Steven Aftergood: The Costs of War

03 Economy, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Corruption, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Military
Steven Aftergood

It is hard even for attentive members of the public to fully comprehend the U.S. military budget.

“The scale of spending alone makes it hard to grasp. Public understanding of the costs of war is further limited by secrecy, faulty accounting, and the deferral of current costs,” I argued recently in a short paper for the Costs of War Project at Brown University. See The Costs of War: Obstacles to Public Understanding, November 14, 2018.

Neta C. Crawford of Brown University estimated the post-9/11 costs of war at $5.9 trillion through FY 2019.

SPECIAL: Bill Binney & Kirk Wiebe with Catherine Austin Fitts on Pretty Good Knowledge

Advanced Cyber/IO

Pretty Good Knowledge with Bill Binney and Kirk Wiebe

Bill and Kirk describe Pretty Good Knowledge as a young company with a long history. They and their team bring together decades of experience in discovering knowledge from data and combining it with the latest data science techniques and technologies.

It’s big news when one of the top teams in data science in the world becomes accessible to private organizations – consequently, this Solari Report will be open to the public. Please feel free to share widely.

Continue reading “SPECIAL: Bill Binney & Kirk Wiebe with Catherine Austin Fitts on Pretty Good Knowledge”

Mongoose: FREE MOVIE The Occupation of the American Mind

11 Society, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, IO Deeds of Peace, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

The Occupation of the American Mind

Israel's Public Relations War in the United States

Despite receiving an overwhelmingly positive response from those who have actually seen it, The Occupation of the American Mind has been repeatedly attacked and misrepresented by right-wing pressure groups and outright ignored by virtually all mainstream media outlets and North American film festivals. To bypass this campaign of misrepresentation and suppression, we’ve decided to make the film available for FREE online so that people can make up their own minds about its analysis of U.S. media coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Please watch and share widely!

Richard Falk: The New New Anti-Semitism – Hiding Israel’s Crimes of State Behind False Claims of Victimization

07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, Corruption, Government, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence
Richard Falk

The new new anti-Semitism

Hiding Israel’s Crimes of State behind false claims of victimization

I along with many others am being victimized these days. They are being labelled anti-Semites, and in some instances, self-hating Jews as well.

This is a Zionist and Israeli effort to shut down our voices and punish our non-violent activism, with special venom directed at the BDS Campaign (Boycott, Divest and Sanctions) because it has become so effective in recent years.

Continue reading “Richard Falk: The New New Anti-Semitism – Hiding Israel's Crimes of State Behind False Claims of Victimization”

Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Tid-Bits

Commercial Intelligence
Stephen E. Arnold


The little ecommerce company has been beavering away.

  • Amazon Basics Now Includes ARM Server CPUs
  • Amazon Sells a Lot over the Holiday
  • New Gizmo Coming?
  • Amazon Offers Free Online Class to Train You to Use AWS

Has Microsoft got the Windows 10 update working yet? What about Azure log ins? Two Seattle companies. Which has momentum?

Read full post with expansions on each item above.

Robert Steele: In Memory of John Paul I, Murdered by Order of Then Cardinal Ratzinger Today Pope Benedict (Retired)

Civil Society, Ethics, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Robert David STEELE Vivas

The Catholic Church rose from the ashes on 26 August 1978, only to descend back to the lower depths 33  days later after then Cardinal Ratzinger (today Pope Benedict retired) and one other Cardinal ordered and arranged for the murder not only of The Most Holy Father John Paul I, but many other senior Church officials inclined toward piety and reconnection with the poor.

The role of the CIA — and the NATO fascist stay behind network — in murdering many of them — is of enduring interest.

I believe that the new Catholic Church summit on pedophilia will fail. The Cardinal from Chicago (the senior US official to the summit) does not appear interested in cleansing the Church or educating the masses.

Were the Church serious, The Most Holy Father Francis would launch a massive global conversation, investigation, and educational campaign with three objectives:

Continue reading “Robert Steele: In Memory of John Paul I, Murdered by Order of Then Cardinal Ratzinger Today Pope Benedict (Retired)”