Yoda: Electromagnetic Pollution Causing Cancer in Children (Monsanto and 5G Making It Worse)

07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Earth Intelligence, IO Impotency

Incidence of Childhood Cancers Skyrockets: Is Modern Life Destroying the Health of Our Children?

Emerging research and policy developments point to two pervasive aspects of “modern life” that warrant caution and attention: the radiofrequency radiation (RFR) associated with cell phones, cellular infrastructure and wireless technologies; and herbicides containing glyphosate (the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup).

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Mongoose: Is Jared Kushner Going to Jail? (Following in His Father’s Footsteps?)

Commerce, Corruption, Government

Qatar Shocked, Shocked to Learn It Accidentally Bailed Out Jared Kushner

Doha insists it was an “unwitting” partner in the deal.

Last August, an economic miracle occurred. Eleven years after a young Jared Kushner purchased an aging skyscraper that would become an albatross around his family’s neck, and six months before the Kushners would have to cough up the $1.4 billion that was due on the mortgage for 666 Fifth Avenue, a Canadian asset-management company swooped in and agreed to take a 99-year lease on the building, paying a near-century’s worth of rent upfront. The bailout was surprising for a few reasons, chief among them being comments by the Kushners’ previous partner that 666 Fifth “would be worth a lot more if it was just dirt,” plus the fact that the family had spent two years trying to get new partners or financing to no avail. Also, there was the matter of the Qatar Investment Authority being a major investor in the company, Brookfield Asset Management, and Kushner’s support of a Saudi- and U.A.E.-led blockade of Qatar. To some, it sure sounded like a foreign government was trying to influence policy by greasing the president’s son-in-law’s wheels!

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Ed Jewett: Zionist Strike 32 — The Assassination of JFK Jr. By Israel For Hillary Clinton, Covered Up by President Bill Clinton UPDATE – JFK Jr. Alive?

07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence, Uncategorized

The Broken Presidential Destiny of JFK, Jr.

Israel's “Kennedy Curse”?

Laurent Guyénot

Like Michael Collins Piper long before me, and like Ron Unz more recently, I believe that Israel assassinated both JFK and RFK. From there follows naturally the hypothesis that Israel also killed JFK Jr., and for the very same reason as they killed RFK: to prevent him from ever reaching the White House and reopening the investigation on his father’s death.

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JC Cole: American Gray Swans USA 14 Feb 2019

01 Agriculture, 06 Family, 11 Society, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Peace Intelligence

My mission is to change the paradigm on investment in Small Sustainable farms in America. It is clear – if we do not create “true” sustainable agriculture then we will not be here as a species very long. Further , if we do not create a diversified, balanced, and healthy “Food Grid” in America we will not be here as a country very long. I consider this a “National Security” issue.

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Robert Steele with Javad Heirannia: Understanding Donald Trump and the White House – A Few Books

Interviews OF Robert
TEHRAN – Robert David Steele, a former Marine Corps infantry officer and CIA spy who was recommended for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2017, regularly answers questions for Tehran Times.

Understanding Donald Trump and the White House – A Few Books

Tehran Times, 13 February 2019

By Javad Heirannia

Full text with all links below the fold.

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Robert Steele: Uniting Constitution, Green, and Libertarian Parties — They Still Ignore the ONE THING That Would Bring Them to Power

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Corruption
Robert David STEELE Vivas

This is so important I am going to republish the entire thing. The three parties — all important — ignore the one thing that would bring them all to power: #UNRIG – Election Integrity Act (updated graphic below the fold). One wonders if all three parties are controlled opposition and they are ignoring authentic and holistic election reform precisely because their officers have been bribed and blackmailed to ignore — at all costs — authentic and holistic election reform that would take down the two-party tyranny that enables the Deep State, its Zionist underbelly, and the Shadow Government still run by Dick Cheney?

Where Greens and Libertarians Can Agree – OpEd (10 Things)

Full Text and #UNRIG Graphic Below the Fold.

Continue reading “Robert Steele: Uniting Constitution, Green, and Libertarian Parties — They Still Ignore the ONE THING That Would Bring Them to Power”