GI Wilson: Sandy Situation on Google Crisis Map, USMC and USN Helping — Sea Bees and Red Hats Not Visible

Col GI Wilson, USMC (Ret)

We do have active duty Marines from 26 MEU and CLB….why the SeaBees Gurad, and DOD are not setting up tent camps is beyond me unless DHS-FEMA wants to re-do the trailer cities it did for Kartinia but way too late……suspect there is turf battles going on……what are the unions doing???Hmmmmmm!

Click on Image to Enlarge

Below is URL for a useful Google crisis map with multiple icons that can be turned on and off.  Western Long Island and the entire coastal area north and south of New York City is the center of gravity for aid that is NOT getting here as quickly and coherently as it should, AND we have another storm on the way for which few are ready.

Michel Bauwens: Douglas Rushkoff Overview of the Collaborative Economy

Economics/True Cost
Michel Bauwens

Archive for ‘P2PF/Orange Report’: Synthetic overview of the collaborative economy full appendixes

Click on Image to Enlarge

Rushkoff on “Synthetic Overview of the Collaborative Economy Report”

“There is no longer any excuse to remain ignorant of the vast peer-to-peer landscape that is slowly but surely replacing the obsolete, monopolistic, and competitive institutions of yesterday. This authoritative survey of the emerging collaborative economy may shock businesspeople and scare bankers, but it sure encourages me.”

– Dr. Douglas Rushkoff – author, Life Inc and Program or Be Programmed.

This month we have been serialising the report “Synthetic overview of the collaborative economy”, coproduced by Orange Labs and the P2P Foundation.  All posts on the report and the serialised chapters can be found here and there is a lively discussion over on facebook too!

Download the full report here.

Phi Beta Iota:  Governments are failed systems, whatever their intentions.  We are moving away from predatory capitalism that thrives on information asymmetries, and toward a moral collaborative economy that not only thrives on shared information, but reveals true costs and lowers all costs.  Michel Bauwens and Douglas Rushkoff are two of the foremost pioneers in this arena.

See Also:

Phi Beta Iota / Michel Bauwens

Gold Transformer: Romney Wins, Financial Melt-Down, and 2016

03 Economy, Civil Society, Commerce, Ethics, Government
Gold Transformer

James Quinn is one of my favorite writers of what is going on in America today.  I particularly like today’s write up.  It is thought provoking.  One can find similarities of Quinn’s message in the material of Jim Sinclair, Martin Armstrong and Bud Kress (died this year).

He makes an interesting projection that we will see a Romney win tomorrow…    While that is likely, it is equally likely that the major change comes in Martin Armstrong’s prediction with the election of 2016…

Will a Prophet Assume Command?

By James Quinn

Financial Sense, 5 November 2012

Strauss & Howe wrote these words in 1997. They had predicted the arrival of another Crisis in this time frame in their previous book Generations, written in 1990. This wasn’t guesswork on their part. They understood the dynamics of how generations interact and how the mood of the country shifts every twenty or so years based upon the generational alignment that occurs as predictably as the turning of the seasons. The last generation that lived through the entire previous Crisis from 1929 through 1946 has virtually died off. This always signals the onset of the next Fourth Turning. The housing bubble and its ultimate implosion created the spark for the current Crisis that began in September 2008, with the near meltdown of the worldwide financial system. Just as the stock market crash of 1929, the election of Lincoln in 1860, and the Boston Tea Party in 1773 catalyzed a dramatic mood change in the country, the Wall Street created financial collapse in 2008 has ushered in a twenty year period of agony, suffering, war and ultimately the annihilation of the existing social order.

Read full article.

Continue reading “Gold Transformer: Romney Wins, Financial Melt-Down, and 2016”

James A. Lyons: Admiral, Former PACFLT, Calls for Obama to “Come Clean” on Benghazi

Ethics, Government, Ineptitude, Military
Admiral James Lyons, USN (Ret.)

Retired Pacific Fleet commander calls for Obama to “come clean” on Benghazi

John Hayward

Human Events, 30 October 2012

Retired Admiral James A. Lyons, former commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, published a tough editorial in the Washington Times on Sunday, calling for President Obama to “come clean on what happened in Benghazi.”  Lyons describes the situation in stunned disbelief:

There is an urgent need for full disclosure of what has become the “Benghazi Betrayal and Cover-up.” The Obama national security team, including CIA, DNI and the Pentagon, apparently watched and listened to the assault on the U.S. consulate and cries for help but did nothing. If someone had described a fictional situation with a similar scenario and described our leadership ignoring the pleas for help, I would have said it was not realistic—not in my America – but I would have been proven wrong.

Continue reading “James A. Lyons: Admiral, Former PACFLT, Calls for Obama to “Come Clean” on Benghazi”

Lou Dobbs: Bloomberg “Talk to the Hand” and Obama/Panetta Fail to Perform — Where are the GP Tents with Heaters, the Field Kitchens, the Medical Triage?

07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 11 Society, DoD
Lou Dobbs

Speaking on Fox News today Lou Dobbs blasted the Obama Administration and Mayor “Talk to the Hand” Bloomberg.  While he exaggerates in relation to Katrina and Bush being blasted (Sandy is 40,000 displaced persons, Katrina was 700,000), he does make the obvious point upon which we elaborate–where is the US military with General Purpose (GP) tents, cots, oil stoves, field kitchens, medical triage, and Internet cafes (many of the displaced have no power for their cell phones and their home phones are gone).

If Leon Panetta wanted to be useful today, both to the public and to the President facing defeat tomorrow, he could order the service chiefs to put every single displaced person under a warm GP tent before nightfall.  If he and they cannot do that, we will have taken the measure of DoD here at home, and found it wanting.

We are waiting for a Situation Report from Col GI Wilson, USMC (Ret) and Team Rubicon, which received on demand mapping support from our network, instantly.

SmartPlanet: Supercomputers Have Limits – Humans Do Not

Advanced Cyber/IO

Why supercomputers will always have limits

| November 4, 2012

A couple of decades back, in his seminal work MegaTrends, author John Naisbitt pointed out that no technology can ever succeed without a compelling human benefit, referring to it as “high tech-high touch.”


Likewise, some technologists are discovering that many computational challenges may be better solved by interactive, online games — not brute-force supercomputing.  In a recently released video of his latest TED talk, Shyam Sankar, director at Palantir Technologies, explains how a long-time biological puzzle in protein analysis was solved in a matter of days by three non-technical, non-biological amateurs playing a computer game called FolditRead full article.

See Also:

Graphic: Business Intelligence Hits the Wall

Graphic: Jim Bamford on the Human Brain

Eagle: So What’s Wrong with the USA?

Communities of Practice, Corruption, Ineptitude, Policies
300 Million Talons…

So What’s Wrong With The States?

Martin Varsavsky

November 04, 2012

The USA is a great nation for entrepreneurship and innovation, it has the best science in the world, the most creativity in the arts, it is the number one economy in the world, it has an energy unrivaled by other nations and we have chosen to move to this great nation with our family.  So everything that follows must be seen as friendly criticism from a person who loves this country.

Now most of my friends in the USA agree on what is great about this nation. But when I speak to some American friends they seem to be unaware of the shortcomings of the USA compared to others, and this is what I would like to focus on. Here are some quick examples.

The USA ranks 38th in life expectancy which is shocking considering that it has the best medical science in the world.  And this generation is the first one that will live less than the previous generation. The average American is expected to live two years less than, say, the average Spaniard. This is partly because the USA has a medical system that leaves 50 million people uninsured and many others under-insured or worried about losing their insurance (my wife Nina, for example, can’t get medical insurance to have our next baby because pregnancy is considered a pre-existing condition and we moved to USA when she was already pregnant).  It is also partly because the USA is the nation with the highest percentage of its population obese, over 30%.  The WHO studied overall level of health and concluded that Americans rank 72 in the world. Family structure is also weak as the USA has the highest divorce rates in the world. Moreover inequality is on the rise: as this Wikipedia article argues, the top earning 1 percent of households gained about 275% over a period between 1979 and 2007, compared to a gain of just under 40% for the 60 percent in the middle of America's income distribution.

Continue reading “Eagle: So What's Wrong with the USA?”