Review: The Plot to Change America by Mike Gonzalez

5 Star, America (Founders, Current Situation), Culture, Research
Amazon Page

5 Stars — Core Issue But Ignores a Lot

This is a quick read and ably presented with two focus points: legalized immigration to the wrong standards and illegal immigration as a means of watering down the values and voice of the original demographic blocks (genocided Indians, enslaved blacks, and the white majority); and contrived identity politics funded by the Deep State and its agents (e.g. Rockefellers, Soros) in order to constantly divide & conquer & diminish.

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Robert Steele: Former CIA Spy Connects JFK Assassination to 9/11, False Flag Events to Satanic Ritual Abuse & Pedophilia to the Criminal Zionist State of Israel

Articles & Chapters

Former CIA Spy Connects JFK Assassination to 9/11, False Flag Events to Satanic Ritual Abuse & Pedophilia to the Criminal Zionist State of Israel

Robert David Steele, Tehran Times, 9 October 2020

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