Ed Jewett: Could Wikipedia Help Indict John Bolton for War Crimes?

04 Inter-State Conflict, 06 Genocide, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, Officers Call

US War Crimes Immunity and the International Criminal Court

Benjamin Fulford: The Kim/Trump summit, the Rothschilds and the financial war are all linked

Did John Bolton shield Israel from war crimes?

Phi Beta Iota: John Bolton — like Chuck Shumer, Dick Cheney, Ashton Carter, Dov Zakheim, Arnon Milchan, Philip Zelikow, and so many others, appears easily indictable as an undeclared agent of a foreign power who has violated his Oath to defend and support the US Constitution for decades.

In keeping with our Truth & Reconciliation approach, his posted video-taped confessions providing in explicit detail all of the contracts he has enjoyed in favor of the Deep State and its Zionist underbelly, could be worthy of a Presidential Pardon and movement into the witness protection program.

Stephen E. Arnold: Google Copyright Abusive Algrorithm — More #GoogleGestapo Madness

Stephen E. Arnold

Google: Stomping Out Bad Music Types

Google has a lot of content to lord over. And with that responsibility comes the need to police that content when it is misused. Perhaps nowhere does this happen more often than YouTube. While they have clever tools for finding rule breakers, sometimes it fails. We learned more from a recent ARS Technica story, “Google: Sorry, Professor, Old Beethoven Recordings on YouTube Copyrighted.”

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Maybe the problem isn’t within the code of YouTube’s software, but rather its parent company’s loose attitude toward the topic. Take, for example, the time they recently tried to patent a public domain algorithm. We think that maybe the problem isn’t all digital, but the smash-and-grab mentality of Google.

Read full post.

Worth a Look: Licensed to Lie – Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice

Corruption, Government

Sidney Powell, the author, is a former prosecutor.

Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice is the true story of the strong-arm, illegal, and unethical tactics used by headline-grabbing federal prosecutors in their narcissistic pursuit of power. Its scope reaches from the US Department of Justice to the US Senate, the FBI, and the White House. This true story is a scathing attack on corrupt prosecutors, the judges who turned a blind eye to these injustices, and the president who has promoted them to powerful political positions.

Continue reading “Worth a Look: Licensed to Lie – Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice”

Robert Steele: Mormon Church Pedophilia Exposed? UPDATE 2

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Civil Society, Corruption
Robert David STEELE Vivas

As Chief Counsel for the Judicial Commission of Inquiry I heard compelling testimony on pedophilia among Mormon leaders, during the London Seating. That video is below the fold. I take the below headline very seriously. In my view, the Mormon “Church”  as well as all other faiths, are just as culpable as the Catholic Church. The time has come to make it clear to the public that pedophilia and murderous pedophilia are an elite practice across ALL of our institutions, virtually without exception.

Former Sugar Land bishop says Mormon Church policy allows children to be groomed by pedophiles

…a list of questions too graphic to post online or show on television got former bishop Sam Young so upset his reaction earned him excommunication from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. He was a member for 65 years.

“People should be sent to jail for subjecting our kids to this type of thing,” Young said. “Any other church, they would fire the minister if they asked these questions.”

Continue reading “Robert Steele: Mormon Church Pedophilia Exposed? UPDATE 2”

Paper Tiger: China is Bluffing on Tariffs, Time to Invite Others to Bid UPDATE 1 Graphics Added

02 China, 03 Economy, 03 India, 08 Wild Cards, 11 Society, Commercial Intelligence, Ethics, Government

Alert Reader based in China and heavily invested in Chinese manufacturing brokerage reports that Trump tariffs are exactly what has been needed to bring the Chinese to the table so as to correct the imbalance that may have been fair 30 years ago but is grossly unfair to US companies and workers now.

He reports that over 100 factories have closed overnight as US companies have started cancelling orders that would not arrive in time to miss the new 10% tariffs that start 24 September, and that the Chinese government is under massive pressure to work with Trump to avoid triggering the 25% tariff rate that would be implemented on 1 January 2019 if talks do not progress.

Continue reading “Paper Tiger: China is Bluffing on Tariffs, Time to Invite Others to Bid UPDATE 1 Graphics Added”

Mongoose: Unconstitutional Vaccine Court Exposed, Decisive Shift in Medical Views (Vaccines DO Cause Autism) — An Opportunity for President Donald Trump to Act

06 Family, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Media

Extraordinary article — most detailed — that makes it clear that the “Vaccine Court” is a corrupt enterprise that is there to lie to the public and defend the criminal conspiracy formed by the CDC “leadership,” traitors all, and the pharmaceutical companies.  This article is EPIC.

The Clear Legal Basis that Vaccines Cause Autism

“I also find, with a high degree of medical certainty, that the set of immunizations administered to Yates at age 11 months while he was ill was the immediate cause of his autistic regression because of the effect of these immunizations to further impair the ability of his weakened mitochondria to supply adequate amounts of energy for the brain, the highest-energy consuming tissue in the body.”

—Dr. Richard Kelley, Professor of Pediatrics, Johns Hopkins University (Kennedy Krieger Institute)1

See Also:

Rebecca Campbell: US Government Loses Vaccine Lawsuit — Has Lied to the Public for Decades — Vaccines NOT Tested — Autism Will Drop If Parents Use This Case to Legally Challenge Mandated Vaccinations