Journal: Israel as Its Own Holocaust

06 Genocide, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, 11 Society, Ethics, Government, Peace Intelligence
Chuck Spinney
Chuck Spinney
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The Israeli Exception: Gilo and East Jerusalem


In 1987, the conservative author Midge Decter described her association with Israel and those willing to place it above conventional judgment.  ‘We know ourselves to be bound by ties so deep, so essential, so unconditional, that they are beyond daylight examination.  To be a Jew is not an act, it is a fate.  The existence of Israel is absolutely central to that fate.  The rest is mere details – knowable, unknowable, makes no difference.’

This vein of thinking can be gathered from Israel’s leader David Ben-Gurion in a New York Times Magazine article in December 1960.  On that occasion he was defending the illegal abduction of the war criminal Adolf Eichmann, who had been nabbed by Mossad agents from Argentina.  ‘I know they [the abductors] committed a breach of the law, but sometimes they are moral obligations higher than formal law.’

This idea of Israel, and Jewish fate, being placed in the realm of an obligatory ‘higher law’, does lend itself to various, dangerous implications. Decter’s observations resonate with the recent decision by Tel Aviv to allow 900 new homes to be built in East Jerusalem in the sprawling Jewish neighbourhood of Gilo.  40,000 Israelis are already resident there.  President Obama has gone so far as to see the move as ‘dangerous’.  The Secretary General of the UN, Ban Ki-moon has publicly seen the gesture as one that undermines the peace effort.

International conventions and views, which tend to find such settlements illegal, are considered inapplicable by the rank and file in Tel Aviv.  The law of nations, that seemingly abstract body of customs and norms that are often more honoured than people might realize, are cast aside as undue hindrances to the functioning of the state.

The perceptive social theorist, Zygmunt Bauman, claims that Israeli policy persists in being made in the shadow of the Holocaust.  The narrative of threatened existence girds such policies, whether they be ruthless measures against the Palestinians, or the issue of constructing more settlements. A state of affairs like an ‘indivisible’ Jerusalem are created, an assertion of something supposedly non-negotiable.  Lines are drawn across borders, and there is a stubborn refusal to budge.

Search: 1000 Ship Navy


The “1000 ship Navy” is a delusional concept that assumes we can count on other navies–the same delusion that led to the Navy being heavy in the 1980's and 1990's while completely lacking in “small craft” such as mine-sweepers.  We wrote the original J-2 Plans piece on Somali pirates in 2005 and nothing was done–years later both U.S Navy and U.S. Special Operations colleagues told us nothing was done because the problem was not expensive enough (we are NOT making this up!).  We even volunteered to do some quick and dirty honey trap runs with 70-80 foot yatches available cheap in Turkey, each carrying a couple of topless babes on top and a squad of pissed-off SEALs lounging below, gattling guns at the ready.  No takers….hence proving the point that slogans are no substitute for strategic thinking.

Our own original 450-Ship Navy article was accepted by USNI in the 1990's and then constantly pushed back from publication as various Admirals got their ghost-written pet rocks published.  We finally sent back the $750 and published it through a defense news online service.  More recently, we updated it, and below is the graphic and link to the updated article.  Three CNO's in a row have blown this off, the USN appears to be unable to design a total Navy and is still not serious about littoral or expedtionary operations, support to stabilization & reconstruction operations, or our favorite, “peace from the sea.”

2008 U.S. Naval Power in the 21st Century

21st Century Navy with Global Reach & Utility
21st Century Navy with Global Reach & Utility

CENTCOM Week in Review Ending 19 Nov 09


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Worth a Look: Prediction Market Cluster

Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, InfoOps (IO), Methods & Process, Worth A Look
Web Site
Web Site

The Prediction Market Clusters founded in 2004 in Silicon Valley, are a global  commons and open community for prediction markets and collective intelligence networks worldwide. The open and agnostic community is a focused action/research collaboration network of vendors, academia, traders, users, developers, markets, regulators and stakeholders. All are welcome. The goal is to provide Next Practices, awareness, diffusion, adoption and pull-through for enterprise, institutional and consumer prediction markets. PM Clusters conduct popular, distributed leadership retreats for enterprise prediction markets, Wisdom of Crowds, collective intelligence networks and collaborative forecasting worldwide.

Event: 1-3 Dec 09 San Francisco SuperNova

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A Thought Leadership Forum for Change in the Network Age

Supernova brings together business, government, and technology thought leaders to understand how decentralization and pervasive connectivity are changing our world in the Network Age.

Supernova is organized by Wharton professor Kevin Werbach. Stay up to date by following Kevin on Twitter and on the Werblog.

Reference: Deep Secrecy–Complete Draft

Articles & Chapters, Collective Intelligence, Communities of Practice, Ethics, InfoOps (IO), Methods & Process, Secrecy & Politics of Secrecy
Abstract & Download
Abstract & Download

Phi Beta Iota: David Pozen, JD Yale 2007, has provided advance access to the complete draft on his paper forthcoming in the Stanford Law Review, and we are both appreciative of this offering, and impressed–deeply impressed–by this seminal work.  At a time when the U.S. “security clearance” system is so totally hosed up (and 70,000 clearances behind) that we might do better with with “spin the bottle,” the author is highlighting the reality that most of the secrecy we buy with $75 billion a year in taxpayer funds is not really that important–not only have others, such as Rodney McDaniel, made it clear that 809% to 90% of all “official” secrecy is about turf protection and budget share rather than national security, but it is administrative secrecy rather than “deep secrecy” that is leveraged by a very few with their own informal system for assigning trust, generally at the expense of the larger mass of uninformed individual who are treated as “collateral damage” that is of little consequence.  The download options are at the top of the linked page

See also:

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Reference: Corruption Perceptions Map

09 Justice, 10 Security, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, White Papers
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Phi Beta Iota: Kudos to Australia, Canada, the Nordics and the Netherlands, and probably Singapore too small to shine here.  The USA has less to be proud of, between corporate corruption of Congress and what one author calls The Cheating Culture.  Other books on corruption in the USA can be seen at Banks, Fed, Money, & Concentrated Wealth (31); Capitalism (Good & Bad) (117;  Censorship & Denial of Access (23; Corruption (71);Crime (Corporate) (26); Misinformation & Propaganda (85); andPower (Pathologies & Utilization) (80).