Chuck Spinney: Should We Fear Nuclear Iran or Nuclear Israel?

05 Iran, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Military, Peace Intelligence
Chuck Spinney

Fact #1: Only one country in the Middle East has nuclear weapons – Israel.  The quantity is unknown, with estimates of the Israeli arsenal range between 60 and 400 bombs, the upper range of 200-400 being the most often cited.  Fact #2: Only one country in the Middle East has refused to the sign the Non Proliferation Treaty – Israel.  These two facts are not in dispute.

While most observers (except for the leadership of Israel and its agents of influence in the west, especially the US) believe making the Middle East a nuclear free zone would be a positive step toward peace, no one is pressuring Israel to give up its weapons.  The goal of a nuclear free zone may be great for raising grant money, but without a commitment to pressure Israel into giving up its weapons, it will remain a pipe dream.
On the other hand, Israel and the US claim the unilateral right to insure that all of the Middle East other than Israel remains a nuclear free zone, by preemptive military action, if either country deems it to be necessary.   To this end Israel, attacked the Osirak reactor without warning in Iraq (1981) and an alleged Syrian nuclear site without warning in 2007.  Ironically, at the time of the Osirak attack, the Iraqi program was moribund and going nowhere, but the attack spurred Saddam into developing a more vigorous covert program. [Pillar]  The real purpose of the alleged “nuclear” site in Syria remains in dispute, with some arguing that recent evidence proves it was a textile factory.  Ironically, the Osirak attack set in course a chain of events that eventually combined to lead to the US attacking and destroying Iraq in 2003, justified primarily by false claims that Saddam Hussein was close to fielding nuclear weapons.
Now Iran is in the crosshairs for the same reason, although Iran is complying with IAEA nuclear safeguards and inspection requirements.  Given the sorry history of “nuclear preemption,” perhaps it is time to ask the unmentionable question: So what?  What is the debate really about?  The attached essay by William Pfaff takes a stab at this question.  One interesting point, an Israeli general indirectly confirmed Pfaff's hypothesis about Israel's real reason for going beserk over the possibility of Iran getting a nuclear weapon — you can find it here, but read Pfaff's op-ed first.

By William Pfaff,

Tribune Media Services, 01/24/2012

PARIS — The obsession of the American foreign policy community, as well as most American (and a good many international) politicians, by the myth of Iran's “existential” threat to Israel, brings the world steadily closer to another war in the Middle East.

Read full article.

Robert Steele: Slate and New America Foundation a Propaganda Front – Taking Money Under the Table?

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, IO Deeds of War, Media, Non-Governmental
Robert David STEELE Vivas

Warning: This Site Contains Conspiracy Theories

Does Google have a responsibility to help stop the spread of 9/11 denialism, anti-vaccine activism, and other fringe beliefs? 

By |Posted Monday, Jan. 23, 2012, at 7:43 AM ET

In its early days, the Web was often imagined as a global clearinghouse—a new type of library, with the sum total of human knowledge always at our fingertips. That much has happened—but with a twist: In addition to borrowing existing items from its vast collections, we, the patrons, could also deposit our own books, pamphlets and other scribbles—with no or little quality control.

Such democratization of information-gathering—when accompanied by smart institutional and technological arrangements—has been tremendously useful, giving us Wikipedia and Twitter. But it has also spawned thousands of sites that undermine scientific consensus, overturn well-established facts, and promote conspiracy theories. Meanwhile, the move toward social search may further insulate regular visitors to such sites; discovering even more links found by their equally paranoid friends will hardly enlighten them. Is it time for some kind of a quality control system?

Read full article.

Robert Steele:  I am disengaged from Phi Beta Iota most of the time, but this piece was brought to my attention with the observation that it combines a claim to legitimacy involving Stanford University and Foreign Policy (no longer a serious rag, now a sub-set of secrecy & rendition apologist The Washington Post), and that it appears to be an early shot in a new national security propaganda theme aimed as neutralizing the use of the Internet for self-education.  When Obama said in the State of the Union that it is known kids do better when they are forced to stay in school until graduation, I was sharply critical–the reality is that the best and the brightest leave school as soon as they can pass the GED, realizing that rote learning of old knowledge from poorly-paid burn-outs is not the way to “jack in.”  What we have here is a very troubling indicator that the New America Foundation (wittingly) and Slate (perhaps unwittingly) are now part of the domestic propaganda arm of the military-industrial complex.  The idiocy and illegitimacy of this piece should not have to be pointed out, but since Slate, which I thought had educated leadership, evidently saw nothing wrong with this piece, I will just point them to several books that will explain to them why collective intelligence, open source everything, and the three values of clarity, diversity, and integrity, are all essential to resilience and sustainability.  Transparency, truth, and trust are the heart of the matter.  This article is a disgrace to Slate and to Stanford, and confirms my growing disdain for the New America Foundation and Foreign Policy.

Robert David Steele, The Open Source Everything Manifesto: Transparency, Truth, & Trust (Evolver Editions, 2012)

David Weinberger, Too Big to Know: Rethinking Knowledge Now That the Facts Aren't the Facts, Experts Are Everywhere, and the Smartest Person in the Room Is the Room (Basic, 2012)

Robert David Steele, Intelligence for Earth: Clarity, Diversity, Integrity, & Sustainability (Earth Intelligence Network, 2010)

Mark Tovey (ed.), Collective Intelligence: Creating a Prosperous World at Peace (Earth Intelligence Network, 2008)

David Weinberger, Everything is Miscellaneous: The Power of the New Digital Disorder (Holt, 2008)

and then of course there are all the other books that in the aggregate would suggest to any intelligent reader that Slate has just published the biggest piece of crap in the recent history of digital journalism.

Worth a Look: Book Review Lists (Positive)

Worth a Look: Book Review Lists (Negative)

2012-01-28  Berto Jongmanprovides link to:

Dead and Alive: Beliefs in Contradictory Conspiracy Theories

Phi Beta Iota:  The puported article is totally inept, using students and a very narrow range of information provided to the students to attempt to replicate a much more nuanced and comprehensive range of networks with access to vaster information resources.  The article also does not provide for new sources coming into the public domain, with the inevitable result that the truth ultimately comes out, for example, on the JFK and MLK assassinations, the USS Liberty, and increasingly, 9/11 as a mix of let it happen, make it happen, and cover it up.

Lead Author Responds:

Thanks for your interest in the SPPS article. In response to your queries in the linked blog post, we didn't seek to inform people about particular theories in any great detail, to provide a model of the broader communities which advocates conspiracy as an explanation for world events, or to model opinion change as new information is presented. While those are interesting topics and we certainly hope to examine them in some detail in the future, they are beyond the scope of this rather small study, in which we attempted to extend previous work on correlations in beliefs between different conspiracy theories and examine the source of that correlation through multiple regression analysis of some novel data. As such we pass no judgement on the truth or falsity of any of the theories discussed; while the media may attempt to spin the study as “those crazy conspiracy theorists!”, be assured that this wasn't our intention, and in the paper itself we make the point that apparent contradictory belief is probably present in many different contexts, populations, and ideologies, rather than unique to people who hold particular opinions about geopolitics.


Michael Wood

Ph.D. Candidate & Associate Lecturer, School of Psychology
Keynes College, University of Kent

Chuck Spinney: Israel, Not Iran, is Central Threat in Middle East

05 Iran, 08 Wild Cards, IO Deeds of War
Chuck Spinney

Robert Fisk: We've been here before – and it suits Israel that we never forget ‘Nuclear Iran'

The Ayatollah ordered the entire nuclear project to be closed down because it was the work of the devil

Robert Fisk, Independent

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Turning round a story is one of the most difficult tasks in journalism – and rarely more so than in the case of Iran. Iran, the dark revolutionary Islamist menace. Shia Iran, protector and manipulator of World Terror, of Syria and Lebanon and Hamas and Hezbollah. Ahmadinejad, the Mad Caliph. And, of course, Nuclear Iran, preparing to destroy Israel in a mushroom cloud of anti-Semitic hatred, ready to close the Strait of Hormuz – the moment the West's (or Israel's) forces attack.

Read full article.

Iran Boogie, Jew on Jew, Jew on Gentile, Hype on Hype . . . .

05 Iran, 06 Russia, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Media

Killing Obama – Andrew Adler in an Emotional Video Apology

Update: Atlanta Jewish Times Editor Andrew Adler – a Victim of Israeli Iran Threat Hype – Classic Game Theory Warfare on Steroids

Jim W. Dean

Veterans Today, 24 January 2012

Atlanta Interfaith Broadcasters got an exclusive interview with  Andrew Adler, below.  They are a long time non profit broadcast booster to the Atlanta faith community, providing a pooled resource platform. VT is happy to offer you a front row seat to hear his story.

What you are about to view is a classic broken man…with no acting going on.  Those of us who have seen this numerous times, you can always tell. So I think now that we have a true blue believer here that got wound up a little too tight. More on that later.

Please pay close attention to the part where he let says that in an interview show he had with the Deputy Israeli General Consul for the Southeast, that he was upset by her description of the dire threat that Israel was living under…the 15,000 rockets.

This is pure Israeli-Iran threat hype, of course.  It should be prosecutable under the Nuremberg precedents, ‘waging an offensive war’, and all of us here look forward to the day where we can watch the trials online.

We have written many times that Iran is of no offensive threat to the U.S. or Israel, with their military totally deployed in a defensive mode which it has to be from the threat of Israel’s Weapons of Mass Destruction umbrella.

Read full article with many links.

Phi Beta Iota:  Fascinating at multiple levels, including the exploration of current best-selling book in Israel, Israeli political crime families, and more.

Penguin: US Empire Declares War on White Guys

03 Economy, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Analysis, Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Media, Military, Officers Call
Who, Me?

Read this at least three times.  This is a talking points memorandum for the Empire cabal, which is now ready to take on the white guys (including the white guys with guns).  They believe blacks and hispanics are cowed, “weed and seed” has been a success story (in their view).  This is a subtle hit job that sets the stage for treating white guys as failures who lost their cultural compass and must now be treated with the same federalization of state and local force and ultimate incarceration that has been used so extensively on blacks.

The Rodney King riots were the beginning of the breakdown of US Government legitimacy in the eyes of its own public.  The economy is being juiced and the Republicans are playing along with the fiction that the economy is getting better.  It is not.  Unemployment is at 22.4% and 2013 is going to be catastrophic.  Now imagine the Rodney King riots, this time with while guys who are armed to the teeth and very very pissed off, with nothing to lose and everything to gain from a populist revolution.

The New American Divide

The ideal of an ‘American way of life' is fading as the working class falls further away from institutions like marriage and religion and the upper class becomes more isolated. Charles Murray on what's cleaving America, and why.

Charles Murray

Wall Street Journal, 21 January 2012


Over the past 50 years, that common civic culture has unraveled. We have developed a new upper class with advanced educations, often obtained at elite schools, sharing tastes and preferences that set them apart from mainstream America. At the same time, we have developed a new lower class, characterized not by poverty but by withdrawal from America's core cultural institutions.

. . . . . . .

As I've argued in much of my previous work, I think that the reforms of the 1960s jump-started the deterioration. Changes in social policy during the 1960s made it economically more feasible to have a child without having a husband if you were a woman or to get along without a job if you were a man; safer to commit crimes without suffering consequences; and easier to let the government deal with problems in your community that you and your neighbors formerly had to take care of.

. . . . . . .

Meanwhile, the formation of the new upper class has been driven by forces that are nobody's fault and resist manipulation. The economic value of brains in the marketplace will continue to increase no matter what, and the most successful of each generation will tend to marry each other no matter what. As a result, the most successful Americans will continue to trend toward consolidation and isolation as a class. Changes in marginal tax rates on the wealthy won't make a difference. Increasing scholarships for working-class children won't make a difference.

Read full article.

Mr. Murray is the W.H. Brady Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. His new book, “Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960–2010” (Crown Forum) will be published on Jan. 31.

Phi Beta Iota:  The eight stages of genocide established by Dr. Greg Stanton are as follows:  1) Classification (us versus them); 2) Symbolization (codewords–e.g bums); 3) Dehumanization (equated with animals, eugenics applies); 4) Organization (federalization of state and local police, opening of the Halliburton-build civil disturbance camps now ready for use); 5) Polarization (attack all independent and centrist movements and leaders); 6) Preparation (use NDAA to incarcerate without due process those who object to the nazification of the USA); 7) Extermination (through a mix of precision kills and “accidental” epidemics, gut the white middle class now diving into poverty); 8) Denial (already taking place at Davos 2012 – capitalism failed, not the elite).

Gordon Duff: Obama Assassination Legal Under Torah / Israeli Law? False Flag Nuclear Hit on Chicago? Bio-War on Poor? + Israel Atrocity and False Flag RECAP

05 Iran, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, Government, IO Deeds of War

Obama Assassination Said to be Legal Under Israeli Law

Israeli Right to Kill President Supportable

… by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

Veterans Today, 24 January 2012

Last week, an obscure publication in Atlanta issued what seemed to be a “suggestion” that the Israeli government “eliminate” President Obama for “reasons of state.” 

The argument made by an Andrew Adler, owner of the Jewish Times, a publication nearly a century old, has stirred much controversy?

Our question is, was Adler right in what he said?  Can Israel legally kill a president?

Point one, of course, Israeli law allows it.  Obama is a non-Jew and any non-Jew can be killed at any time according to Israeli law, even one living outside Israel if it is believed that he may some day cause harm to a Jew.

This is the legal basis for attacks on children in Gaza, that their deaths likely prevent them from growing up and harming Jews.

It is in the Torah and it is law.  Also, America has traditionally respected such laws.  In fact, President Obama may well have, through pro-Israeli (sic, probably meant to say pro-Taliban) statements, authorized his own execution.

. . . . . .

Recently, Shelden Adelson, billionaire casino boss gave Gingrich, laundered through a PAC (political action committee) $5 million.  This money is, as we understand it, a down payment on a much higher figure meant to buy Gingrich’s thralldom to the Israeli Likudist faction.

As we understand it, Gingrich will allow Israel to stage a false flag nuclear attack on Chicago and, if needed reinstate the draft in order to put together sufficient land forces to invade Iran.

Following this, the world will suffer a series of pandemics, which will be, in reality, germ warfare, with miraculous cures coming online in time to hold world population at approximately 2 billion.

Read full article.

Phi Beta Iota:  “Shicksas don't count.”  The USS Liberty is only the most blatant application by Israeli Zionists (not to be confused with loyal American Jews) of this precent, which crudely stated, means you can fuck or murder anyone you wish if they are not Jewish–doing so ostensibly to “save” Israel is merely cosmetic.  There is absolutely no question that both the USA and Israel have engaged in a multiplicity of war crimes and atrocities “in our name.”  Henry Kissinger is fond of the idea of eugenics, and murdered 20,000 US uniformed personnel in Viet-Nam, and hundreds of thousands others, for the “convenience” of helping Richard Nixon defeat Hubert Humphrey.  These people have ZERO integrity–they are insanely criminal, insanely insular, and insanely out of control.  Much remains to be investigated, including Israeli involvement in the USS Cole attack and 9/11.  In this specific instance, it may be that Obama is resisting the neo-con and entrenched dual Israeli-US citizen plans to attack Iran (as he evidently objected to the Bert Laden patsy murder in Pakistan).  Assassinating Obama would put Trilateralist and Delaware Corporation God-Father Joe Biden into the President's job, and Joe Lieberman would be a strong candidate for Vice President.

See Also:

Continue reading “Gordon Duff: Obama Assassination Legal Under Torah / Israeli Law? False Flag Nuclear Hit on Chicago? Bio-War on Poor? + Israel Atrocity and False Flag RECAP”

Eagle: Who, Exactly, Orchestrated Published Zionist Death Threat Against POTUS?

07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, IO Deeds of War
300 Million Talons...

Killing Obama – United States vs. Andrew Adler

Why is Neither the Jewish Org Community or the Media Checking Into Andrew Adler’s Background?

Jim W. Dean, Editor

VeteransToday, 22 January 2012

There is something fishy about this Andrew Adler ‘Kill Obama’ case. It came out of the blue…from a small below the radar Jewish publication, but from a major city, Atlanta. Why now, and why Andrew Adler?

The next thing that was extremely unusual was how quickly and completely so many major Jewish organizations dumped on this guy…almost all of them in one day. And their language was very harsh.

And then something else very strange, despite all the media coverage, where is the media digging out everything on our Andrew Adler life’s.

I have found nothing mentioned about him earlier than when he acquired the Atlanta Jewish Times, almost like it got off a space ship before that. And even more strange, no one seems to be asking any questions.

These Jewish groups are very networked. Someone not only pressed a button on Alder, but they also wrote some of the scripting so all the groups would be on the same tone. This story is oozing of a set up and orchestration.

Here are some samples:

Editor’s note:  Seems a bit late for Adler’s handlers to try to cover their behinds on this one.  Adler was only doing what he was told, we all know that.

Read rest of article with quotes, photos, and anomalies listed.