Rebecca Campbell: #GoogleGestapo Facebook Deletes Disabled Veteran’s Page Without Warning — After Taking $300,000 for Ads

Commerce, Corruption, IO Impotency

Facebook Deletes Disabled Veteran’s Page Without Warning — After Taking $300,000 for Ads

October 11th Facebook shut down thousands of Facebook accounts for their political opinions stating that they don’t have a ‘legitimate political argument’. STOP SOCIAL MEDIA CENSORSHIP NOW!”

Kolfage was the administrator of a number of Facebook pages, notably the pages Right Wing News and Military Grade Coffee, both of which were deleted recently as Facebook attempts to crack down on what it considers “misinformation” on the platform. Right Wing News had more than 3 million followers at the time of its blacklisting by Facebook.

In another Facebook post, Kolfage stated: “Facebook lied, they shut down my page because it was conservative, powerful, and the elections are in 2 weeks.

Read full article by Linda Nolan at

Yoda: Diversity Matters — Be Very Concerned

Earth Intelligence

We've Wiped Out So Many Mammals, Earth Will Need 5 Million Years to Evolve Replacements

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature predicts that 99.9 percent of critically endangered species and 67 percent of endangered species will be lost within the next 100 years.

The five other times a mass extinction has occurred over the past 450 million years, natural disasters were to blame. But now, human activity is killing mammal species.

In a study published Monday in the journal PNAS, scientists from Aarhus University in Denmark calculated how fast extinctions are happening, and how long it would take for evolution to bring Earth back to the level of biodiversity it currently has.

The scientists concluded that in a best-case scenario, nature will need 3-5 million years to get back to the level of biodiversity we have on Earth today. Returning to the state Earth's animal kingdom was in before modern humans evolved would take 5-7 million years.

Read full article.

ZeroHedge: 4Chan Slams Democrats with NPC Meme — Twitter Bans All Criticism of Democrats. Seriously.

Cultural Intelligence

4Chan Sparks Mass Triggering With NPC Meme; Twitter Responds With Ban Hammer

The “weaponized autists” at 4Chan have done it again, because they can; a new meme suggesting that liberals are soulless idiots who can't think for themselves has gone viral. The concept compares Democrats to “nonplayable characters,” or NPCs – the recurring characters in video games with repetitive lines and limited knowledge. Lack of an “inner voice” is a dead giveaway that someone may be an NPC.

Dynamite graphic below the fold.

Continue reading “ZeroHedge: 4Chan Slams Democrats with NPC Meme — Twitter Bans All Criticism of Democrats. Seriously.”

Sam Sugar: How US Judges and Lawyers Screw the Elderly with Abusive Guardianship — Drug Them, Lock Them Up, and Steal Everything They Own — Never Mind the Protesting Relatives…

03 Economy, 06 Family, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement
Amazon Page

This book describes a judicial system that preys on the elderly and is determined to deem them unable to care for themselves. It is a system that allows those in control to take full advantage of their “wards of the state”—legally and under the watchful eyes of judges. It is called guardianship. Somewhere in there the elderly are looted, never mind their protesting relatives.

Continue reading “Sam Sugar: How US Judges and Lawyers Screw the Elderly with Abusive Guardianship — Drug Them, Lock Them Up, and Steal Everything They Own — Never Mind the Protesting Relatives…”

Jack Mullen: The Sandy Hook Hoax, The German’s Holocaust (Post Victory by the Allies), and the Real Final Solution

Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Peace Intelligence

The Sandy Hook Hoax, The German's Holocaust (Post Victory by the Allies), and the Real Final Solution

The Sandy Hook School Shooting, of December 2012, is the continuation of events and agenda that deliberately incited World War Two (WW2) – ultimately resulting in the western world being captured and enslaved by a mentally ill cult, which today masquerades as a morally enlightened, culturally advanced state of benevolence shielding people from hate, racial disharmony, resource disparity, while progressing toward an egalitarian nirvana.

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WW2 was a premeditated war, a stepping stone toward removing from the Earth, forever, people who would and could stand in the way of an attempt to destroy nation-states, nationalism and racial bloodlines. The idea of creating a world of masters and slaves, with a ruling class coming from a small group of self-designated “chosen ones,” whose stated designs on world domination has been known for thousands of years, is not new, its only been censored from modern Western History.

Continue reading “Jack Mullen: The Sandy Hook Hoax, The German's Holocaust (Post Victory by the Allies), and the Real Final Solution”

Berto Jongman: UK Defence Strategic Survey

Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence, Strategy, Threats
Berto Jongman

Global Strategic Trends:  The Future Starts Today

UK Ministry of Defence, 10/2018

Five thematic chapters:

  • environment and resources;
  • human development;
  • economy, industry and information;
  • governance and law; and
  • conflict and security

Sixteen issues of varying impact and uncertainty:

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