Berto Jongman: #GoogleGestapo Google Creates Ultimate Censoring Platform for China

Commerce, Corruption, IO Impotency
Berto Jongman

Ex-Google employee warns of ‘disturbing’ China plans

Jack Poulson, who had been a senior researcher at the company until resigning in August, wrote that he was fearful of Google's ambitions.

His letter alleges Google's work on a Chinese product – codenamed Dragonfly – would aid Beijing's efforts to censor and monitor its citizens online.

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Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Ramps Up Police State Big Data Offering

Advanced Cyber/IO, Commerce, Corruption, IO Impotency
Stephen E. Arnold

Amazon: Accommodating Big Chunks of Data

Our research into Amazon’s capabilities caused us to note the information in “Amazon Rolls Out High Memory Instances for In-Memory Databases.” Many companies want to munch on Big Data. I would point out that certain US government organization have a healthy appetite for the capability as well.

I noted this statement:

The new High Memory EC2 instances offer a choice of 6, 9 and 12 terabytes of memory, with 18TB and 24TB options to arrive next year.

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Worth a Look: Melting Pot or Civil War — The Truth About Illegal Immigration Of, By, and For the 1%

Worth A Look
Amazon Page

Reihan Salam is executive editor of National Review and a National Review Institute policy fellow. He is a contributing editor at The Atlantic and National Affairs. With Ross Douthat, Salam is the co-author of Grand New Party: How Conservatives Can Win the Working Class and Save the American Dream (Doubleday, 2008).

BOTTOM LINE UP FRONT: Elites (both left and right) conspire to increase illegal immigration as a way of keeping wages low.  Period.

Rejecting both militant multiculturalism and white identity politics, he argues that limiting total immigration and favoring skilled immigrants will combat rising inequality, balance diversity with assimilation, and foster a new nationalism that puts the interests of all Americans—native-born and foreign-born—first.

Robert Steele: Con-Con or Convention of States?

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Peace Intelligence
Robert David STEELE Vivas

I feel blessed to have come to the attention of so many thoughtful citizens so deeply committed to restoring the Constitution and ending the travesty of an imperial federal government that taxes, borrows, and prints to sponsor both perpetual war abroad and a police state at home.

Below, as both a down-loadable document and in full text  online, is a very thoughtful overview of why we should be seeking a Convention of States rather than a Constitutional Convention. While I have some defined views on the need to strenthen, modify, and reverse a number of the Amendments, there is absolutely no question but that state sovereignty needs to be restored — the federal government should be a LIMITED service of common concern and it should depend on the STATES for authorization & appropriation of funding.

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Berto Jongman: Environment not drugs now top income source for criminals

03 Environmental Degradation, Earth Intelligence
Berto Jongman

Environment not drugs now top income source for criminals

Ivory trafficking, gold mining, illegal “taxes” on natural resources and other environmental crimes make up 38 percent of the funding of conflict and armed groups, according to the “World Atlas of Illicit Flows” report.

Read full article.