Review: OBLIVION – America At The Brink by Thomas Bearden

6 Star Top 10%, Asymmetric, Cyber, Hacking, Odd War
Amazon Page

6 Stars For Provocation & Graphics

The books of Thomas Bearden, a retired US Army Lieutenant Colonel and also a PhD intelligence analyst assigned the Soviet escoteric weapons target in the 1970's and 1980's, were brought to my attention by John Petersen, founder of The Arlington Institute still today one of America's foremost futurist networks with DEEP knowledge of escoteric matters including weapons.

This book, one of his more recent first published in 2005, is unique because the bulk of the book is a very long briefing, two graphics per page, that he created for a single wealthy customer.

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Review: Gravitobiology – A New Biophysics by Thomas Bearden

6 Star Top 10%, Asymmetric, Cyber, Hacking, Odd War, Intelligence (Government/Secret), Nature, Diet, Memetics, Design, Power (Pathologies & Utilization), Science & Politics of Science, War & Face of Battle, Water, Energy, Oil, Scarcity
Amazon Page

6 Stars — Balances All Lies by Existing Authorities – We Have a Need to Know!

I am not a scientist, I cannot comprehend mathematics, and I found much of this book too escoteric for a word by word reading.

Having said that, I am persuaded that the author,  a retired US Army Lieutenant Colonel and PhD with long experience in technical intelligence focused on the Soviet target, is sharing core knowledge on the intersection between biology and electromagnetics that we have a need to know.

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Review: Rebel Gene – Secret Space and the Future of Humanity by Kerry Cassidy

5 Star, Intelligence (Extra-Terrestrial)
Amazon Page

5 Stars – The only “Direct Witness” Book & Overview  By a Person I Trust

Reviewed by Robert David STEELE Vivas

Of the 97 non-fiction topical areas in which I read, Extraterrestrials is the one I am least comfortable with.  I have no direct knowledge. However, I have read and reviewed a number of books, and talked personally with retired NASA PhDs and a few DoD colleagues who alleged direct involvement in the secret space program — and I have talked with and even interviewed on video the author of this book, Kerry Cassidy.

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Review: Identity Cartography Maps and Symbols for the Heterarchy

5 Star, Consciousness & Social IQ

5 Stars — Heart, Humanity, Soul, Space — Art as Educator and Healer

In this first book of “The Heterarchy” series, we are introduced to the concept of what comes after the matriarchy and patriarchy – the Heterarchy, the balance and integration of male and female principles – to power our selves, our communities, nation and planet. Based on the essay and exhibit on view at The Woman's National Democratic Club Museum from Sept 6 – Nov 27, 2018.

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Review: The Intelligence by Nora Maccoby

5 Star, Consciousness & Social IQ
Amazon Page

5 Star — A Novel that Inspires Reflection

In this one book, Nora Maccoby has brought together some of the most important ideas related to extra-terrestrial intelligence, human intelligence, and cosmic intelligence – everything is a form of energy with inherent intelligence. As a former spy who is also a top Amazon non-fiction reviewer, reading in 98 categories, it has taken me decades to achieve a diversified understanding that this one book offers any reader. The author has melded a vast potpourri of nested concepts of intelligence, consciousness, and universalism. I found this book gripping, enchanting, and uplifting. Have you ever wanted your own personal Star Gate? You have it in your hands.

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Review: The Cost of Loyalty – Dishonest, Hubris, and Failure in the US Military by Tim Bakken

3 Star, Military & Pentagon Power

3 Stars for Deep Whining,  Makes 1 Point Over and Over and Over Again

I finished the book and wrote the following:

  • 30% grudge
  • 30% shortfalls generally citing others
  • 30% over-the-top misrepresentation
  • 10% outright whining

The further I got into this book the more annoying I found the author, to the point that I would fire him rather than let him poison more young officers with his combination of grievances and ignorance.

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