Stephen Lendman: Israel Violates Palestine, Plans New War

03 Economy, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Military, Officers Call
Stephen Lendman

Israel Plans Major Gaza War

Stephen Lendman

VeteransToday, 18 January 2012

Israel already threatens war on Iran. It’s also involved with Washington, Turkey, Jordan, and other rogue Arab states behind Syria’s externally generated insurgency.

Gaza’s also threatened. On January 1, Haaretz writer Amos Harel headlined “Will 2012 bring another Israeli war against Hamas in Gaza?” saying:

Repeated Israeli air strikes and incursions target Gaza. Perhaps they precede a broader offensive. Israel’s IDF chief Benny Gantz “said on Army radio that ‘Operation Cast Lead was carried out in a professional, determined manner, and significantly strengthened Israel’s deterrent strength.’ ”

At the same time, he suggested another round of fighting is likely. “Particularly worrisome (are the alleged) weapons smuggl(ed) into the Gaza Strip. Hamas and Islamic Jihad have….many thousands of rockets; hundreds” able to reach central Israel, said Harel.

As a result, “the IDF is preparing itself for the possibility of a land operation in another few months.”

On January 16, Jerusalem Post writer Yaakov Katz headlined, “IDF preparing for major Gaza action within months,” saying:

Read full article.

Angelo Codevilla: Who Rules America?

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Blog Wisdom, Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency, Officers Call
Angelo Codevilla

America's Ruling Class — And the Perils of Revolution

Angelo M. Codevilla

American Spectator, July-August 2010

The only serious opposition to this arrogant Ruling Party is coming not from feckless Republicans but from what might be called the Country Party — and its vision is revolutionary. Our special Summer Issue cover story.

Read full article.

Integral to the above piece:

Who Rules America: Power Elite Analysis and American History

by Charles A. Burris

Lou, 18 January 2012

When Codevilla’s article appeared I stated that it was the most important essay I had ever read. I still believe this because it is a superb synthesis of class analysis with keen insights on contemporary power elite relationships regarding today’s rulers and the ruled.

This class division of present-day America into two factions, Court and Country, has absolutely nothing to do with any Marxian view or analysis. It is a reaffirmation of the seminal insights of Bernard Bailyn’s Pulitzer Prize winning volume, The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution, and Murray N. Rothbard’s Conceived in Liberty.

These books demonstrate that the Founders’ world-view saw the crucial struggle of the Revolution as a battle of liberty versus power. Codevilla posits today’s battle in the same dramatic terms.

Read full article.

Codevilla’s Not-Quite Manifesto

Gary North

American Vision, 8-15 January 2012

Every political movement needs a manifesto.  The Tea Party surely needs one.  So do other grassroots political resistance organizations.  They don’t have it yet, but they now have its preliminary foundation, Angelo Codevilla’s essay, “America’s Ruling Class — And the Perils of Revolution.”

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I regard this essay as the finest statement on the two-fold division in American political life written in my lifetime — more than this, in the last hundred years.  He has laid it out clearly, accurately, and eloquently.

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Codevilla correctly identifies the source of legitimacy for the ruling class: Darwinism.  Darwinism removed God from the vocabulary of self-accredited academia.  Once liberated from the doctrine of original sin, the Progressives regarded as illegitimate the Constitutional limits placed on the Federal government.

Read full article.

Printable Paginated Safety Copies:

» 2012-01-18 Gary North on Angelo Codevilla,
Download file: 2012-01-18 Gary North on Angelo Codevilla.doc
» 2012-01-18 Charles Burris on Who Rules America,
Download file: 2012-01-18 Charles Burris on Who Rules America.doc
» 2012-01-18 Codevilla America's Ruling Class,
Download file: 2012-01-18 Codevilla Americas Ruling Class.doc

Mini-Me: Smoking Gun Documents on Iran From Israel Mossad?

05 Iran, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, Government
Who? Mini-Me?

Smoking Gun Documents On Iran “Found” By US-Backed Terror Group

The people pushing for war against Iran are the same neocons who pushed for war against Iraq. See thisand this. (They planned both wars at least 20 years ago.)

The IAEA report being trumpted as a casus belli contains no new information, but is based on a re-hashing of old, debunked claims stemming from “laptop documents”.

State Department cables released by Wikileaks reveal that the new IAEA head was heavily backed by the U.S., based upon his promises of fealty to the U.S. Indeed, as we’ve seen in the nuclear energy arena, the IAEA is not a neutral, fact-based organization, but a wholly-captured, political agency.

But where did the documents come from originally?

Read full article.

Phi Beta Iota:  See the below quote from State of War–The Secret History of the CIA and the Bush Administration (Hardcover)

3) Slightly less sensational, the book reveals for the first time that a CIA “bait” operation actually delivered to Iran completely useful plans for creating a nuclear bomb…the CIA “flaws” intended to render the plans unworkable were detected in one glance by a Russian courier scientist, and easily correctable by the Iranians.

See Also:

Iran Played “Pivotal Role” in 9/11? Craven Idiocy

Journal: Iranians Making Sense on Climate Matters?

Marcus Aurelius: US at Permanent “War” + War RECAP

Syria a Satellite of Iran? USG Lies, CNN Pimps…

Eagle: IRAN Gulf of Tonkin False Flag Attack Underway?

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Iran, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, DoD, Government, IO Deeds of War, Military, Officers Call
300 Million Talons...

IRAN: US/Israeli False Flag Attack May Be Underway

Jim Fetzer and Joshua Blakeney

Veterans Today, 14 January 2012

Several warnings of an imminent “false flag” attack by the Israeli-influenced United States on one of its own warships, which will be attributed to Iran, have been reported by several reliable sources. In recent years “false-flag” terrorism has been utilized multiple times by US and Israeli political actors to provide pretexts for otherwise unjustifiable, anti-Islamic military excursions. The plan is to justify an all-out assault on Iran based upon a new fabricated “Pearl Harbor”.

Continue reading “Eagle: IRAN Gulf of Tonkin False Flag Attack Underway?”

Eagle: Indefinite detention – Instrument of tyranny

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, DoD, Government, Law Enforcement, Military
300 Million Talons...

Indefinite detention: Instrument of tyranny


McClatchy, 13 January 2012

When President Obama signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act on New Year's Eve, he codified policies of arbitrary and indefinite detention for terror suspects including possibly U.S. citizens. Alexander Hamilton referred to such policies as the “favorite and most formidable instruments of tyranny.” Based on our experience in evaluating and caring for victims of torture and human rights abuses from all over the world, Hamilton was right.

Regardless of the law's applicability to U.S. citizens, indefinite detention in a military facility without charge can be tantamount to torture, causing profound health consequences.

Read full article.

Josh Kilbourn: Raising Debt Ceiling, US Troops Into Libya, Undeclared War on Iran…

03 Economy, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 05 Iran, 06 Genocide, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 10 Security, Blog Wisdom, Corruption, DoD, Government
Joshua Kilbourn

Let's see, 12,000 US troops going into Libya?  Undeclared war on Iran?  Absolute US guarantee of energy supply for Israel “no matter what?”  Whatever could we be borrowing money for?

Obama Sends Request To Congress For $1.2 Trillion Debt Ceiling Increase



Two days ago we wondered how long it would take for Obama to restart the debt ceiling theater. Not that long it turns out.


So with Congress in recess, will Obama succeed in passing another automatic vote using base trickery? The same Obama, who as recently as 3 hours ago warned Congress that any attempts to pass approval on the Keystone Pipeline without his involvement are “counterproductive”… In other news, America' new debt ceiling of $16.3 trillion, or 107% of GDP is now just a formality, about to be interrupted by a little circus clowning.

Read full article with Bloomberg quote.

Susan Lindauer: IRAQ – The Legacy of Deception and Its Costs

02 Diplomacy, 03 Economy, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Military
Susan Linauer


Susan Lindauer, Former CIA Back Channel to Iraq at the United Nations

Most Americans are astonished to discover that right up to 9/11, the CIA was developing a “Real Politik” vision of Iraq that recognized the fast approaching collapse of U.N. Sanctions. The CIA was preparing for Peace—with a ruthless determination that the United States would capture the lion's share of spoils from Iraqi Reconstruction contracts in any post-sanctions period.

German pilots transporting medical supplies and doctors into Baghdad International Airport at the end of the Clinton Administration had blasted the myth of invincibility surrounding sanctions. To this day, those pilots are anonymous—but they changed the equation in total. Their courage honoring the Berlin Airlifts in the Cold War was quickly copied. Across Europe and the Arab world, activists began to organize humanitarian flights into Baghdad. On the Security Council, France and Russia argued strenuously that the ban on air travel had been self imposed, and the no-fly zone could not prohibit humanitarian flights.

By this time, UN sanctions had killed over 1.7 million Iraqis; wiped out literacy in a single generation; and created artificial starvation in the world's second most oil-rich nation. Iraq's world class hospitals that once rivaled London and New York had been ravaged.  Sick of the misery, the global community refused to stay silent any longer.

The CIA saw the writing on the wall. International loathing for “genocide by sanctions” had reached such a peak of outrage that there was no possibility of re-crafting the hated policy. Secretary of State Colin Powell's vision of “smart sanctions” had come too late.

The CIA was determined to control the agenda for the advantage of the United States, however. And so quietly through my back channel, we undertook a proactive, covert dialogue over exactly what concessions Iraq would offer the United States, in exchange for lifting the sanctions. As a long-time opponent of sanctions myself, I was eager to get results.

Continue reading “Susan Lindauer: IRAQ – The Legacy of Deception and Its Costs”