Journal: UN–A Study in Contradictions

01 Poverty, 02 Infectious Disease, 03 Environmental Degradation, Government, Non-Governmental
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UN Summit Aims to Reduce Poverty, Hunger and Disease

U.N. members resolved a decade ago to reduce extreme poverty, ensure every child finishes primary school and stop the HIV/AIDS pandemic.  They also vowed to reduce child mortality, improve maternal health and reduce the number of people worldwide who do not have access to clean water and basic sanitation.

But a U.N. report earlier this year said several of the Millennium Development Goals are lagging and could fail without additional efforts.

Phi Beta Iota: The UN is an Industrial-Era government-centric organization, and is not making–or even recognizing the need to make–any adjustment to the Information-Era.  In the absence of public intelligence that enables all publics to see the fraud, waste, and abuse in their respective government's spending, and the relative return on investment of spending to achieve the Millenium Goals, the UN is severely handicapped and unlikely to be successful, especially in the midst of a global economic depression.

Seed Money for Ideas Addressing Global Health Challenges–and the Fly in the Milk Bowl

01 Poverty, 02 Infectious Disease, 07 Health, 12 Water, Gift Intelligence, Peace Intelligence, Technologies

Unorthodox thinking is essential to overcoming the most persistent challenges in global health. Vaccines were first developed over 200 years ago because revolutionary thinkers took an entirely new approach to preventing disease. Grand Challenges Explorations fosters innovation in global health research.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has committed $100 million to encourage scientists worldwide to expand the pipeline of ideas to fight our greatest health challenges.Launched in 2008, Grand Challenge Explorations grants have already been awarded to 340 researchers from 34 countries.

Open to All Disciplines: Anyone Can Apply
The grant program is open to anyone from any discipline, from student to tenured professor, and from any organization – colleges and universities, government laboratories, research institutions, non-profit organizations and for-profit companies.

Agile, Accelerated Grant-Making
The initiative uses an agile, accelerated grant-making process with short two-page applications and no preliminary data required.

Applications are submitted online, and winning grants are chosen approximately 4 months from the submission deadline.Initial grants of $100,000 are awarded two times a year. Successful projects have the opportunity to receive a follow-on grant of up to $1 million.

Example: Water Sanitation Challenge that earns $100,000

De-compartmentalizing science through

Phi Beta Iota: The problem with this well-intentioned initiative is that it throws money as items in isolation.  All well and good.  It would be much more impressive if it had a strategic analytic model that emphasized healthy lifestyle, healthy environment, and natural/alternative cures; and if it demanded some form of intelligence coordination in relation to all the other policies that impact on health far more negatively that we can solve–the bottom line is that we are killing our species faster than any amount of innovation can help it survive.  In our humble opinion.

Project Masiluleke: The Mobile Phone as Life-Saving Device Against HIV/AIDS in South Africa

01 Poverty, 02 Infectious Disease, 07 Health, Geospatial, Mobile, Technologies

Project Masiluleke is a South African project that aims to find solutions for the country's growing AIDS pandemic. The project is unique in that it enjoys the collaboration of a group of leading South African and international partners in the clinical, technical, philanthropic, development and design arena's. The project was unveiled globally at the annual Pop!Tech Conference in Camden, USA in October 2008 and will be officially launched in South Africa in 2009.

Intended Impact

In a country where less than 5% of the adult population knows their HIV-status and more than 24% is HIV positive (close to 40% in provinces like Kwazulu Natal), Project Masiluleke has the potential to:

  • Bring large numbers of people into testing without spending millions on expensive and often unsuccessful awareness campaigns,
  • Empower people to know their HIV status by testing privately and accurate for the disease, in the privacy of their own homes,
  • Involve adherent ARV patients as role-models and mobile support agents, through the virtual call centres,
  • Keep patients on treatment and increase treatment effectiveness, through regular doctor's visits and clinical support.

Project brief (pdf)

Other links on the same project:

Video of the project

Global Infectious Disease Alert Map

02 Infectious Disease, 07 Health, Geospatial, Technologies

Public website bringing together disparate data sources to achieve a unified view of the current global state of infectious diseases.

Comment: Idea = add mobile alerts based on location, making the alerts more relevant to those closer to the outbreaks.

+ Biosurveillance (and the twitter feed)
+ Praecipio International | An Institute for Warning Analysis

Pakistan Medical Resource Finder, Millions at Risk of Fatal Diseases

02 Infectious Disease, 03 Environmental Degradation, 07 Health, Geospatial, International Aid, Technologies

This is a good idea/resource that needs a great deal of additional information and mobile SMS access.

Thanks to those posting at the Ushahidi Twitter feed

+ Epidemic advisory situation report
+ Crisis Commons Wiki on Pakistan Floods
+ Sahana Foundation Flood Response Resources
+ Crisis mappers
+ Praecipio International | An Institute for Warning Analysis
+ Biosurveillance (and the twitter feed)
+ 3.5 million Pakistan kids at risk of fatal diseases
+ Map of Pakistan flooding
+ Mismanagement of rivers, farms contributed to large flooding
+ UN Pakistan Floods Emergency Response Plan August 2010

Earth Intelligence Network Twitter Feed Links (that were not listed here)

02 Infectious Disease, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 06 Russia, 07 Health, 10 Transnational Crime, Geospatial, Mobile, Technologies, Videos/Movies/Documentaries, Waste (materials, food, etc)
@earthintelnet Twitter feed

Below are interesting links/stories from our Twitter feed that were not posted to Phi Beta Iota due to time constraints, etc:

  1. ISP Owner Who Fought FBI Spying Freed From Gag Order
  2. America discards 40% of the food it makes (2% composted) while a billion go hungry
  3. Afghan War Interactive Timeline
  4. Scientists developing cancer breath test
  5. (video) Crime on the Southwest Border: The FBI partners with Mexican law enforcement and many federal, state, and local
  6. Mapping Haitian History: An interactive map of Haiti
  7. Arizona Counter Terrorism Information Center Overview
  8. President Obama signs into law ban on cell phones in federal prisons
  9. Latest from Russia:, the First Ushahidi Experience
  10. Ramadan goes hi-tech with phone apps to remind the devout to pray
  11. Social Networks Can Warn of Disease After Disasters
  12. How Freedom Fone Helped Create Participatory Radio in Africa

Event: 29-31 July 2010, Berkeley CA, Open Science Summit

01 Poverty, 02 Infectious Disease, 04 Education, 07 Health, 10 Security, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Commerce, Government, Reform, Technologies
event link

Objectives:  Create an annual flagship event and news hub to build and maintain the identity of the international Open Science Movement.  Organize the various sub-communities into an effective, global, socio-technological force for rapid change in science/innovation policy. An attempt to gather all stakeholders who want to liberate our scientific and technological commons and enable a new era of decentralized, distributed innovation to solve humanity’s greatest challenges. Continue reading “Event: 29-31 July 2010, Berkeley CA, Open Science Summit”