Stephen E. Arnold: False Positives from Flawed Algorithms and Flawed Image Matching Ruin Lives

IO Impotency
Stephen E. Arnold

False Positives: The New Normal

And this is why so many people are wary of handing too much power to algorithms. TechDirt reports, “School Security Software Decided Innocent Parent Is Actually a Registered Sex Offender.” That said, it seems some common sense on the part of the humans involved would have prevented the unwarranted humiliation. The mismatch took place at an Aurora, Colorado, middle school event, where parent Larry Mitchell presumably just wanted to support his son. When office staff scanned his license, however, the Raptor system flagged him as a potential offender. Reporter Tim Cushing writes:

Full text and strong comment below the  fold.

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Robert Steele: First Wives & Former Spies Et Al Form Alliance to Go After Cheating Billionaires (Out of Court)

Cultural Intelligence

There is a massive opportunity emergent that by-passes the dysfunctional legal systems of the US and UK. It joins the “First Wives” of billionaires who have cheated them, with former spies and uncorrupted retired police detectives as well as uncorrupted journalists who can drive billionaires (and corporations in the USA that collaborate with them in illegal offshore banking activities) into bankruptcy and disgrace outside the court that is not responsive to the legitimate claims of cheated wives today.

Early Reference Below the Fold — This is YUGE. Continue reading “Robert Steele: First Wives & Former Spies Et Al Form Alliance to Go After Cheating Billionaires (Out of Court)”

Review: Walking Among Us – The Alien [extraterrestrial] Plan to Control Humanity

4 Star, Intelligence (Extra-Terrestrial)
Amazon Page

David M. Jacobs, PhD

4 stars –Worthy singular perspective, a fraction of the total kaleidoscope

I read this book on the flight across the Atlantic to meet someone claiming to be an extraterrestrial resident on earth in full hybrid form.

On balance, based primarily on extensive reading of others who claim to have direct access, and on my direct experience with several others, I find the author and the book worthy of study, but somewhat misrepresentative of a vastly more complicated cosmic whole.

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James Fetzer vs. The Deep State (Penn Magazine)

Cultural Intelligence

PENN Magazine (January 2019): LET’S GET READY TO RUMBLE! Jim Fetzer vs. The Deep State

If Gene Rosen is a fake.… then the whole chain breaks …Then we know that the Bush administration did 9/11 themselves.

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I think Sandy Hook was a government exercise, one of many. I think it is tied together with the JFK assassination, RFK, MLK, Boston, etc. etc. etc.I think this lawsuit is the most important thing happening anywhere.

We can prove that Sandy Hook did not happen as the government and media says it did. And if we can prove that then the dam breaks. “Our” media and “our” government will be shown as the crooks and liars we know them to be. And the people get their country back.

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