Richard Cordero: Proposal for Reuter’s Investigation of Federal Judges for Corruption & Abuse of Power

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement

A proposal to extend Reuters’s investigation of state judges, which found “hardwired judicial corruption”, to federal judges, who have institutionalized their abuse of power as their modus operandi, running the Federal Judiciary as a racketeering enterprise, whose exposure can so outrage a public intolerant of abuse of power
that the public forces the issue into the 2020 campaign,
leading to transformative change in the administration of justice and the current form of government.

PDF (12 Pages):  Cordero Judicial Reform Investigation Proposal


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James Corbett: Bill Gates & the Virus — A Report on Crime, Treason, & Perversity

02 Infectious Disease, 06 Family, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, Non-Governmental

PLEASE DROP WHAT YOU'RE DOING and watch this incredible 4-part video series produced by independent investigative journalist, James Corbett re: the global corona virus situation and the Gates Foundation. This information is SO IMPORTANT for everyone to understand. The quality of the research and production quality is amazing and you'll GAIN MORE INSIGHT about what's up than all the reporting you've been exposed to so far, combined. Everything in this series is factual, honest and intended to inform versus misinform, which makes a big difference. After watching, please share the links with all you know and consider donating to keep James Corbett going.

Continue reading “James Corbett: Bill Gates & the Virus — A Report on Crime, Treason, & Perversity”

Carine Hutsebaut: My message to President Trump and all American Citizens on The Urgency of Eradicating Pedophilia and the Importance of President Trump to the World

06 Family, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Civil Society, Ethics, Government

My message to President Trump and all the American citizens,

From a distance, you don’t seem to realize the importance of a President such as Mr. Donald Trump, for the entire world, not only for the USA.

Continue reading “Carine Hutsebaut: My message to President Trump and all American Citizens on The Urgency of Eradicating Pedophilia and the Importance of President Trump to the World”

Robert Steele: I Heartily Support a Pardon for Roger Stone

09 Justice, Cultural Intelligence

It is my pleasure and honor to know Roger Stone. While some are critical of his having been a dirty trickster, and he is never going to live down the photo below the fold, I have been a spy and done my own share of dirty tricks for what I thought at the time were good reasons. It is what it is. The bottom line is that it is the FBI that should be going to prison, not Roger Stone.

I am disgusted by the persistent crimes of the FBI under Obama, and note that Manafort was overturned on appeal and Flynn has been exonerated. Stone did not have Sidney Powell on side. I will also note that Pastor Randy Short, one of the authentic black community leaders in the cartoon created for the President, has been a tireless advocate for Roger Stone.  I heartily support a pardon for  Roger Stone.

Links and an absolutely unforgettable photo (and the cartoon) below.

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