Graphic: Nine HUMINT/OSINT Circles

Advanced Cyber/IO, Communities of Practice, Cultural Intelligence
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Slide:  HUMINT Circles 2.0

Citation:  Robert David STEELE Vivas, “Graphic: Nine HUMINT/OSINT Circles,”
Phi Beta Iota the Public Intelligence Blog, 17 December 2012

This corrects the earlier oversight of not integrating education & training (our first defense and our most reliable eyes and ears are our own people), along with research & development, must be fully integrated with, not isolated from, the fifteen slices of Human Intelligence (HUMINT) / Open Source Intelligence (OSINT).

Richard Wright: Secret Intelligence Cloud, Charlie Allen’s Warning, Comment by Robert Steele

Corruption, Government, IO Impotency
Richard Wright
Richard Wright

This piece quotes Charlie extensively and generally he is supportive of the concept, but noted that it would require strong leadership from the DCI and that a new “business model” for intelligence would be needed.  He warned that:

“Specifically, the data connectivity requirements will be huge, Allen said. The intelligence community already has a prodigious appetite for data of all kinds, from live streaming video from unmanned aerial vehicles to signal and data intercepts. All of this data must be collected, processed and analyzed quickly to make operational decisions, he said.”

What he is obliquely referring to is that the inter and intra  IT infrastructures of the intelligence agencies are not up to dealing with the volume of data that will be made available through cloud technology.  This was the case ten years ago and I suspect the situaiton has not changed.

At that time the scientific advisory board of SSCI warned that NSA's iT infrastructure was “falling apart” and that a major collapse was coming (which is exactly what happened). And NSA had an IT infrastructure better than any other intelligence agency or FBI. Allen knows about this and the processing problems that continue to plague the NSA.

Intel & Cyber

Intelligence Agencies Move Towards Single Super-Cloud


Published: December 17, 2012


Parts of the intelligence community's cloud effort have reached an initial operating capability, mostly the CIA and NSA portions, but he said the entire system won't be fully operational for at least another five years.

Read full article.

Continue reading “Richard Wright: Secret Intelligence Cloud, Charlie Allen's Warning, Comment by Robert Steele”

Mongoose: Connecticut Discrepancies List (32+)

07 Other Atrocities, Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, IO Impotency, Law Enforcement, Media

One of many lists of discrepancies with top-level commentary.  Troubling to say the least.

Phi Beta Iota: We welcome Mongoose, a serving counterintelligence officer, to our number.

Questions About the Connecticut School Shooting

Dr. Kevin Barrett

The Truth Seeker, December 17th, 2012

In my “quickie” article published less than an hour after the news broke about the Connecticut school shooting, I tried to inject some historical context into the discussion – and do it as fast as possible. Since we know that many if not most “lone nut” massacres are actually false-flag operations, we might as well assume that this one is too. Getting that message out early, in order to shape public opinion while it is still malleable, should be a top priority of everyone who wants to put the real terrorists out of business.

Friday’s radio guest Paul Rea responds: “To avoid any appearance of reflexively pour new wine into old cognitive categories, you might consider gathering information, to emerging narratives, and then providing critique of them.” I agree that there is a place for this kind of  critique – the “judicious study” by the “reality-based community” of the false realities created by “history’s actors.” But unfortunately, Karl Rove was right: No amount of “judicious study” of false-flag events is ever going to undo the powerful first impressions hammered into the deepest levels of the public mind by media propaganda.

So the first priority of all truth-seekers must be to “catapult the counter-narrative” as quickly as possible.

THEN we can get around to picking apart the details. Enter Lori Price and Clare Kuehn.

Lori Price of Citizens for Legitimate Government quickly and brilliantly deconstructs false-flag massacres. If you are going to subscribe to one email news service, other than VT, it should be CLG News.

Lori asks a very good question here: Was Adam Lanza’s internet record scrubbed?

Riddle me this: Adam Lanza, ‘computer genius,’ left no online footprint

Clare Kuehn, a participant in the Vancouver 9/11 Hearings, is also asking some interesting questions (32 in number, all below):

Continue reading “Mongoose: Connecticut Discrepancies List (32+)”

Berto Jongman: Cyber-World Crisis of Legitimacy and Representation

Advanced Cyber/IO, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

The crisis of legitimacy and representation

Matthew Carpenter-Arevalo, Dec 17th, 2012

The ongoing spat between the cyber community and the United Nation’s International Telecommunications Union (ITU) reveals a much larger crisis that the world is increasingly facing – the crisis of the legitimacy of representation.

The UN and the Internet are arguably two of humanity’s greatest accomplishments of the 20th century: both bring the world closer by facilitating dialogue and though each has its flaws most would agree that the world is a better place because of their creation.

With so much in common then, why do the two communities find themselves embroiled in conflict?

The underlying issue, I would argue, is that in the same way the United Nations changed the world’s expectations around how problems are solved, so too is the Internet in bringing about a sea change in how citizens expect to be represented in both government and markets.

The UN was designed based on the principle of representative government. As citizens, our voices are represented via a proxy delegate appointed by the proxy government charged with representing our will.

This system, when implemented well, has succeeded in reducing violent conflict, increasing qualities of life and reducing civil strife by empowering citizens with the means to provide an input into their governance.

The digital revolution and direct popular representation

The conflict we’re beginning to see comes from the fact that the tools of the Internet are enabling individuals to represent themselves in conversations previously managed by proxy representatives.

Read rest of article.


Eagle: European Court Convicts CIA of Rendition, Torture & Sodomy — Many More Cases Starting to Come Together Against CIA

Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude
300 Million Talons...
300 Million Talons…

Khaled El-Masri, German Allegedly Kidnapped By CIA In Afghanistan, Wins Case

Angela Charlton

Huffington Post, 13 December 2012

PARIS — A European court issued a landmark ruling Thursday that condemned the CIA's “extraordinary renditions” programs and bolstered those who say they were illegally kidnapped and tortured as part of an overzealous war on terrorism.

The European Court of Human Rights ruled that a German car salesman was an innocent victim of torture and abuse, in a long-awaited victory for a man who had failed for years to get courts in the U.S. and Europe to acknowledge what happened to him.

Khaled El-Masri says he was kidnapped from Macedonia in 2003, mistaken for a terrorism suspect, then held for four months and brutally interrogated at an Afghan prison known as the “Salt Pit” run by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. He says that once U.S. authorities realized he was not a threat, they illegally sent him to Albania and left him on a mountainside.

Khaled El-Masri
Khaled El-Masri

The European court, based in Strasbourg, France, ruled that El-Masri's account was “established beyond reasonable doubt” and that Macedonia “had been responsible for his torture and ill-treatment both in the country itself and after his transfer to the U.S. authorities in the context of an extra-judicial rendition.”

It said the government of Macedonia violated El-Masri's rights repeatedly and ordered it to pay (EURO)60,000 ($78,500) in damages. Macedonia's Justice Ministry said it would enforce the court ruling and pay El-Masri the damages.

U.S. officials closed internal investigations into the El-Masri case two years ago, and the administration of President Barack Obama has distanced itself from some counterterrorism activities conducted under former President George W. Bush.

But several other legal cases are pending from Britain to Hong Kong involving people who say they were illegally detained in the CIA program. Its critics hope that Thursday's ruling will lead to court victories for other rendition victims and prevent future abuses.

Read full article.

Continue reading “Eagle: European Court Convicts CIA of Rendition, Torture & Sodomy — Many More Cases Starting to Come Together Against CIA”

Chuck Spinney: Reality Reporting from Syria — USG Has No Idea….

IO Impotency
Chuck Spinney
Chuck Spinney

Below is an excellent sitrep on the Syrian civil war.  The author, Patrick Cockburn, is one of the very best observers of the Middle East.

Chuck Spinney

DECEMBER 17, 2012

What is Really Happening in Syria

Descent Into Holy War

by PATRICK COCKBURN, Counterpunch


Syria today resembles Iraq nine years ago in another disturbing respect. I have now been in Damascus for 10 days, and every day I am struck by the fact that the situation in areas of Syria I have visited is wholly different from the picture given to the world both by foreign leaders and by the foreign media. The last time I felt like this was in Baghdad in late 2003, when every Iraqi knew the US-led occupation was proving a disaster just as George W Bush, Tony Blair and much of the foreign media were painting a picture of progress towards stability and democracy under the wise tutelage of Washington and its carefully chosen Iraqi acolytes.

The picture of Syria most common believed abroad is of the rebels closing in on the capital as the Assad government faces defeat in weeks or, at most, a few months. The Secretary General of Nato, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, said last week that the regime is “approaching collapse”. The foreign media consensus is that the rebels are making sweeping gains on all fronts and the end may be nigh. But when one reaches Damascus, it is to discover that the best informed Syrians and foreign diplomats say, on the contrary, that the most recent rebel attacks in the capital had been thrown back by a government counteroffensive.

Read full article.

Continue reading “Chuck Spinney: Reality Reporting from Syria — USG Has No Idea….”