J. C. Cole: Silver Alert? Collapse Tomorrow?

03 Economy, Commercial Intelligence

Today “may possibly” be a critical day. As of yesterday, there are remaining silver contracts on the Comex for about 240 million ounces of silver. Today is the last day to either rollover the contracts or stand for delivery. That is huge and never seen before.

We will not know till tomorrow what has happened to the contracts. If a large percentage stand for delivery it could break the Comex. And that removes what many believe is the monopoly keeping the petrol dollar strong. Then we will see the fiat currencies start to collapse.

Mongoose: Dirtbag Dershowitz on the Record for Ending Statuatory Rape — Notional Summary: “If a Child Wants to Fuck, or I THINK a Child Wants to Fuck, Who’s to Say No?”

06 Family, 11 Society, Cultural Intelligence

Epstein Lawyer Alan Dershowitz Called for The Lowering of The Age of Consent

The infamous attorney (and alleged pedophile intimate with Jeffrey Epstein) defended an op-ed from the 90's where he also argued for the abolition of the rape statute.

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Who’s Who in Cultural Intelligence: Penny Kelly

Alpha I-L, Cultural Intelligence

Penny Kelly is an author, teacher, publisher, consultant, Naturopathic physician, and researcher of consciousness.

Early in her career she was an engineer for Chrysler Corporation, but left there in 1979 after a full, spontaneous awakening of kundalini to study the brain, consciousness, intelligence, intuition, and cognition.

This was followed by 18 years of work as an educational consultant specializing in Accelerated and Brain-Compatible Teaching and Learning, working with both schools and corporations.

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James Fetzer: 500,000 FAKE DEATHS! Rebuttal by The Anti-New York Times

02 Infectious Disease, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Media
Jim Fetzer

500,000 FAKE DEATHS! Rebuttal by The Anti-New York Times

About 9 months ago, the ā€œEditorial Boardā€ ofĀ The Anti-New York TimesĀ warned its readership that because there is a constant fresh supply of dead bodies from various causes ā€” 2.9 million per year in the United States to be precise ā€” ā€œdeathsā€ attributed to phony ā€œflares-ups,ā€Ā ā„¢Ā ā€œsecond wavesā€Ā ā„¢Ā and ā€œvariantsā€Ā ā„¢Ā of Stupid-19 would be about as easy to conjure up as the opening or closing of a water spigot. Now, exactly one year into the great Globalist Scamdemic, the felonious faucet of fatality has pumped up the ā€œnational death tollā€Ā ā„¢Ā toĀ 500,000, and counting. How was this sickening sleight of hand achieved? The methods were surprisingly simple.

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