Paul Adams: Donald Trump’s Zionist Intimates

04 Inter-State Conflict, 06 Genocide, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, Officers Call
Paul Adams


(DOI: December 2016)

In combination with Jerusalem, Golan, tolerance of 27 states owned by Israel, AIPAC not being registered as an agent of a foreign power, Epstein as a Mossad operation, there are grounds for concern.

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Berto Jongman: MIT $1B for AI (PBI: Zionist Strike 48? — AI Next Level from Social Media Control & Censorship?)

07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Transnational Crime, Academia, Advanced Cyber/IO, Corruption, Officers Call
Berto Jongman

MIT has just announced a $1 billion plan to create a new college for AI

The new college of computing is being built with $350 million in funding from Stephen A. Schwarzman, the CEO and cofounder of Blackstone, a private equity firm. Schwarzman has already donated billions to other institutions for studying issues related to AI. MIT’s new Stephen A. Schwarzman College of Computing will create 50 new faculty positions and numerous fellowships for graduate students. The school will open next September and will be housed in existing buildings at MIT before moving to its own space, expected in 2022.

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American Herald Tribune: From 2006 to 2019: After Failures in Syria, Iraq, Palestine and Yemen, War Is No Longer an Option for Israel [Zionist Strike 46]

05 Iran, 08 Wild Cards, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Peace Intelligence

From 2006 to 2019: After Failures in Syria, Iraq, Palestine and Yemen, War Is No Longer an Option for Israel

The US and Israel failed to achieve four main goals: regime change in Syria, the partition of Iraq, the defeat of the Houthis in Yemen, the Palestinian “deal of the century”. Added to this, Israeli-US rejection of any fair Palestinian state has strengthened Palestinian resolve against Israel.

Israel has increased its firepower and military capabilities, but Hezbollah also moved from being a tactical local organization to becoming a strategic player in the Middle East. The group’s superior fighting abilities have been enhanced by new military hardware. This has had the effect of rendering war in the Middle East unlikely any time in the near (or medium-term) future.

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Joseph Olson: 9/11 Nuclear – The Unequivocal Story

07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Officers Call

Unequivocal 9/11 Nukes

Engineering is applied science, with one caveat not shared with other science disciplines, engineers are held criminally and financially responsible for their errors and omissions. This moral component extends to non professional life, where protecting the Health & Safety of the Public includes exposing misrepresentations of science for political purposes.

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Mongoose: Zionists are the Enemy — YouTube is Owned by Zionists — Only Zionist Approved Hate is Authorized in the USA — Say What?

06 Genocide, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, IO Impotency, Law Enforcement, Media, Officers Call

Continue reading “Mongoose: Zionists are the Enemy — YouTube is Owned by Zionists — Only Zionist Approved Hate is Authorized in the USA — Say What?”

Yoda: Gruesome Harvest Free Book Online — Banned by Zionist-Controlled Media Platforms — The Story of How the Allies Sought to Genocide a Substantial Portion of the German People

04 Inter-State Conflict, 06 Genocide, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Transnational Crime, Academia, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Media, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

You may wish to ignore history, but history will not ignore you.


The Costly Attempt to Exterminate the People of Germany

Ralkd Franklin Keeling

Overview and free PDF below the fold.

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