Berto Jongman: NSA Tampering With US-Made Routers

IO Deeds of War, IO Secrets
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Glenn Greenwald: how the NSA tampers with US-made internet routers

The NSA has been covertly implanting interception tools in US servers heading overseas – even though the US government has warned against using Chinese technology for the same reasons, says Glenn Greenwald, in an extract from his new book about the Snowden affair, No Place to Hide

See Also:

NSA Bugged Foreign-Bound Networking Equipment

Owl: Nuke May Have Been Unleashed in Iran – Did an Error Survive in CIA’s Plans for the Bomb as Given to the Iranians?

05 Iran, 08 Proliferation, Government, IO Deeds of War
Who?  Who?
Who? Who?

Nuke May Have Been Unleashed in Iran

“Iranian Fars News Service reported a massive explosion in Qazvin, Iran today. The origins may have been nuclear.
Arutz Sheva reported:

An immense explosion has been heard throughout the northern Iranian city of Qazvin, semi-official Fars news agency reported, and many casualties are expected from the blast.

Around 1.1 million people live in the city, which is located about 100 miles north of Tehran.

The blast may be related to nuclear development in Iran, according to the Los Angeles Times. Iranian officials in the past have strongly denied claims by Mujahedin Khalq Organization, or MKO, a cult-like Iranian exile group, that it has a secret nuclear enrichment facility in Abyek, near the major city, according to the daily.

The source of the blast remains undetermined. Several mystery explosions have been reported in the past several years in the region, none of which were ever verified.”


Massive Explosion in Qazvin, Iran – May Have Nuclear Origins …Update: Roads Blocked Off for 2kmMassive Explosion in Qazvin, Iran – May Have Nuclear Origins …Update: Roads Blocked Off for 2km

Phi Beta Iota: It has been known since 2005 that CIA gave the Iranians the complete plans for making a nuclear bomb, with many errors called “rudimentary” at the time, easily discovered and fixed by Russians working for Iran. Perhaps one of the errors was not so rudimentary after all.

See Also:

Iran CIA nuclear plans Merlin @ Google

Jim Dean: US Has Lost Propaganda War Against Iran

IO Deeds of War
Jim W. Dean
Jim W. Dean

[ Editor's Note:  … dedicated to Lindsey Graham and the 6-month Anniversary of his prediction. Why would anyone make a dire prediction like that unless he was following a written script?

The dividing lines between corporate and alternative media are widening as the former is losing its grip on the only mouth piece that most people get their information from.

While alternative media openly filets the manipulation partnership they have with ruling elites to keep their “pretend-a-democracy” going, corporate media's only response, so far, has been the ‘conspiracy theorist' smear.

Lindsey Graham's Very Wrong PredictionDr. Ismail Salami is an internationally-published author, university professor, Shakespearean scholar, Quranologist, political commentator and lexicographer. He writes extensively on US and Middle East issues and his writings have been translated into more than thirty languages. Salami holds a PhD in Shakespearean studies.

Alternative media has a firmly established beachhead on the corporate media continent. We have air cover, and secure supply lines. The final outcome is written, and is only a matter of time… Jim W. Dean ]

First published on December 12, 2013, on Press TV

Ismail Salami
Ismail Salami

The world’s public opinion is coming to realize that the Western narrative that Iran is seeking to build nuclear weapons is but a “thumping big lie,” says a prominent analyst.

“…Global awakening is on the horizon. Manipulation of public opinion has run its course. Distorting the realities on the ground is a threadbare ploy,” Iranian author and academic Dr. Ismail Salami wrote in a column on Press TV on Wednesday.

“It is now generally acknowledged that the West’s narrative on Iran’s intention to produce nuclear weapons is but a thumping big lie and a fairy tale forcefully woven into the warps and wefts of public opinion,” Dr. Salami wrote.

Continue reading “Jim Dean: US Has Lost Propaganda War Against Iran”

Mini-Me: US Army DCGS-A Failures — and Palantir Keeps Trying to Over-Sell Its Shallow Pit

Commerce, Corruption, Government, Ineptitude, IO Deeds of War, IO Impotency, Military
Who?  Mini-Me?
Who? Mini-Me?


Internal Army Report’s Damning Conclusion on a System Meant to Protect Our Troops

Editor’s Note: This is the third part in an investigative series by TheBlaze into how top Army officials failed to provide necessary technology to troops on the battlefield, choosing to promote their own flawed software instead. Read part one and part two here. 

In January, members of the 82nd Airborne Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team trained to track enemy combatants and bombs were inputing data into a $4 billion software system developed by the Army.

ADVANCE EXTRACT: A total of 60 companies were involved in the Army’s DCGS-A program. The four largest were defense weapons developers, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamic, Raytheon and Lockheed Martin. “They have no play in the global commercial IT market, no standing at all,” said an IT specialist who works with both the government and private sector and is familiar with Defense programs. The specialist spoke on condition of anonymity out of fear of retribution. “The cost to the taxpayer is extraordinary for products that already exist.”

The software was intended to give military analysts the life-saving tools they needed to be one step ahead of the enemy.

Instead, it shut down, losing all of the valuable data the unit members had uploaded, according to an after-action report obtained exclusively by TheBlaze.

Continue reading “Mini-Me: US Army DCGS-A Failures — and Palantir Keeps Trying to Over-Sell Its Shallow Pit”

Johnny Punish: Israel is an Apartheid State — And Has the Power to Smash the US Secretary of State for Speaking Truth

08 Wild Cards, Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Idiocy, IO Deeds of War, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence
Johnny Punish
Johnny Punish

INVESTIGATION: Who Politically Punched John Kerry in the Jimmy Carter Face?

Join Author Johnny Punish on an Irreverent Adventure as He Searches for the Perp-Pe-Traitor of the Political Rear Naked Choke Hold on Secretary of State John Kerry’s Campaign for World Peace

by Johnny Punish

This week we bore witness to another smack down of a major U.S. leader by the global force that is “it”

This time, like so many before him, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry was the target du jour; publicly tarred and feathered by this ominous dark sided menace.

At a closed meeting of the Trilateral Commission, the group that secretly runs the shadow government, Kerry said Israel could become an “apartheid” nation if it does not reach a peace deal to create a separate Palestinian state. And just before his warm viperian breath vapor ran cold, “it” had their attack squads scrambled into action like U.S. Taxpayer funded F-15s paid for as part of the billions upon billions of misappropriated monies and strong arm defense contracts that continue to fund the ethnic cleansing of an indigenous people in favor of whatever “it” wants.

Read full article.

Continue reading “Johnny Punish: Israel is an Apartheid State — And Has the Power to Smash the US Secretary of State for Speaking Truth”

Berto Jongman: North Korea Flooding US Markets with Pure Crystal Meth

04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Government, IO Deeds of War, Officers Call
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

The ultimate asymmetric threat — and one that can be repurposed by others.

Brea-KIM bad! 99% pure crystal meth made in North Korea floods U.S. drug markets

  • U.S. police intercepted batch of highly addictive drug bound for New York
  • Tests revealed the ice-like crystals were 99 per cent pure
  • Communist state is said to be in the grip of a crystal meth epidemic
  • In some parts up to 50 per cent of the population are addicted
  • Parents said to offer the drug to their children ‘to help them concentrate'

Read full story.

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: North Korea Flooding US Markets with Pure Crystal Meth”

Jim Dean: Alexander Orlov on USA Implosion in Middle East — “Going, Going, Gone…”

05 Iran, 06 Russia, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, IO Deeds of War, Peace Intelligence
Jim W. Dean
Jim W. Dean

NEO – USA in Mid East – Going, Going, Gone

[Veteran's Today Editor's note:  Alexander brings us more analysis from the Russian perspective at this critical time. The US seems to be rolling the dice in a desperate game to create instability on Russia's border, establish an offensive base in the Ukraine, threaten Russia gas markets in Europe, and give Putin some payback for his solid support of Syria.

The famous quote of Carl von Clausewitz comes to mind, “War is the continuation of politics by other means.”

But I think 21st century America will be remembered for raising sanctions up to the level of conducting war and occupying a targeted country at the same time, while using the least amount of military power.

General Smedley Butler, USMC
General Smedley Butler, USMC

America seems hell bent on conducting economic warfare across the globe, where our military has been relegated to the thug status that Marine General Smedley Butler described in his famous expose, War is a Racket. The modern Madison Avenue PR people had their fun trying to disguise the dirty deeds, with feints like calling them “color revolutions” versus the assaults that they really are.

But the bloom is off the rose now. We see the ugliness of it all for what it really is… just plain ugly. We also see that it is not being done for our benefit in any way. On the contrary, it never was.

We have been plantation assets to be used however the elites have wanted. And this endless game of serfdom will never end until we refuse to play the game… Jim W. Dean ]

US is losing its positions in the Middle East due to the Ukrainian Crisis

… by  Alexander Orlov,    … with  New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

By taking an extremely hostile position against Russia in the Ukrainian crisis, Washington has managed to hasten the reorientation of Moscow towards the East, especially the Mid East.

Iran is among the states that can expect the future development of bilateral relations with Russia, since it is one of the most influential countries in the region.

Complete article below the fold.

Continue reading “Jim Dean: Alexander Orlov on USA Implosion in Middle East — “Going, Going, Gone…””