Watchman: Plan for Handling “Caravan” of Mostly Males UPDATE 4: CIA, $10M, Bus them Home Now

Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Military, Peace Intelligence

A Simple Plan For Lawfully Handling The Migrant Invasion…

Posted By: Watchman

Rumor Mill News

1) DJT Declares A National Emergency, Call Up The Military…the real military, not NG.

2) Use Corps Of Engineers To Erect several open air holding facilities, complete with razor wire. Staff with USMC. Have buses at crossings to convey all who want to willingly cross to the pens. Sort migrants to pens based on country of origin. Provide Portalets, mre's, water and blankets.

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Mongoose: Alert Reader on Secret Corruption

07 Other Atrocities, 08 Proliferation, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government

An Alert Reader has shared the following.

The very agencies that are supposed to investigate and stop Pedophile crimes are involved with and protecting the perps doing these. All terror is synthetic and created by Intel agencies, all of it and done for political gains, basically all Gladio-style ops done by the same folks (NATO left behind army, DVD, now the FBI as far as inside America).

What I would really like is to see the CIA surrounded by the US Fifth Army and all the top dogs in the Directorate of Operations who run the Mexican Cartels hauled out in chains and flown to Guantanamo for trial by Military Court. This is legal because they have committed Treason. Also all USAF and US Army top dogs involved in flying opium out of Afghanistan. Then I would like to see all drug cartels in Mexico, Central and South America given 48 hours to surrender before they are attacked and eliminated.

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Wayne Jett: Trump in Context of Centuries of Cabal Deception & Depravity

03 Economy, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption, Government


White Hats vs. Ruling Elite

Many have noticed the Trump presidency is extraordinary in more ways than one. Here is one way. In decades and centuries past, when a non-Establishment candidate has been elected to the White House, he has been promptly dispatched by gunshot, always by a crazed or extremist “lone gunman.” If Garfield, McKinley, Kennedy or Reagan had been as well prepared and protected as Trump has been to date, America likely would be a different and far better place than we know today.

During his campaign for president and at his inauguration, Donald Trump stated clearly he intended to take power back from the cabal of ruling elite and return it to the American people. That is tantamount to a declaration of war against the globalist kingmakers who have ruled the world for centuries, and the globalists’ counter-attack has been furious.

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Betty Boop: Desperate Democrats in Texas Mail Completed Voter Registration Forms to Non-Citizens — Criminal Probe Sought

Civil Society, Corruption

Criminal probe sought as Dems ask non-citizens to register to vote

Party mailed application with preprinted citizenship affirmation

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has been asked to launch a criminal investigation into a mailing by Democrats of voter-registration forms that have the citizenship box pre-checked.

It effectively invites non-citizens to register to vote in the coming election, urging them to sign the form and mail it immediately.

Read full article.