Jim W. Dean: Peace Activists are Extremists? Call DHS Stupid and Be Labeled a Terrorist?

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Law Enforcement
Jim W. Dean
Jim W. Dean

Homeland Security Blames Boston on Public

Homeland Security admits Boston security failure


But it gets worse. When those in their own ranks try to bring attention to huge security holes in their operations the DHS’s full resources are put upon them, wasting more taxpayer money chasing bogus ‘domestic’ security threats.

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The Obama administration has done nothing about the story I am about to tell you, and our ‘free press’ has suppressed it. Even the famous investigative journalism show, 60 Minutes, never aired their interview with DHS officer/supervisor for Customs and Border Protection, Julia Davis, back in 2004.

Julia Davis reported a Homeland Security failure to the FBI and was designated a domestic terrorist, at one point having 54 investigations going against her.

Briefly, Ms. Davis got intelligence that 23 foreign visitors from terrorist watch list countries were going to be passing through one of our southern border crossing points when there was Intel chatter about a Fourth of July attack. The average at the time was only 5 to 10 of these entries a month.

When she passed the word up her chain of command she was told not to worry about it. She later found out that Border Intel authorities responsible for debriefing such people were attending a July 4th barbecue… taking the day off.

So being the good soldier that she was and honoring the oath of office that she took, she informed the FBI so someone would know that these people were all going to be passed through with no special interviews. She did not go outside the chain of command. She did her job.

DHS subsequently came down on her like a ton of bricks. To circumvent all of her constitutional rights they simply classified her as a ‘domestic terrorist’. That’s right folks, that’s exactly what they did, which meant DHS could do just about anything they wanted to her without needing to get warrants.

At the peak of the harassment she endured, DHS had 54 investigations ongoing at God only knows the cost to the taxpayers. Her home was raided with a Black Hawk helicopter and 27-man SWAT team, a larger force than that used on the bin Laden compound in Pakistan. She was arrested twice, imprisoned, and then completely cleared of any wrong doing.

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Michael Ostrolenk: Letter to President Obama on Guantanamo Prisoners

09 Justice
Michael Ostrolenk
Michael Ostrolenk

As sent.  Actual document:  2013-05-03 Letter to Obama on Releasing Guantanamo Prisoners

National Commission on Intelligence Misuse to Justify War
722 12th Street, N.W., 4th Floor
Washington, D.C. 20005
Phone: 703-963-4968

May 3, 2013

President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20500

Re: Releasing the Innocent Prisoners at Guantanamo Bay

Dear Mr. President:

Continue reading “Michael Ostrolenk: Letter to President Obama on Guantanamo Prisoners”

Penguin: A People’s Pope, Finally?

03 Economy, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Vatican
Who, Me?
Who, Me?

The Pope Called One of the Foundations of the Global Capitalism System ‘Slavery'

Pope Francis on Wednesday condemned as “slave labour” the conditions for hundreds of workers killed in a factory collapse in Bangladesh and urged political leaders to fight unemployment in a sweeping critique of “selfish profit”.

The pope said he had been particularly struck by a headline saying workers at the factory near Dhaka were being paid just 38 euros ($50) a month.

“This is called slave labour!” the pope was quoted by Vatican radio as saying in his homily at a private mass in his residence to mark May Day.

More than 400 workers have been confirmed dead and scores are missing in the collapse, which occurred in a suburb of the capital Dhaka last week in the country's worst-ever industrial disaster.

“Today in the world this slavery is being committed against something beautiful that God has given us — the capacity to create, to work, to have dignity,” the pope said at the mass.

Read full article.

Continue reading “Penguin: A People's Pope, Finally?”

Eagle: M&T Bank Owns Maryland, Judge Mikey Norman & Twice-Censured Foreclosure Mill Attorney Thomas P. Dore?

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement
300 Million Talons...
300 Million Talons…

Mortgage Movies Journal

Christopher King has worked in residential and corporate real estate in various capacities for the past twelve years, clearing title, filing zoning applications and reviewing wireless tower contracts. He and his associates are now teaming to provide video coverage of America's imploding Mortgage market. All images video and text subject to copyright.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

KingCast and Mortgage Movies Watch Hand-Picked Judge Mickey Norman Protect M&T Bank and Twice-Disciplined Foreclosure Mill Attorney Thomas P. Dore in Fraudclosure Case.

Moving coming soon! There is Attorney John Y. Lee. I don’t know what is in his trick bag today but yesterday, and several weeks ago he somehow managed to fit a Baltimore Circuit Court Judge in that bag:  Today I attended what basically resembled a kangaroo court hearing that was orchestrated at the outset by Attorney John Y. Lee, when he hand delivered memoranda to Judge Norman….. before Norman was even assigned to the case.

Naturally Judge Norman became the Judge on the case. One must wonder why Lee picked Norman instead of, say, Judge King who found foreclosure mill attorney Thomas P. Dore to have violated several ethics rules. It was the second such determination that Dore has faced in connection with foreclosure cases in the past 3 years, for use of false documents and signatures.

Read full article with more documentation.

Continue reading “Eagle: M&T Bank Owns Maryland, Judge Mikey Norman & Twice-Censured Foreclosure Mill Attorney Thomas P. Dore?”

Chuck Spinney: Iraq Army Losing North, Partition Being Discussed

09 Justice, 11 Society, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Military
Chuck Spinney
Chuck Spinney

The author of the attached report, Patrick Cockburn, is one of very best reporters reporting on the Middle East, and perhaps the most knowledgeable on Iraq.  This is a very important report, in my opinion.

Partition could really have a destabilizing influence on the entire Arab region, but especially Syria, as well as non-Arab Turkey.  The neocon (and Israeli) dream enhancing Israeli security by breaking up the Muslim state system into a directionless mass of insecure weak warring statelets may well be on its way to fruition.  Next stop – Iran????

Chuck Spinney
Marina di Ragusa, Sicilia


Iraqi army losing hold on north to Sunni and Kurdish rebels as troops desert

Patrick Cockburn

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Soldiers are deserting a beleaguered Iraqi army as it struggles to keep its hold on the northern half of Iraq in the face of escalating hostility from Sunni Arabs and Kurds who dominate in the region.

Around the oil city of KirkukKurdish troops have advanced south to take over military positions abandoned by the army, while in Baghdad senior Iraqi politicians say that for the first time there is talk of partitioning the country.

The current crisis was sparked on 23 April when the Iraqi army attacked a sit-in protest in the Sunni Arab town of Hawijah, killing at least 50 people and injuring 110. Outraged Sunni Arab protesters have since stepped up their demonstrations against the Shia-led government. Demonstrators are increasingly protected by armed men, some of whom are accused of dragging five military intelligence soldiers in civilian clothes from a car that came near a protest in Fallujah and killing them.

There are signs that the Iraqi army can no longer cope with a crisis in which it is confronting both Sunni Arabs and Kurds.Many soldiers prefer to desert the army rather than shoot at protesters said Najmaldin Karim, the Kurdish Governor of Kirkuk, where Hawijah is situated, in an interview with The Independent. Most deserters are Sunni, Mr Karim said, but he added that some are Shia who don’t want to fight in strange places for something they don’t believe in. 

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Zahir Ehrahim: A Note on the Mighty Wurlitzer: Anatomy of Modern Propaganda Techniques

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO, Blog Wisdom, Commerce, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Media, Officers Call
Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

A Note on the Mighty Wurlitzer: Anatomy of Modern Propaganda Techniques

Zahir Ebrahim | Project Humanbeingsfirst.org

Edward Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud, began his seminal 1928 book simply titled Propaganda, with these ominous words:

‘The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.' — Edward Bernays, 1928, pg.1, Propaganda

Aldous Huxley, on the 30th anniversary of his own seminal 1931 allegorical novel Brave New World, made the following dreadful observations in the very opening segment of his talk on the Ultimate Revolution upon which mankind and modernity are perilously perched:

‘You can do everything with bayonets except sit on them! If you are going to control any population for any length of time you must have some measure of consent. It's exceedingly difficult to see how pure terrorism can function indefinitely. It can function for a fairly long time, but I think sooner or later you have to bring in an element of persuasion. An element of getting people to consent to what is happening to them. Well, it seems to me that the nature of the Ultimate Revolution with which we are now faced is precisely this: that we are in process of developing a whole series of techniques which will enable the controlling oligarchy who have always existed and presumably always will exist, to get people actually to love their servitude! This is the, it seems to me the ultimate in malevolent revolution shall we say.' — Aldous Huxley, 1962 speech at UC Berkeley, minute 04:06

Read full article with photographs and many links.

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Berto Jongman: ‘Lost’ report exposes Brazilian Indian genocide 25 April 2013

01 Brazil, 06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Military
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

‘Lost’ report exposes Brazilian Indian genocide 25 April 2013

A shocking report detailing horrific atrocities committed against Brazilian Indians in the 1940s, 50s and 60s has resurfaced – 45 years after it was mysteriously ‘destroyed’ in a fire.

The Figueiredo report was commissioned by the Minister of the Interior in 1967 and caused an international outcry after it revealed crimes against Brazil’s indigenous population at the hands of powerful landowners and the government’s own Indian Protection Service (SPI). The report led to the foundation of tribal rights organization Survival International two years later.

Brazilian Birth Control: Cut Mother in Half  -  Click on Image to Enlarge
Brazilian Birth Control: Cut Mother in Half – Click on Image to Enlarge

The 7,000-page document, compiled by public prosecutor Jader de Figueiredo Correia, detailed mass murder, torture, enslavement, bacteriological warfare, sexual abuse, land theft and neglect waged against Brazil’s indigenous population. Some tribes were completely wiped out as a result and many more were decimated.

The report was recently rediscovered in Brazil’s Museum of the Indian and will now be considered by Brazil’s National Truth Commission, which is investigating human rights violations which occurred between 1947 and 1988.

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Other examples include the poisoning of hundreds of Indians with sugar laced with arsenic, and severe methods of torture such as slowly crushing the victims’ ankles with an instrument known as the ‘trunk’.

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