Berto Jongman: WWIII Over Syria?

02 China, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 06 Russia, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Transnational Crime, IO Deeds of War

berto smallAlarmist, perhaps, but a useful warning.

Intel Source Warns ‘War Imminent,' US To Blame Russia For ‘First Shot,' And ‘Syria Will Be The Game Changer'

Takes a lot of double-talk, a refusal to report on the history, and the twisting of said history to push the propaganda into Americans minds, so that Russia is being blamed for destabilizing Syria.

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: WWIII Over Syria?”

Berto Jongman: Russian Oil Rules — Saudis Begging for Deal, China Market Central

02 China, 05 Energy, 06 Russia, 08 Wild Cards

berto smallConfirmed: Saudi Arabia Offered Russia Oil Alliance and OPEC Membership

Saudis proposed Saudi Arabia and Russia divide the oil market between them. For now Russians stayed cool

Igor Sechin, the powerful head of Rosneft, Russia’s big state oil company, has now confirmed that OPEC – the Saudi dominated oil producers’ cartel – has offered Russia membership.   . . .    For the moment the Russians are saying no. Possibly the real reason is that the Russians are at present expanding aggressively into the Chinese energy market from which they have just ousted the Saudis as the biggest oil supplier.

Owl: WWIII? Strong Signals Emergent UPDATE 3 Ukraine Death Wish?

02 China, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 06 Russia, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, IO Deeds of War, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence
Who? Who?
Who? Who?

This author has been pretty good over the many months I have been reading his site. He admits to not being able to confirm events. Combine this with China devaluing its currency, the vulnerability of the US to power black-outs, forest fires, water disasters such as the recent gold mine poisoning, and you have the perfect storm — to include WWIII as cover for a final Wall Street looting of the US economy. There are too many emerging signals suggesting that September onwards could be quite troubling for the USA.

Report: All Out War As Russia Prepares To Deploy 50,000 Troops To Ukraine: “Cities Burning, Hundreds Dead”

Continue reading “Owl: WWIII? Strong Signals Emergent UPDATE 3 Ukraine Death Wish?”

SchwartzReport: Chinese Zero-Emission Electric Bus in London

02 China, 05 Energy
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

This report of course has received no attention from U.S. corporate media, but I take it as a big datapoint on what is going to become a major trend: the electrification of commercial vehicles of all kinds. As the article points out most of the long term cost of a commercial bus is in the fuel it burns. So electric buses, which don't burn carbon energy, will be notably cheaper. What should also be noted is that the technology is Chinese. The Chinese like most of the rest of the world except the U.S., take infrastructure seriously, including commercial transportation networks from planes to trains to buses.  While we are burning our money in the bonfire of war, China is building and upgrading infrastructure.  And they are going to make billions and billions of dollars outfitting the buses and taxis of the post-carbon world, while the U.S. plays catch-up. The problem America's mega corporations have is that they are inherently wedded to the past, because the past is when their installed network was built, and they want to protect and prolong that investment.

Chinese-built zero-emissions electric bus prepares for service in London

Yoda: China’s Military Strategy – Winning Informationized Local Wars

02 China, Advanced Cyber/IO, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Military
Got Crowd? BE the Force!
Got Crowd? BE the Force!

China’s New Military Strategy: “Winning Informationized Local Wars”

Jamestown  Foundation China Brief Volume: 15 Issue: 13


The phrase “winning informationized local wars” has appeared in the pages of the PLA’s newspaper, the Liberation Army Daily, only fifty times. But thirty eight, or 75 percent, of these references have occurred since mid-August 2014. The term first appeared on August 21, 2014 in an article announcing a new document published by the General Staff Department on improving the level of realistic training.

SchwartzReport: Asia Owns the Future — Two Thirds of Global Middle Class in Asia by 2030

02 China, 03 Economy, 03 India, 04 Indonesia, 08 Wild Cards, 11 Society, Civil Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Government
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

As this report spells out, “By 2030, Asia-Pacific countries will comprise nearly two-thirds of the global middle class, dwarfing the projected one-fifth for Europe and North America combined.” Along with climate change this is one of the great geopolitical meta-trends that will define the 21st century.  In the U.S., one has to also add The Emerging White Minority Trend. And yet you will find barely a mention of this anywhere in corporate media. Why is that do you think? Austerity economics and deregulation have virtually destroyed the American middle class, certainly made it a shadow of its former self. In those European countries which embraced Austerity Economics a similar process has been going on. At the same time India, China, the Asia-Pacific nations, are creating a middle class that will dwarf its White counterpart. Power will shift. Our intransigence  concerning climate change, means leadership will go elsewhere, and will increase the speed of this transfer. We are going into a different world. And because profit is our only cultural priority, we are doing it rather badly.

5 Reasons America Should Fear the Global Middle Class