Matthew Ehret: Humanity as a Species of the Stars or Lab Rats in Geopolitical Cage?

Cultural Intelligence

Humanity as a Species of the Stars or Lab Rats in Geopolitical Cage?

In these days of profound uncertainty, it is comforting knowing that certain fundamental truths still exist and serve as guiding lights through the dark waters.

Among the highest of those fundamental truths are those enunciated in 1967 by Reverend Martin Luther King who ruminated over the dangers of imperialism and nuclear war by stating “we still have a choice today: nonviolent co-existence or violent co-annihilation”.

When leaping ahead over five decades past the April 4, 1968 assassination of King to our present time, that truth stands as valid today as ever.

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Robert Steele: 9/11 Disclosure Looms – “Biden” Spanked by Families

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government

9/11 families tell Biden to skip memorial if he does not declassify files

ROBERT STEELE: President Trump promised to disclose all information about 9/11 and I continue to believe that will happen this year.  What is interesting about this report is that Reuters, an organ of the Deep State, published it.


Steele Edited Book on 9/11 Free Online

The Steele Report – Weekly Questions Being Answered Today (8/7/21)

Steele Report


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AU ARRESTS Hearing on that the Australian national police are going to make massive arrests of AU federal and state officials. Can US military get this news on our media channels?
BIDEN Do you see Biden getting us into a war?

ILLEGALLY ELECTED PRES Is there a mechanism for over turning a Presidential election after certification in constitution?

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Paul Craig Roberts: They Killed People for Vaccine Profits – Paul Craig Roberts

07 Other Atrocities, Cultural Intelligence
Paul Craig Roberts

They Killed People for Vaccine Profits – Paul Craig Roberts

International award winning journalist and former Assistant Treasury Secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says the evidence is clear Covid vaccines are not safe and effective.  Dr. Roberts says, “So, why the push for overriding everyone’s civil rights to vaccinate when you have information it doesn’t protect.  It doesn’t reduce infections, and we have all these cases of illnesses caused by the vaccine.  We also see Biden saying, quick, let’s give it full approval.

Why do they want to give it full approval?  If they have to admit there are cures after all, they have to stop using the vaccine.  This will affect the profits.  This will affect all the inflated stock prices of the vaccine companies.  They will all collapse. . . . So, they are protecting the investment in the Covid deception.”

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