitions over Syria remained.

That much is revealed by the WSJ today in a piece exposing the backdoor dealings that the US conducted with Saudi Arabia to get the “green light” to launch its airstrikes against ISIS, or rather, parts of Iraq and Syria. And, not surprising, it is once again Assad whose fate was the bargaining chip to get the Saudis on the US’ side, because in order to launch the incursion into Syrian sovereign territory “took months of behind-the-scenes work by the U.S. and Arab leaders, who agreed on the need to cooperate against Islamic State, but not how or when. The process gave the Saudis leverage to extract a fresh U.S. commitment to beef up training for rebels fighting Mr. Assad, whose demise the Saudis still see as a top priority.”

In other words, John Kerry came, saw and promised everything he could, up to and including the missing piece of the puzzle – Syria itself on a silver platter – in order to prevent another diplomatic humiliation.

Read full article.

Robert Young Pelton: Foreign Policy Gets It Wrong on Afghanistan — PBI: Funded Disinformation?

Corruption, IO Deeds of War, Media
Robert Young Pelton
Robert Young Pelton

There is a need to establish a truthful narrative, background and facts. Below is antithetical to all that.

Fraud and Folly in Afghanistan

The  runoff round of the Afghan presidential election on June 14 was massively rigged, and the ensuing election audit was “unsatisfactory,” a result of Afghan government-orchestrated fraud on a scale exceeding two million fake votes, completely subverting the will of the Afghan people. That is the watered-down conclusion of the press release of the European Union's yet-to-be-released report detailing its thorough and non-partisan investigation of the entire Afghan election. The report was completed last week, according to sources in Kabul who have seen it, but political pressure has so far resulted in heavy redaction and kept it from public release.

The key point is this: Ashraf Ghani did not win the election. The U.S. Center for Naval Analysis (CNA) concluded in July that it was mathematically impossible for Ghani to win, given Afghan demographics and the initial 46 percent to 32 percent first-round vote spread, according to sources familiar with the analysis. According to sources who reviewed the private report, the top experts in statistical analysis in the United States used every known computer model of election balloting and concluded that a Ghani victory was scientifically impossible. In simple terms, there is no mathematical doubt that Abdullah Abdullah won.

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