Vendor Relationship Management (VRM)

Advanced Cyber/IO, Autonomous Internet
Jon Lebkowsky Bio

Doc Searls‘ (et al) “vendor relationship management” (VRM) concept can be useful. Walmart is as it is because it serves a base of passive, faceless consumers – as is the case with “mass” business in general. VRM redefines the relationship of business to consumer by giving the consumer an active role – balancing power in the relationship of business to consumer. Participatory medicine, which is another of my areas of focus, does that with the patient, and is a great working example of VRM thinking.  Project VRM hopes to drive the development of tools, and is connected to identity and data portability movements.

How customers matter more than data about them ..  Pushing for Pull and the Open Web ..  VRM as Agency ..  The Personal Data Story ..  VRM+FSW+PDS ..  VRM + CRM ..  Managing relationships, not each other ..  Why not have your own cloud?

Broadband Telefony Near-Zero Cost

Advanced Cyber/IO, Autonomous Internet, Collective Intelligence, InfoOps (IO), Mobile

Nokia & Microsoft: White Space Phone?

When Nokia announced that it will drop Symbian for Microsoft’s Windows Mobile, many in the industry were taken by surprise. Now, according to industry insiders, the strategy is becoming clear: Nokia will use Microsoft’s patented “white spaces” radio, enabling wireless devices to use television frequencies.

Click on Image to Enlarge

The two firms have apparently been working on a software defined radio platform for several years. Now the companies are preparing a world-wide rollout of a system that may short circuit the world’s largest carriers.

Microsoft and Nokia are expected to utilize small, WiFi-like access points, expected to cost $250-$500 dollars, rather than cell towers that can cost $250,000. Local access points, using unused television frequencies, penetrate indoors better and can have a range similar to PCS cellular radios – approximately 1-3 miles.

Multiple 6 MHz wide channels will be automatically ganged together in this new system, delivering an effective 2-12 Mbps for end users. Using TD-based LTE or WiMAX radios, with a software defined front end, the Nokia/Microsoft access points connect to the internet directly — like WiFi access points. The phones use VoIP software, similar to Skype, jointly developed by Nokia and Microsoft.

According to some industry observers, the impact of white space phones on today’s two trillion dollar telecommunications industry may be significant. White space phones will not need today’s infrastructure and licensed spectrum. They will not be dependent on phone companies.

The initial thrust for the whitespace phone system is expected to be in the developing world. The joint venture is expected to announce several test markets, including the Seattle area this summer and will test a Visa-enabled SIM card, enabling contactless payments.

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Safety copy below the line.  Tip of the Hat to Sepp Hasslberger.

Continue reading “Broadband Telefony Near-Zero Cost”

Reddit Focus on Darknet, Mesh, Cyber-Freedom

Autonomous Internet
DuckDuckGo Web Stack on Reddit

This reddit is dedicated to organizing and creating a decentralized VPN as the first stage of the darknet plan.

There have been some projects started up that may interest you.

Reddit I2P ..  Beginning a Map ..  Tor Project

Be sure to check these things out, and if you can code please consider making some tools that will help fight back against censorship of the internet.

DarkNet Plan List of Popular Entries….

Tip of the Hat to Eugen Leiti at Distributed Internet Google Group.

OpenBSC & OpenBTS

Autonomous Internet, Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Communities of Practice, Ethics
Aaron Huslage

OpenBSC is worth a close look.

OpenBSC is the current name for a software program that started with the name bs11-abis.

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What is OpenBSC

It is a BSC (Base Station Controller) side implementation of the A-bis protocol, as implemented in the GSM Technical Specification 08.5x and 12.21. It implements a minimal subset of the BSC, MSC and HLR. It does not implement ant of the interfaces (like the A and B interfaces) between the higher-order GSM network components.

The goal of the project is to

  • provide a basis for experimentation and security research with GSM from the network side
  • document, publicized and point out any security related issues that we find as part of that
  • learn more about GSM networks on a lower level, particularly the practical aspects with real-world equipment

We are not primarily interested in

  • building a stable/reliable BSC/MSC for deployment in networks requiring high-9 (99.999….) availability
  • building something that follows the GSM spec to the last detail
  • disrupting actual commercial GSM network

Learn more…..

Phi Beta Iota: We have learned that the OpenBTS pioneers are working with and admire OpenBSC–the latter has different goals and the architecture is traditional.

See Also:

OpenBTS at Burning Man: Best Full Story

Range Networks: The ONLY OpenBTS Real Deal

Reference: Freedom & Sovereignty in the Cloud

Fight Global Warming: Free Fiber to the Home….

11 Society, Autonomous Internet, Earth Intelligence, InfoOps (IO)

Executive Summary

This blog is about a novel new business model for delivering Fiber to the Home. A proposed pilot deployment is underway in Ottawa Canada.

See slideshow with  detailed business plan.


One of , if not, the greatest threats to our future society and economy is global warming. Governments around the world are wrestling with the challenge of how to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. The current preferred approaches are to impose “carbon” taxes and/or implement various forms of cap and trade systems. However another approach to help reduce carbon emission is to “reward” those who reduce their carbon footprint rather than imposing draconian taxes or dubious cap and trade systems. Consumers will generally respond more positively to voluntary reward mechanisms as opposed to mandatory solutions imposed by government or other authorities. For more details on carbon rewards see

This paper discusses one possible reward system where consumers are provided with free true high speed Internet if they reduce their overall energy consumption. Not only does the consumer benefit, but this business model also provides new revenue opportunities for network operators and builders.

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Tip of the Hat to Patrick Anderson at the Freedom Box discussion and the Building a Decentralized and Distributed Internet Google Groups

Worth a Look: Mesh Networks

Autonomous Internet, Technologies, Worth A Look
Aaron Huslage

I know many of these people. They have been working on mesh for a long time. Worth a look and following….

Creating a solar autonomous mesh node: the basics

Waspmote: the Wireless Sensor Networks mote

The Mesh networks research group is formed by research and developer teams throughout all the world which are involved in active wireless mesh networks projects.


The Mesh Networks Research Group is focused in the mesh networks field and cover aspects like privacy, security, routing protocols, mobile mesh networks and roaming. All the members of this group are concerned about the importance of open source projects when sharing and spreading knowledge. The open source concept applies to use open routing protocols for ensuring interoperability among networks and open monitoring and test platforms.
