2003 Pak (US) & Zdanowicz (US) An Estimate of 2001 Lost U.S. Federal Income Tax Revenues Due to Over-Invoiced Imports and Under-Priced Exports

03 Economy, Analysis, Budgets & Funding, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Government, Historic Contributions
Simopn J. Pak
Simopn J. Pak

Academics can be cool and useful.

John Zdanowicz
John Zdanowicz

These two guys are worth over $50billion a year to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), but the U.S. Government does not seem to care about intelligence-driven revenue-collection.

These guys ROCK and represent all that academics should be in the service of their country and theircommunity.

Dr. Simon J. Pak and Dr. John S. Zdanowicz, Penn State University and Florida International University OSS '03: For their extraordinary demonstration, with a tangible value to the public of $50 billion a year in tax fraud savings, of new methods of academic investigation into public trade records, and the consequent discovery of specific instances of import-export money laundering and financial fraud, as well as weight variances associated with the smuggling of contraband and the mis-representation of cargo.

Below are their paper and slides as presented at OSS '03.  These guys should have their own investigative cell fully-funded by the IRS and ultimately in ther service of all governments (a multinational global service).

$50 Billion/Year Lost
$50 Billion/Year Lost
Transfer Pricing Fraud
Transfer Pricing Fraud

2003 Pelton (US) World’s Most Dangerous Places

Communities of Practice, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Historic Contributions, Methods & Process, Peace Intelligence

Robert Young Pelton
Robert Young Pelton


Mr. Robert Young Pelton is perhaps the greatest journalist-adverturer on the planet.  This is a man that gets kidnapped by accident, is recognized by the leader of the kidnappers, and is promptly released with apologies and an honor guard.  His book World’s Most Dangerous Places and his TV series Come Back Alive are among the most extraordinary “ground truth” offerings available to the public and admired by the spies.  In his every waking moment, in his every action, in his every report, he embodies the true spirit of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT).

This extraordinary person may well be the prototype for engaged citizen investigative journalism.  Below is the summary of his presence at OSS '03, and links to his two most important websites.  The photo above links to his Wikipedia page.

Pelton at OSS '03
Pelton at OSS '03
Come Back Alive Web Site including Dangerpedia
Come Back Alive Web Site including Dangerpedia
Amazon Page
Amazon Page

Reference: Our Common Vision of the Information Society (UN/ITU)

United Nations & NGOs

Original Source Online
Original Source Online

Below are the headlines alone from the original document.  Click above to see the original online, and on the Frog below for a printable paginated document.

A.  Our Common Vision of the Information Society

B.  An Information Society for All: Key Principles

B1.  The role of governments and all stakeholders in the promotion of ICTs for development

B2.  Information and communication infrastructure: an essential foundation for an inclusive information society

B3.  Access to information and knowledge

B4.  Capacity building

B5.  Building confidence and security in the use of ICTs

B6. Enabling environment

B7.  ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life

B8.  Cultural diversity and identity, linguistic diversity and local content

B9.  Media

B10.  Ethical dimensions of the Information Society

B11.  International and regional cooperation

C.  Towards an Information Society for All Based on Shared Knowledge

Printable Document
Printable Document

Reference: Geneva Plan of Action for a World Information Society (UN/ITU)

United Nations & NGOs
Complete Plan Online
Complete Plan Online

Too long to reproduce here, an original and almost priceless reference.  Click on logo for full text.  This is the original.  Since then Geneva has taken place, and plans are on for the next step.   Click on Frog at thebottom for a paginated easy-print clean document with all of the information.


A.  Introduction

B.  Objectives, goals, and targets

C.  Action Lines

C1. The role of governments and all stakeholders in the promotion of ICTs for development

C2.Information and communication infrastructure: an essential foundation for the Information Society

C3. Access to information and knowledge

C4. Capacity building

C5. Building confidence and security in the use of ICTs

C6. Enabling environment

C7. ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life

C8. Cultural diversity and identity, linguistic diversity and local content

C9.  Media

C10. Ethical dimensions of the Information Society

C11. International and regional cooperation

D.  Digital Solidarity Agenda

D1. Priorities and strategies

D2. Mobilizing resources

E.   Follow-up and evaluation

F.  Towards WSIS phase 2 (Tunis)

Printable Document
Printable Document


Director of National Intelligence et al (IC)
DoJ on Sharing
DoJ on Sharing

There are two important aspects to this 2003 report as this is written (11 August 2009).

1.  This is a top ten refereence for a search of <international information-sharing> which suggests that not much has happened in the last few years, which coincides with our own appreciation.

2.  The speaker lists a number of myths and discusses each briefly.  They are worth noting.

Myth I: Information Sharing In The Investigation Of Hardcore Cartels Should Be Treated Differently Than Other Financial Offenses

Myth II: Increased Information Sharing Will Lead To The Rampant, Uncontrolled Exchange Of Sensitive Confidential Business Secrets

Myth III. Strict Protections On Information Sharing Must Be Imposed Because There Is A High Risk of Misuse Or Leaks Of Shared Information

Myth IV: Unchecked Information Sharing Threatens The Continued Success Of Leniency Programs

Myth V. Business And Trade Groups Do Not Support Enhanced Cooperation Between Foreign Governments Because They Fear Vigorous And Effective Enforcement Of The Antitrust Laws

2003 Harris (US) Beautiful Minds (Ralph Peters, Maverick Analyst)

Analysis, Articles & Chapters, Historic Contributions
Ralph Peters
Ralph Peters

Ralph Peters stands out in Phi Beta Iota's tag cloud because among the 2000 or so authors represented here, he has both multiple non-fictions books to his name that we have reviewed, and he has given provocative presentations on more than one occasion to the multinational public intelligence audience that we began nurturing in 1992.  Below by Shane Harris is both a PDF for retension assurance, and at the logo, the original online article from Government Executive.

Shane Harris
Shane Harris
Online Source
Online Source