NOW HIRING: CIA Beirut Station – Last Table in Back

02 Diplomacy, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, Corruption, Director of National Intelligence et al (IC), Government
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Tip of the Hat to DefDog and Marcus Aurelius

American spies outed, CIA suffers in Lebanon

Associated Press, 21 November 2011

WASHINGTON (AP) – The CIA's operations in Lebanon have been badly damaged after Hezbollah identified and captured a number of U.S. spies recently, current and former U.S. officials told The Associated Press. The intelligence debacle is particularly troubling because the CIA saw it coming.

Hezbollah's longtime leader, Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, boasted on television in June that he had rooted out at least two CIA spies who had infiltrated the ranks of Hezbollah, which the U.S. considers a terrorist group closely allied with Iran. Though the U.S. Embassy in Lebanon officially denied the accusation, current and former officials concede that it happened and the damage has spread even further.

In recent months, CIA officials have secretly been scrambling to protect their remaining spies – foreign assets or agents working for the agency – before Hezbollah can find them.

Read more.

Phi Beta Iota:  CIA's long-standing dirty little secret has been the utter ineffectiveness of the Directorate of Operations (DO) that is a mix of lazy, arrogant, and inept when it comes to non-official cover (NOC) and persists in housing 90% of any Station, including the communicators, in the one official US Government building that can be found in most capitals.  Now  that they are all armed fortresses that walk-ins cannot penetrate, the CIA officers bouncing in and out all day and throwing money around like no other diplomat, stand out like sore thumbs.  The fact is that CIA is blown around the world, the other countries simply have more fun running selected agents as doubles and keeping CIA busy lest it actually recruit someone important.  Perhaps one day the US public will have a sane, competent intelligence community.

See Also:

Continue reading “NOW HIRING: CIA Beirut Station – Last Table in Back”

Robert Steele: Waterboarding Morons — A Social Cancer

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Corruption, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Director of National Intelligence et al (IC), DoD, Ethics, Government, IO Impotency, Law Enforcement, Military, Officers Call
Robert David STEELE Vivas

It is difficult for any intelligent moral citizen to stand by and watch their country self-destruct.  Between the ideological idiots on the extreme right and the mere idiots on the extreme left, America is in a pickle.  Elsewhere I have posited a solution for 2012.

Here I am obliged, from a sense of duty to the Republic that has been betrayed by our serving flag officers and senior executives, to point to and then demolish a book that is beneath contempt among real professionals, but all the rage among the loosely-educated and macho-shit crowd–this sadly includes a number of ranking Special Operations Force (SOF) officers that should know better.  It came out in early 2010 and crap from this book is now making the rounds among the wing-nuts of the right and the uniformed officers that have never actually done any form of successful clandestine intelligence or counterintelligence.  I refer to Courting Disaster: How the CIA Kept America Safe and How Barack Obama is Inviting the Next Attack.

Here is a copy of the garbage that is circulating now via email among military officers:

Setting the Record Straight: Courting Disaster, by Marc Thiessen

And now to set the record straight for honest folk:

Continue reading “Robert Steele: Waterboarding Morons — A Social Cancer”

Marcus Aurelius: CIA Flogs on Campus + RECAP

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Director of National Intelligence et al (IC), Government, Officers Call
Marcus Aurelius

CIA runs all-source analytic competition for universities — neither the Open Source Center nor Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) are anywhere to be found.

Deja vu?

Covert Operation

WC Wins High Honors at CIA Tri-State Intelligence Simulation

Phi Beta Iota:  This was probably a variation of the superb Mid-Career Course (CIA's mini-war college) analytic exercise but lacking the meat that is to be found in the Mid-Career Course: the opportunity to learn that walking around and talking to PEOPLE is what fills in the gaps and leads to a more complete view.  Also lacking here, as it is in the Mid-Career Course, is any tutorial on analytic tradecraft, or any reference to external legal ethical human, online, and analog sources that generally have the 80% or more of the knowledge that CIA is simply not able to access because of its secrecy blinders.

Deja vu, indeed.

See Also:

Continue reading “Marcus Aurelius: CIA Flogs on Campus + RECAP”

John Robb: Micro Drones Threaten US Citizens at Home

07 Other Atrocities, 10 Security, 11 Society, Blog Wisdom, Civil Society, Corruption, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, DHS, Director of National Intelligence et al (IC), DoD, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Military
John Robb

DRONES and US Internal Security

Signature strikes target groups of men believed to be militants associated with terrorist groups, but whose identities aren't always known. The bulk of CIA's drone strikes are signature strikes.  Wall Street Journal.

Drones are changing the dynamics of warfare in very scary ways.  They make oppression much easier (and cost-effective).

Click on Image to Enlarge

To recap:  Drones are extremely cost effective vs. ground/air assets (particularly in that with drones, operators aren't put at risk).  They also enable extremely centralized command and control (as in: operations can be micro-manged in Washington, down to the decision to kill).  In sum, a small number of people in Washington DC can control/operate a vast 24×7 killing field for very few $$.

Here's how they are changing warfare:

  • An Assassination List.  Drones, in combination with other forms of electronic surveillance, make it easy to rapidly find and kill people (even in non-permissive areas).  As a result, assassination of threats has become the easy solution to many problems.  It has become so popular that the process has become bureaucratized and automated through the development of an assassination list.  The US President has one, and he can put US citizens on it via a simple, non-judicial, bureaucratic process.
  • Signature Strikes.  The current practice of the CIA in Pakistan is to kill groups of people that “look” like terrorists or guerrillas.  Exactly what a group of people needs to do, wear, or be to trigger the signature of a terrorist/guerrilla group is unknown.  The Pakistani authorities are only told about strikes that kill more than 20 people.   While these strikes have generated some push-back from Pakistani press/politicians, it's relatively small given the number of people killed.
  • Borders melt.  Nearly every country in the world, except a few key allies, can be penetrated with drones.  In most cases, they don't know they've been penetrated.  In others, there's nothing they can do to prevent it.  The big barrier to cross border special ops or air force hits/strikes in the past was the chance that operators would be captured.  That's not true anymore.  So, in effect, anybody can be killed nearly anywhere at anytime by a flip of a switch.

What's Next?

It's a pretty slippery slope from here.  The simple answer is that US practice we see at work in Pakistan will eventually become common place in Mexico, Central America, and Northern Africa.  However, the more interesting answer is how it gets applied to US internal security when the US/global economy crumps into depression, the US government goes bankrupt, and the current system loses much of its remaining legitimacy.  In that scenario:

  • any armed group would instantly fit the signature of terrorists/guerrillas (the further you are away from an urban zone, the easier a target you will be),
  • even a mildly radical post to a blog, Facebook or Twitter ( particularly if it could lead to a flashmob or an occupy style protest) would invite inclusion on the drone assassination list (in that case, the occasional flash of a car being blown up by a drone patrolling a highway and IDing a listed driver, will become common),
  • drone to citizen ratios will rise to 100:1 as new micro-drones cut cost and new software allows DHS control centers to manage large region wide “drone clouds.”

Marcus Aurelius: Death Notice for Counterintelligence

07 Other Atrocities, 10 Security, Corruption, Director of National Intelligence et al (IC), DoD, Government, Intelligence (government), IO Impotency, Military, Officers Call
Marcus Aurelius

Combat Commanders Gain Control Of Counterintelligence Ops

By Carlo Munoz

AOL Defense, November 1, 2011

Washington: The Pentagon is offering field commanders control of counterintelligence operations to cope with the never-ceasing efforts by countries such as China, Iran and Israel to gain access to classified information and technology.

Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence Mike Vickers approved the plan in an Oct. 5 memorandum. Groups such as Central Command and Special Operations Command can now choose to do their own CI work within their organizations, according to the memo. Formal investigations are still handled by the services.

“We gave the [combat commands] an option to develop an organic CI capability… or to rely on [the Defense Department],” Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. James Gregory said. “We did not want to legislate either way but instead wanted to give [them] an option.” The decision comes as the Pentagon and intelligence community are preparing for a $25 billion to $40 billion budget cut over the next decade.

Read full article.

Phi Beta Iota:  At the tactical level intelligence has always been the runt, generally one rank down from operations, and within intelligence, counterintelligence is where the runts of the runts go.  Marty Hurwitz destroyed tactical intelligence with his consolidation of the General Defense Intelligence Program (GDIP) and the well-intentioned but badly conceived Joint Intelligence Center (JIC) concept.  While Jim Clapper destroyed Marty Hurwitz, he did not make tactical intelligence  (counterintelligence silent as in non-existent) healthy again, going on to make national consolidation every worse.  There is a huge difference between security and defensive counterintelligence – they are not the same but ignorant commanders will treat them as one.  There is a huge difference between defensive counterintelligence and offensive counterintelligence – no one in the US national intelligence community is competent as offensive counterintelligence, and the commanders will be oblivious to this until such time as we finally eliminate the regional commands and reset national defense and multinational information-sharing and sense-making.  The budget cuts are trivial – $40 billion over ten years is $4 billion a year, that is a 4% cut on $90 billion a year, while at least 50% of what the IC spends now is fraud, waste, and abuse, 70% of that on contractor vapor-ware.  The greatest enemy of America is a dishonest intelligence community that cannot do holistic analytics relevant to everything we need to know.

More practically, COCOMs consist of headquarters staffs and operational units sourced from the Services.  Counterintelligence is currently a functional support service provided to the COCOMs by the Services and perhaps DIA.  I know of no joint CI force structure designed for COCOMs.  So, for COCOMs to run their own CI operations, they will require resources to be sourced, either permanently or temporarily, from the Services or from DIA, which itself gets its military personnel from the Services and competes with the rest of the Intelligence Community to hire civilians.  That would serve principally to exacerbate existing shortages in counterintelligence personnel and force structure.  In other words, Mike Vickers is not leading, he is scamming.

DefDog: Afghan Surge Flops, Viet-Nam Deja Vu

08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, Director of National Intelligence et al (IC), DoD, Government, IO Deeds of War, Military, Officers Call

More evidence, as if we needed it, of the lack of integrity of this administration…..

New Afghan War Plan Concedes the Surge Fell Short

Spencer Ackerman

WIRED, 1 November 2011

As the Obama administration winds down its troop surge in Afghanistan, it’s adopted a new political strategy for ending the war. And that new strategy represents a tacit concession that the best the surge could accomplish was rescuing Afghanistan from from the brink of total failure.

What was the surge for, anyway? In one sense, as explained by President Obama, it was merely designed to stop the Afghanistan war from deteriorating. But Obama’s generals promised that it would do more — that it would whup the Taliban into suing for peace. And in the broadest sense of all, it would contribute to the Obama team’s ultimate objective for the region: to “disrupt, dismantle and defeat” al-Qaida.

Judged in the narrowest sense, then, the surge worked. Afghanistan is no longer spiraling into greater violence. But it’s failed to accomplish anything beyond that.

Read longer than usual, very pointed analysis of lies, delusions, and failure.

Phi Beta Iota:  We've learned to expect a complete lack of integrity in our political, operational, and intelligence leaders.  This is so “deja vu” of Viet-Nam.  There is no accountability for failure in the US Government.

See Also:

Chuck Spinney: Time Favors the Taliban

Afghanistan Ground Truth: Deja Vu & Nested RECAP

Bob Gates: Flat Out Liar or Just Feeble? + RECAP

US Intelligence Lies to “Defer” to General Petraeus

Journal: Taliban Ramps Up North, Holds South + RECAP

Journal: Putin to Obama–Stay in Afghanistan + RECAP

Journal: William Polk on Afghanistan Non-Strategy Plus Consolidated Journal, Review, and Reference Links for Afghanistan

Chuck Spinney: Bin Laden, Perpetual War, Total Cost + Perpetual War RECAP

Marcus Aurelius: US at Permanent “War” + War RECAP

1961-2011: 50 Years of The Military-Industrial Complex

David Isenberg: Jim Clapper Claims Transformation — Robert Steele Comments on Each Misrepresentation

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Intelligence (Most)

Richard Wright: IARPA Clutches at Straws, DNI Refuses to Grow Up

Academia, Analysis, Corruption, Director of National Intelligence et al (IC), Government, Intelligence (government), IO Impotency, Methods & Process, Policies, Serious Games, Threats
Richard Wright

IARPA clutches at straws….

Matthew Barakat, AP, October 24, 2011

FAIRFAX, Virginia (AP) — Maybe you've got a hunch Kim Jong Il's regime in North Korea has seen its final days, or that the Ebola virus will re-emerge somewhere in the world in the next year.

Your educated guess may be just as good as an expert's opinion. Statistics have long shown that large crowds of average people frequently make better predictions about unknown events, when their disparate guesses are averaged out, than any individual scholar — a phenomenon known as the wisdom of crowds.

Now the U.S. intelligence community, with the help of university researchers and regular folks around the country, is studying ways to harness and improve the wisdom of crowds. The research could one day arm policymakers with information gathered by some of the same methods that power Wikipedia and social media.

Read more.

Phi Beta Iota:  The idea is actually from George Mason University.  IARPA is a mess, as is DARPA.  If the DNI were serious about growing up, he would have distributed national intelligence councils for each of the ten high-level threats to humanity, each of the core policy domains, and state and local sub-councils, as well as a means of integrating humans, data, and assumptions in an EarthGame such as Medard Gabel is ready to build at a cost of no more than $3 million a year.  US Intelligence lacks intelligence and integrity, and is not going to grow up under its current “leadership.”