SPECIAL: Zionist 9/11 Deception – Refocus US Public on the Saudis

Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement, Media, Peace Intelligence
9/11 The Man Behind the Zionist Curtain?

Americans Outraged After Sculpture Celebrating Saudi Arabia Emblazoned with Inscription of Shahada Erected on Ground Zero

Americans were outraged after a nine-foot tall statue celebrating Saudi Arabia emblazoned with the Islamic creed, the Shahada, “There is no god but Allah, and Mohammed is the prophet,” was erected on Ground Zero last week.

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Anthony Judge: Comprehension of Unity as a Paradoxical Dynamic Metaphors reframing problematic engagement with otherness

Cultural Intelligence
Anthony Judge

Comprehension of Unity as a Paradoxical Dynamic

Metaphors reframing problematic engagement with otherness

Desperate calls for unity
Unity and coherence as paradox or riddle?
Trinity of “roundnesses” framing incomprehension?
Dynamic nature of unity and consensus?
Transformation dynamics from a Chinese perspective
Rediscovering the cyclic implication of a ring?
Engaging with multi-phase cycles sustaining coherence
Patterns of N-foldness: misleading implications of cyclic comprehension?
Requisite technomimicry to engender “enlightenment”
Enlightenment / Empowerment vs Endarkenment / Disempowerment?
Anthropocene — Anthropo-scene — Anthropo-seen: a speculative conclusion

James Fetzer: Pozner vs Fetzer Lawsuit is ON!

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement


On 27 November 2018, the Minneapolis law firm, Meshbesher and Spence, Ltd., filed a suit against me on behalf of its client, Plaintiff Leonard Pozner, for defamation and I was properly served on 29 November 2018. Under Wisconsin law, a Defendant has 45 days to submit a response, which would make it imperative that I reply by 11 January 2019, with either an ANSWER or a MOTION TO DISMISS. I filed an ANSWER rather than a MOTION TO DISMISS early on 4 January 2019 because I do not want the case to be dismissed. I want to have a formal, legal resolution.

Continue reading “James Fetzer: Pozner vs Fetzer Lawsuit is ON!”

Deb Diener: 316 Pages on Mormon Child Sex Abuse (Pedophilia)

07 Other Atrocities

This document is a 316 page compilation of quotes from Public Documents which include Legal Complaints; Appellate Court Rulings; Rulings on Legal Motions; Newspaper accounts; and the Boy Scouts of America Ineligible file documents. The document spans the years 1959-2017. All links are provided.

Transparency is the only way children will be protected.

I intend to continue this type of research with other churches and organizations.  I am a North Carolina RN and a Legal Nurse Consultant. I worked ICU, CCU and ED. I served our country for 12 years in the Army Nurse Corp and even though I am a medical professional I did not know about the lifetime consequence of child abuse because it was not my nursing specialty.

Continue reading “Deb Diener: 316 Pages on Mormon Child Sex Abuse (Pedophilia)”

SPECIAL: Caitlin Johnstone – Toxic Feminism Rules Military-Industrial-Rendition-Torture Complex


Everything That is Wrong with Mainstream Feminism

Women controlling the military-industrial complex is not feminism, it’s toxic masculinity. The fruit of a sick valuing system that is poisoning our environment and risking nuclear annihilation, writes Caitlin Johnstone.

True feminism doesn’t hold that the world would be better off if women ran things; shifting control from one gender to the other would change very little as long as the current valuing system remains in place. True feminism holds that all of humanity needs to change its valuing system to one which rewards feminine work as much as masculine, instead of only rewarding women when they succeed at climbing the ladder of the patriarchal paradigm.

Read full article.