Eagle: An End to Blind US Jewish Support for Neo-Nazi Zionist Israeli Government?

06 Genocide, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Military
300 Million Talons...

Cross Talk : Farewell Israel?

Veterans Today, 21 May 2012

Is the American-Jewish romance with Israel coming to an end?
Are the American Jews known for their liberal views distancing themselves from Israel?
Or is it simply an overstatement?
Do they support the current Israeli policies?
Does the Israeli lobby represent their views?
And do they have a strong connection to the Holy Land?
Cross Talk with Norman Finkelstein, Daniel Pollak and Mouin Rabbani.

Amazon Page Pending

Norman Finkelstein's new book on the American Jewish community has been both widely praised and criticized by influential writers. So is the American-Jewish romance with Israel coming to an end? Are the American Jews known for their liberal views distancing themselves from Israel? Or is it simply an overstatement? Do they support the current Israeli policies? Does the Israeli lobby represent their views? And do they have a strong connection to the Holy Land? CT-ing with Norman Finkelstein, Daniel Pollak and Mouin Rabbani.

Phi Beta Iota:  Israel is not the only albatross around the neck of the USA, there are others, but Israel (its government, not its people) is  the one that has most often committed atrocities and sabotaged the USA with espionage, corruption, and inducing US Jews to commit treason–we refer especially to all those holding Top Secret / Sensitive Compartmented Information clearances who are either publicly or in some cases silently dual-citizens.  What has been done to the Palestinian peoples has been a long-running crime against humanity, right up there with undeclared wars that produce depleted uranium babies and destroy entire societies for no decent moral reason.  The Zionization of US foreign policy–and the castration of US financial policy–are two great crimes against humanity that are directly linked to the Zionist state of Israel and its twin agents, Mossad and Goldman Sachs/AIG et al.  The Israeli attack on the USS Liberty did it for us–we would have wiped out the originating airfield and expelled the Israeli Embassy, and then removed the building from the planet, sowing salt in the dirt and making it a memorial to the perfidy of “friends.”  We favor a two state solution that restores the Palestinian lands back to Biblical times, tears down the walls that Joseph Stalin would have been proud to call his own, and makes Jerusalem an international open city with a multi-religious governing council that excludes all state claims on any part of Jerusalem.

See Also:

2012 Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World

2009  The Attack on the Liberty: The Untold Story of Israel's Deadly 1967 Assault on a U.S. Spy Ship

2007 The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy

2003 They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel's Lobby


James M. Wall: United Methodists To Boycott US Companies Selling to Israel in Support of Genocide and Atrocities Against Palestinians?

06 Genocide, 07 Other Atrocities
James M. Wall

Methodists Face Moment of Occupation Truth

28 Apr 12

by James M. Wall

The mainstream media does not know it, and far too many high steeple church folk do not want to know it.

But in Tampa, Florida, this week, the General Conference of the United Methodist Church will make a decision.

They will spend the week writing and rewriting. Some, like  Alissa Bertsch Johnson, a campus minister at Washington State University (at right), will passionately state their case.

Before the gavel falls on the last session of the 2012 General Conference, the people called Methodists will have responded, one way or another, to the call from Palestinian Christians that they take one small step toward ending the Israeli Occupation.

They may vote to endorse a targeted divestment resolution.

Read full article.  Includes two videos featuring Jimmy Carter.

Phi Beta Iota:  Israel is the old South Africa, morally disengaged, committing genocide and atrocities against the Palestinian people.  Not only should everyone be boycotting companies whose services and equipment are being used to gheto-ize the Palestinians, but every US citizen should consider a tax boycott until such time as the US Government stops paying 20% of the Israeli budget with money borrowed in our name, and stops funding dictators who perpetuate societies of fear.  Ironically, both the US and Israel are now much closer to Nazi Germany they they are to either the Founding Fathers or the theology of Jesus Christ.  We note only have a crisis of Zionism, we have a crisis of neo-fascism on the right and neo-socialism on the left in the USA, both spawned by political and financial crime families.

See Also:

Peter Beinart, The Crisis of Zionism (Times Books, 2012)

Christopher Lee Bollyn,  Solving 9-11: The (Zionist) Deception that Changed the World (Christopher Bollyn, 2012)

James M. Wall: United Methodists To Boycott US Companies Selling to Israel in Support of Genocide and Atrocities Against Palestinians?

Glen Yeadon and John Hawkins, The Nazi Hydra in America: Suppressed History of a Century (Progressive Press, 2008)

James F. Simon, What Kind of Nation: Thomas Jefferson, John Marshall, and the Epic Struggle to Create a United States (Simon & Schuster, 2003

Owl: Eugenics Of, By, For the Elite – Velvet Lies, Catastrophic Plans

06 Genocide, 07 Other Atrocities, Cultural Intelligence
Who? Who?

When it comes the the elites' population reduction/eugenics agenda, the beat just keeps going on. More news related to this agenda seems to be coming out every week. Is there something in the air? Are the elite and their scientist shills panicking, even if ever so slightly?

The UN Agenda 21 calls for an 85% reduction in human population in the near future, a figure unobtainable by contraceptives and attrition, even with massive levels of abortion and euthanasia. “Obamacare” is a really a “softkill” program that openly intends to deny the elderly medical services to increase mortality rates.

But that will not be enough. Elitists will starve, poison, infect, and outright murder billions more to eliminate us. The elite, the royal families and billionaires, do not need massive labor forces or military ranks in this modern age of computers and robotics. They see “We the People” as a overhead to be written off, an obsolete management problem. They can meet their needs with a much smaller cadre of technological servants and robots. They don’t need to worry about managing billions of people’s wants and needs if we are dead. And when we are gone, they can have the whole planet to themselves with vast nature preserves and parks to enjoy. They envision living in a Star Trek world where elite families live in high tech luxury with great power on a low population planet where slave camps are conveniently out of sight, and the ground is filled with bones! This is the Royal Society goal!”

Elite Eugenicists Call For Mass Depopulation, Drastic Reduction In Energy Consumption

Royal Society study yields unsurprising results, Ecoscience co-author calls for “move to population shrinkage as humanely and as rapidly as possible”

Steve Watson, Prisonplanet.com, April 27, 2012

The Royal Society, an organisation made up of renowned eco-fascists and depopulation fanatics, has released a “major report” calling for the “stabilization” of global population and reductions in consumption in developed countries.

The report is the unsurprising result of a 21 month “objective” study on human population growth and its implications for social and economic development.

Read full article with many links — a name by name expose.

Veterans Today Story

Phi Beta Iota:  In the absence of intelligence with integrity, governments promote what they are paid to promote, mindful that they only could what they are paid personally in bribes, not the fact that the public is funding the government.  A massive global tax revolt is inevitable.  What is being done in our name is unaffordable, unethical, and down-right criminally negligent.  The five billion poor have five billion brains, and that is the one inexhaustible resource on the planet.  INTEGRITY is the path to self-governed population control, not eugenics, war, and plagues such as both Israel and North Korea have been working on.  The secret US solutions for wiping out “dead” cities full of “useless eaters” (we do not make these terms up)  can only be imagined in the context of a nightmare.

See Also:

The Battle for the Soul of the Republic

CULTURE | A Call to Arms from the Author of ‘The Open-Source Everything Manifesto’

James Wall: Israel to Palestine is as Britain to Slavery – “Throw Their Dirty Little Ships Out of the Water” — Tide Turning Against Israeli Atrocities

04 Inter-State Conflict, 06 Genocide, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 11 Society
Sunday, April 22nd, 2012 | Posted by
Historical parallels are never exact. But it is not unusual for us to see moments from the past resonating with moments of the present.
About the author: James M. Wall is currently a Contributing Editor of The Christian Century magazine, based in Chicago, Illinois. From 1972 through 1999, he was editor and publisher of the Christian Century magazine.

He has made more than 20 trips to that region as a journalist, during which he covered such events as Anwar Sadat’s 1977 trip to Jerusalem, and the 2006 Palestinian legislative election. He has interviewed, and written about, journalists, religious leaders, political leaders and private citizens in the region. Jim served for two years on active duty in the US Air Force, and three additional years in the USAF (inactive) reserve. His website: Wall Writings.


I propose no firm historical linkage between slavery and Occupation, but I do propose a linkage between the demand for action called for by John Newton against slavery, and the passage of a divestment resolution by United Methodist General Conference delegates as a 21st century demand for the UMC to halt its financial support of Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian people.

It is well past time to “throw this dirty, filthy Occupation out of United Methodist waters”.

Full article with video and illustrated inserts.

Phi Beta Iota:  The continuing economic and political crisis in the USA, one that may escalate to a civil war as well as a national crime wave in 2013, has limited US public outrage against Israel.  However, there are many weak signals that the tide has turned — not only are Americans outraged the role played by Goldman Sachs and the Jewish Chairmen of the Federal Reserve in the destruction of the global and the US domestic economies, but also at the role played by Jewish money and Israeli dominatrix methods in US politics.  We see the day coming when Israel is treated to financial sanctions much as South Africa was.  The Israeli government is to the Palestinians as the white South African government was to the people of color in South Africa.  Justice will have its day in Palestine; we pray this be so.

Berto Jongman: Humanitarian Aid & Forgotten Conflicts

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 06 Genocide, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, Budgets & Funding, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, IO Deeds of Peace, Non-Governmental, Peace Intelligence, Policies
Berto Jongman

Some important connections drawn between aid, corruption, and positive change; and also important omissions — conflicts out of the news where paying attention could make a difference.

Singling Out Forgotten Conflicts

The ISN Blog, 15 March 2012

A popular method for identifying which conflicts necessitate more attention from the international community is to estimate the difference between supply and demand of humanitarian assistance in these conflicts. Supply and demand, however, are very hard to measure in emergencies. This has led to the development of several indicators used to measure ‘forgotten conflicts’.

These indicators are often applied on an annual basis and are intended to generate media attention (to increase donations) and/or support donor operations (to comply with impartiality). Have these efforts been successful? Have they effectively singled out and buttressed forgotten conflicts? Looking back on the past decade, in this blog post I’ll assess which conflicts received the least (and most) attention from international actors.

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: Humanitarian Aid & Forgotten Conflicts”

John Pilger: The War on Democracy Comes Home

06 Genocide, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, Cultural Intelligence, DoD, Earth Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency, Military, Officers Call, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests
John Pilger

Recommended by Paul Craig Roberts, Institute for Political Economy

John Pilger describes the reality hidden behind the cloak of anglo-american “democracy.”

Phi Beta Iota:  This describes the crime against humanity, the atrocity, of cleansing the population of the islands now known as Diego Garcia.  If We the People do not hold our government accountable, then We the People are complicit in all that is done “in our name.”

The World War on Democracy

January 20, 2012 — Lisette Talate died the other day. I remember a wiry, fiercely intelligent woman who masked her grief with a determination that was a presence. She was the embodiment of people’s resistance to the war on democracy. I first glimpsed her in a 1950s Colonial Office film about the Chagos islanders, a tiny creole nation living midway between Africa and Asia in the Indian Ocean. The camera panned across thriving villages, a church, a school, a hospital, set in a phenomenon of natural beauty and peace. Lisette remembers the producer saying to her and her teenage friends, “Keep smiling girls!”

Sitting in her kitchen in Mauritius many years later, she said, “I didn’t have to be told to smile. I was a happy child, because my roots were deep in the islands, my paradise. My great-grandmother was born there; I made six children there. That’s why they couldn’t legally throw us out of our own homes; they had to terrify us into leaving or force us out. At first, they tried to starve us. The food ships stopped arriving [then] they spread rumors we would be bombed, then they turned on our dogs.”

In the early 1960s, the Labor government of Harold Wilson secretly agreed to a demand from Washington that the Chagos archipelago, a British colony, be “swept” and “sanitized” of its 2,500 inhabitants so that a military base could be built on the principal island, Diego Garcia. “They knew we were inseparable from our pets,” said Lisette, “When the American soldiers arrived to build the base, they backed their big trucks against the brick shed where we prepared the coconuts; hundreds of our dogs had been rounded up and imprisoned there. Then they gassed them through tubes from the trucks’ exhausts. You could hear them crying.”

Continue reading “John Pilger: The War on Democracy Comes Home”

Josh Kilbourn: Raising Debt Ceiling, US Troops Into Libya, Undeclared War on Iran…

03 Economy, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 05 Iran, 06 Genocide, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 10 Security, Blog Wisdom, Corruption, DoD, Government
Joshua Kilbourn

Let's see, 12,000 US troops going into Libya?  Undeclared war on Iran?  Absolute US guarantee of energy supply for Israel “no matter what?”  Whatever could we be borrowing money for?

Obama Sends Request To Congress For $1.2 Trillion Debt Ceiling Increase



Two days ago we wondered how long it would take for Obama to restart the debt ceiling theater. Not that long it turns out.


So with Congress in recess, will Obama succeed in passing another automatic vote using base trickery? The same Obama, who as recently as 3 hours ago warned Congress that any attempts to pass approval on the Keystone Pipeline without his involvement are “counterproductive”… In other news, America' new debt ceiling of $16.3 trillion, or 107% of GDP is now just a formality, about to be interrupted by a little circus clowning.

Read full article with Bloomberg quote.