Review: Our Universal Journey + extraterrestrial RECAP

6 Star Top 10%, Intelligence (Extra-Terrestrial)
Amazon Page

George Kavassilas

6 Star – Will Explode Your Mind and Free Your Heart to Achieve Infinite Soul Expansion

There are thousands of extra-terrestial stellar civilizations, some evil, most humane (pun intended). The pineal gland is an implanted biological feature that enables the worst of these civilization to control our elites at one level (Satanic blood rites) and the rest of us at another level (dumbed down acceptance of fake government, fake media, fake religions, and predatory toxic corporations).

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Koko: Community Water Sovereignty & Planet Local

12 Water, Civil Society, Earth Intelligence

Community Water Sovereignty and Planet Local

In this update, we ask: How can communities take control of their own water supplies and achieve ‘water sovereignty'? Just how circular is the much-talked-about ‘circular economy’? And is there a substantive difference between the Leave and Remain camps when it comes to Brexit? Plus, Helena Norberg-Hodge makes a passionate case for local food and local economies in a new article and TV interview, and we speak with the Post Growth Institute’s Jennifer Hinton about the role of not-for-profit businesses in the economy of the future.

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Ellen Brown: Green New Deal Might Work – Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Rocking….

Ethics, Government
Ellen Brown

This Radical Plan to Fund the ‘Green New Deal’ Just Might Work

With what author and activist Naomi Klein calls “galloping momentum,” the “Green New Deal” promoted by Representative-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., appears to be forging a political pathway for solving all of the ills of society and the planet in one fell swoop. Her plan would give a House select committee “a mandate that connects the dots” between energy, transportation, housing, health care, living wages, a jobs guarantee and more.

. . . .

A network of public banks could fund the Green New Deal in the same way President Franklin Roosevelt funded the original New Deal.

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Zero Hedge: Clinton Foundation, Uranium One, Russian Briefcases Full of Cash and More….

06 Russia, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, Non-Governmental

FBI Informant Has Video Of Russian Agents With Briefcases Of Bribe Money In Clinton-Uranium Scandal

Uranium One is the real scandal.


Frank Giustra was vectoring hundreds of millions of $ into Clinton Foundation. Also was involved with making sure Bill got tons of gibs for speaking fees.

Almost every senior guy is attached to this gravy train.

On the Human Trafficking vector… Epilda Home for Refugee Children in Greece appears to bear symbolism consistent with organized Trafficking.

So “Creepy Porn Lawyer” is linked to these cats.

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Randy Short: Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Representative David N. Cicilline (D-RI-1) Introduce Bill to Normalize Pedophilia

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Corruption, Government

This bill amends the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to include sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity among the prohibited categories of discrimination or segregation in places of public accommodation.

The bill defines:

  • “sex” to include a sex stereotype, sexual orientation or gender identity, and pregnancy, childbirth, or a related medical condition;
  • “sexual orientation” as homosexuality, heterosexuality, or bisexuality; and
  • “gender identity” as gender-related identity, appearance, mannerisms, or characteristics, regardless of the individual's designated sex at birth.

This bill is broadly understood as normalizing pedophilia because it very quietly makes “sexual orientation” open ended. This includes pedophiles.

Video & Legislative Pages below the fold.

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Mongoose: Congress of Traitors Seeking to Criminalize Boycott of Israel with Language in Spending Bill

Corruption, Government

Congress Is Trying to Use the Spending Bill to Criminalize Boycotts of Israel and Other Countries

By Kate Ruane Senior Legislative Counsel, ACLU

According to recent reports, congressional leaders from both sides of the aisle are planning to sneak a bill criminalizing politically motivated boycotts of Israel into the end-of-the-year omnibus spending bill.

The bill’s original sponsor, Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.), is pushing Democratic leadership to include this bill, which has not moved forward thus far primarily because it violates the First Amendment. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) are reportedly leaning toward slipping the text into the spending bill, which needs to pass for the government to stay open.

Lists of traitors below the fold.

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Gordon Duff: Mueller Dropping Russia, Focusing on Israeli & Saudi Interference in US Elections?

06 Russia, 08 Wild Cards, Corruption, Government, Peace Intelligence

Mueller Dropping Russia Probe, Says Trump Working for Israel and Saudis

The real money trail that initially led to Russia has now branched out, it goes to Israel, to Saudi Arabia, to the UAE and even the “Russia trail” may not be a trail at all. It may well be fake.

You see, many of those investigated as Russians, always listed as “close to Putin,” are, in actuality, more closely tied to Trump supporters Semion Mogilevich and Felix Sater, listed as Russian crime bosses who are both Israeli citizens with long histories of working with the Mossad.

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