Stephen E. Arnold: Fake News Media — Who Pays?

IO Impotency, IO Sense-Making, Officers Call
Stephen E. Arnold

Alternative (Aka Fake) News Not Going Anywhere

The article titled The Rise of Fake News Amidst the Fall of News Media on Silicon Valley Watcher makes a convincing argument that fake news is the inevitable result of the collective failure to invest in professional media. The author, Tom Foremski, used to write for the Financial Times. He argues that the almost ongoing layoffs among professional media organizations such as the New York Times, Salon, The Guardian, AP, Daily Dot, and IBT illustrate the lack of a sustainable business model for professional news media. The article states,

People won’t pay for the news media they should be reading but special interest groups will gladly pay for the media they want them to read. We have important decisions to make about a large number of issues such as the economy, the environment, energy, education, elder healthcare and those are just the ones that begin with the letter “E” — there’s plenty more issues. With bad information we won’t be able to make good decisions. Software engineers call this GIGO – Garbage In Garbage Out.

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Yoda: Yes, There IS a Deep State USA…

Commerce, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, IO Impotency, Media, Officers Call

Deep State USA, very much yes.

“There is no American Deep State…it just looks like there is”

by Kit,, 21 March 2017

Last week the New Yorker, and yesterday Salon magazine, published editorials arguing against the very existence of an “American Deep State”. The arguments presented are very…interesting. Both are, perhaps, classic cases of protesting too much.

Read full article that skewers the lying corrupt “fake news” mainstream media in the USA.

Tip of the Hat to GlobalResearch for pointing to the original.

See Also:

Deep State @ Phi Beta Iota

DefDog: Desperate Deep State Floats Story – Russians “May” Be Aiding Taliban in Afghanistan According to NATO Commander [Who Should Be Immediately Relieved of Command]

06 Russia, Corruption, Idiocy, IO Deeds of War, Military, Officers Call

The guy is either insane or a criminal.

Russia may be aiding Taliban in Afghanistan, top US general says

The top U.S. general in Europe told lawmakers Thursday that he sees evidence Russia might be supplying the Taliban in an effort to undermine the United States, in what could be a significant turning point in the Afghanistan conflict.

“I've seen the influence of Russia of late, increased influence in terms of association and perhaps even supply to the Taliban,” Army Gen. Curtis Scaparrotti, the head of the U.S. military's European Command and the Supreme Allied Commander for NATO, told the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Continue reading “DefDog: Desperate Deep State Floats Story – Russians “May” Be Aiding Taliban in Afghanistan According to NATO Commander [Who Should Be Immediately Relieved of Command]”

Doug Macgregor: Testimony to All-Arms Warfare in the 21st Century, Senate Armed Services Committee

Commerce, Ethics, Government, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence
Col Dr. Douglas Macgregor

All Arms Warfare in the 21st Century

Subcommittee: SUBCOMMITTEE ON AIRLAND Date: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 Time: 03:30 PM Location: Room SR-232A, Russell Senate Office Building

  • Colonel Douglas A. Macgregor, USA (Ret.)
    Executive Vice President of the Burke-Macgregor Group


SPECIAL: Four-Track Program to Destroy Trump

05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 11 Society, Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, IO Deeds of War, Media, Officers Call
Robert David STEELE Vivas

I have been talking to a number of people including Alex Jones, Cynthia McKinney and others, and I clearly see the outlines of the final push to impeach Donald Trump and drive him out of office.

This assault on democracy, freedom, and liberty is pursuing four  tracks:

Continue reading “SPECIAL: Four-Track Program to Destroy Trump”

Doug Macgregor: Trump’s Mission – Build a New American Army

Ethics, Military, Officers Call, Strategy
Col Dr. Douglas Macgregor

Trump’s mission: Build a new American Army

In January 1943, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill, together with their respective military advisers, met in Morocco at Casablanca to devise the strategy that would win World War II. To some, the Casablanca Conference may seem like ancient history, but the exchange between Gen. George Marshall, U.S. Army chief of staff, and Gen. Sir Alan Brooke, chief of Britain’s Imperial General Staff, has much to teach us.

Read full article at Washington Times

Author's final draft below the fold, reprinted with permission.

Continue reading “Doug Macgregor: Trump's Mission – Build a New American Army”