Covid-19 hastens university revolution
Former higher education chief says institutions must reinvent or face extinction
Three major challenges: demographic, technical, global.
The truth at any cost lowers all other costs — curated by former US spy Robert David Steele.
Covid-19 hastens university revolution
Former higher education chief says institutions must reinvent or face extinction
Three major challenges: demographic, technical, global.
CFT Team(Christians For Truth) May 4, 2020
We are all familiar with the pictures and film footage of piles of dead “Jews” discovered at the liberated “death camps” Dachau and Buchenwald at the end of World War II, but what we were never told is that most of those corpses were actually dead German soldiers that were dumped there as part of an elaborate psy-op by British Intelligence, and many of those ghastly images were filmed by none other than horror film master, Alfred Hitchcock.
Review: TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE – Social Engineering the Masses by Daniel Estulin — Deep State Playbook
Art Olivier, The Coronavirus Transformation Ritual
On George Floyd’s chest is a big tattoo of the Masonic Double-headed Eagle of Lagash. If Floyd were a Mason, he would have attended The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Minnesota. Part of the Master Mason ritual is the Brethren praying on one knee around the body of Hiram Abiff. The lodge is a half-mile on the same 38th Street where Officer Chauvin, the Chauvinistic One, confronted Floyd. 3 minutes after arriving on the scene, Officer Chauvin placed his left knee down and held his Masonic pose on George Floyd for 8 minutes. The Chauvinistic One’s ritual lasted 11 minutes. Then Abrahadabra; the whole world is genuflecting, kneeling with one knee.
The sheep in green. Everyone else can be mobilized by a revitalized Trump campaign.
Face Mask Usage By Demographic
Graphic below the fold.
Sample offerings:
Oct 27, 2009 – Very Interesting PROOF 911 was planned well in advance
Oct 15, 2009 – Israel did 9/11 Updated, Revised
‘Secure Tolerance': The Jewish Plan to Permanently Silence the West, Part 1
Andrew Joyce, (Occidental Observer) Jul 16, 2020
There are essentially two forms of censorship.
Read full article — the game plan of the Zionists for control of the USA.
Second Interview Below the Fold
Continue reading “George Nasif: Two Interviews on NSA Documents Helping Trump”