Ed Jewett: Millennium Report on US Mass Shootings as Staged False Flag Events with Gun Control Agenda

07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement, Media, Peace Intelligence

OPERATION GLADIO C: False Flag Shooting on North Carolina University Campus Last Target of April 2019

Never-ending Mass Shootings in America Make No Sense Except That They Are Perpetrated by a Highly Organized Terrorist Group Such as NATO’s Operation Gladio

The key paragraph:

“… There’s nothing real about these mass casualty events (MCE); each one is staged to have maximum effects in specific locales and jurisdictions that are vulnerable to enacting draconian gun control legislation, especially the unconstitutional Red Flag Laws.  There is no other country on Earth that has nearly the number of senseless mass shootings — per capita — that have occurred in the USA. The increasing incidence of these fastidiously engineered MCEs ought to be a HUGE red flag about the WHO and WHY these black operations are being conducted as highly purposeful psyops. We are at a critical crossroads. The U.S. citizenry must respond to the incremental and intentional destruction of American society. ….”

Continue reading “Ed Jewett: Millennium Report on US Mass Shootings as Staged False Flag Events with Gun Control Agenda”

DefDog: Venezuela, Like Syria, Will Beat Deep State Off….

Peace Intelligence

La valse des satellites russes autour du Venezuela éloigne le spectre de la guerre dans la région

The waltz of Russian satellites around Venezuela wards off the specter of war in the region”  

Valentin Vasilescu


Google Translate (sorry, but good enough) below the fold).

Continue reading “DefDog: Venezuela, Like Syria, Will Beat Deep State Off….”

Veterans Today: FAKE NEWS False Flag Anti-Semitic Attacks by Jews Against Themselves Because They Are Certain You Are STUPID

07 Other Atrocities

‘Worst’ anti-Semitic attack on Kosher cafe revealed to be scam by owners


FAKE HATE: Jewish Family ‘Staged' Antisemitic Attack Against Themselves, Vandalized Own Business

Continue reading “Veterans Today: FAKE NEWS False Flag Anti-Semitic Attacks by Jews Against Themselves Because They Are Certain You Are STUPID”

Robert Steele @Amazon & Free Online: Trump vs. The Deep State – Recent Reflections of a Former US Spy & Marine Corps Officer (Trump Revolution Book 35)

Available Kindle


For those who like Amazon electronic (Kindle) or in print (CreateSpace) I have put together the best of my most recent articles from the American Herald Tribune and Tehran Times, often also republished by the Russian International Affairs Council, that are CENSORED in the USA.

Amazon Paperback

GoogleNews, under the control of the Zionist secret police, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has been censoring me specifically by name, and more recently, the Tehran Times and PressTV, two highly relevant international sources of useful information.

They have been censoring the American Herald Tribune for years.


FREE:  Trump versus Deep State 35

Table of Contents & Comment Below the Fold

Continue reading “Robert Steele @Amazon & Free Online: Trump vs. The Deep State – Recent Reflections of a Former US Spy & Marine Corps Officer (Trump Revolution Book 35)”

Charles Hugh Smith: The Erosion of Everyday Life Under Cartel Capitalism aka Mercantilism

07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement
Charles Hugh Smith

The Erosion of Everyday Life

Working hard and doing what you're told is no longer yielding the promised American Dream of security, agency and liberty.

List only:

  • Wage stagflation
  • Planned obsolecence
  • Traffic congestion (and cost)
  • Workloads
  • Loss of purchasing power aka inflation
  • Loss of political agency
  • Financial insecurity
  • Nonsensical narratives

Continue reading “Charles Hugh Smith: The Erosion of Everyday Life Under Cartel Capitalism aka Mercantilism”

Mongoose: Cell Phones at Body Contact 11X US Radiation Limit — and Then There is 5G and Electromagnetic Pollution Overall…

03 Economy, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Proliferation, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Corruption, Government, IO Impotency

Cell Phones Can Exceed Radiation Limits When Phones Touch The Body

Most cell phones emit radiation exceeding safety guidelines when held against the body, according to new analyses of French government data published online in IEEE Access, a peer-reviewed open access scientific journal of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).   The analysis by Professor Om Gandhi examined data from 450 cell phone models from the French government agency, ANFR–the national radiation assessment bureau– indicating that phones can emit 11 times over the US FCC limit and 3 times over French limits in 9 out of 10 phones tested.

Continue reading “Mongoose: Cell Phones at Body Contact 11X US Radiation Limit — and Then There is 5G and Electromagnetic Pollution Overall…”

Dave Bertrand: The Leftist Version of the Trump-Netanyahu-Dog Cartoon

Cultural Intelligence, Offbeat Fun

The original version published by NYT is below the fold.

Are we having fun yet?  Zionists last.  Q

See Also:

Benjamin Fulford: Zionists Being Slammed Down, Trust the Plan — Comment by Robert Steele Including Reference to Global Currency Reset

Mongoose: Zionist Rothschilds Own Reuters & Associated Press — While their Anti-Defamation League Censors #GoogleGestapo