Anonymous: Will the Internet Get Real? A Manifesto on False Flags, Big Lies, and the Loss of Integrity by All Law Enforcement Agencies and the Media

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Corruption, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Officers Call

Much of Alternative Media and the Alt-Right is Allowing for the Subversion of America: The Resistance Has Been Usurped.

Feel free to share, publish, email, by Anonymous.

How many websites and supposed “investigative voices” are focused on the fact there is no / zero substantive evidence any one actually died, let alone was wounded, at Thousand Oaks Borderline Bar and Grill—that is arguing it was in fact ANOTHER false flag faked hoax?

The answer is far too few given the immensity of potential consequences, that is as relates to the motives for creating this one more of MANY recent false mass shooting hoaxes!

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Worth a Look: Mass Awakening by Shoshi Herscu

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Amazon Page

The Truth has been hidden from us while a global policy of mass depopulation and exploitation has been carried out behind the scenes for the past half-century. The author, an independent journalist, became aware of this agenda only in the past few years. She found it hard to believe, but in-depth research and the testimony of whistleblowers worldwide have exposed these strategies. They include geoengineering (chemtrails), fluoridation of water supplies, GMOs, vaccinations, false flag terrorist attacks, and economic warfare by the group David Wilcock calls the Cabal. However, despite this grim reality, a positive shift of mass awakening is occurring worldwide. Tribunals are being established to prosecute elite offenders; revelations of hidden technology like free-energy and new economic models are being put forth. The author shows how humanity is claiming its rightful heritage as spiritual beings and charts the course of our elevation of consciousness.

Ed Jewett: False Flag Enablers – Hyper Realistic Wound Simulation with “The Magic of Hollywood”

07 Other Atrocities, IO Tools

Strategic Operations, Inc. (STOPS) provides Hyper-Realistic™ training environments for military, law enforcement and other organizations, using state-of-the-art movie industry special effects, role players, proprietary techniques, training scenarios, facilities, mobile structures, sets, props, and equipment.

Since 2002 STOPS has provided pre-deployment training support to more than 750,000 military personnel (and still counting, every day) using our STOPS created Hyper-Realistic™ environments. STOPS is part of Stu Segall Productions, one of the largest independent TV / movie studios in the country.

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ITNJ: Male Sex Trafficking – One Instance

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society

Case Reveals Shame, Trauma of Male Sex Trafficking Victims

A Connecticut sex trafficking ring is illuminating what advocates call the underreported scourge of male trafficking and the devastation it leaves behind.

Like many victims of a Connecticut sex trafficking ring that preyed on troubled young men and teenage boys for more than 20 years, Samuel Marino never told his family or police about being coerced into sexual relations with much older men.

While both male and female trafficking victims suffer trauma and other psychological scars, data suggest men and boys are less likely to come forward and when they do they are more likely to have difficulties finding counseling and other services, victims and advocates say.

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Stephen E. Arnold: Cloudtenna for Global-Local Search?

Advanced Cyber/IO
Stephen E. Arnold

Cloudtenna for Combined Cloud and Local Search

Here’s a claim we’ve heard before: ZDNet declares, “Find a File Anywhere: Cloudtenna Targets Local and Cloud File Search.” Writer Robin Harris begins by describing the problem this upgrade addresses—an increasing number of cloud storage locations, combined with on-premise servers, make good search solutions even more challenging to build. Startup Cloudtenna is now expanding their cloud search engine, DirectSearch. Harris writes:

“The new product adds a machine learning platform that find files across disparate platforms, including Dropbox, Box, Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, Outlook, Gmail, Slack, Atlassian JIRA and Confluence, and local file servers. You can search on name, sender, date, file type, keyword, content, and other attributes regardless of where the file is located….

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SPECIAL: Maria Poumier on the Zionist State with Its Mafia-Like Logic & Historical Lies on An Unprecedented Scale

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Maria Poumier: “The Jewish State Has a Detestable Mafia-Like Logic and Practices the Historical Lie on an Unprecedented Scale”

Interview by Mohsen Abdelmoumen in American Herald Tribune.

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