Ed Jewett: ZeroHedge Breaks Story – French Court Mandates Psychiatric Examination for Le Pen — Conservatives Who Tell The Truth Must be Crazy

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government

Marine Le Pen Must Undergo Psychiatric Evaluation, French Court Rules

In a decision that will undoubtedly outrage conservatives who have sought to highlight the horrors of terrorist groups like ISIS, a French court has ruled that Marine Le Pen, the leader of the party formerly known as the National Front (now National Rally) and runner-up in last year's French presidential vote, must undergo a psychiatric evaluation to determine whether “she is capable of understanding remarks and answering questions.”

In other words, the court is treating Le Pen as if being conservative is a mental illness.

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Robert Steele: Koreas Move Ahead with Military Pact, Denuclearization Roadmap — US Deep State Fake News Media Concealing This Substantive Advance

Officers Call, Peace Intelligence
Robert David STEELE Vivas

Korean defense chiefs sign ā€˜military pactā€™ after Kim & Moon adopt denuclearization roadmap

Please do readĀ  the above in detail — this is substantive information that Faux News, Crap News Network, New York Crimes, Washington Compost, and Atlantic Period will not report to the public.

I was the first to report (4 March 2018) the unification of the Koreas and our President's successful role in partnership with Xi Jinping, toward denuclearization. The Deep State Fake News Media will not report this — they would rather focus on a CIA agent falsely accusing a Supreme Court nominee in a last desperate attempt to derail the restoration of the Constitution.

Video and more links below the fold.

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Mongoose: Israel’s Secret Facebook Subversion Project

07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, IO Privacy, Officers Call

Censored Film Reveals The Israel Projectā€™s Secret Facebook Campaign

Woven into the stream of progressive-flavored fluff are attacks on actual progressive movements, such as Chicagoā€™s Dyke March, whose organizers faced an Israel lobby smear campaign after asking pro-Israel provocateurs to leave their march in 2017.

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Betty Boop: Alleged Pedophile Joe Biden — In Black Tie — Says “Dregs of Society” Support Donald Trump

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Corruption, Government

Joe Biden: ‘Dregs of society' support Donald Trump

Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden assailed President Trumpā€™s supporters during a speech Saturday at the annual Human Rights Campaign dinner in Washington, lamenting that ā€œvirulent peopleā€ and the ā€œdregs of societyā€ still had a friend in the White House.

Comment, Videos, Links Below the Fold

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WARNING NOTICE: WordPress Update May Track Banned Words

Commerce, Corruption, IO Impotency
Robert David STEELE Vivas

I am receiving early reports from others that the latest WordPress Update may have aĀ  call home feature that reports banned words so that WordPress.com can digitally assassinate the site as they did with Fellowship of the Minds. WordPress.com cannot be trusted, that is clear. Censorship by private parties rendering a “public” service is in direct violation of the 1st Amendment as well as Title 7. I have no direct knowledge on this update but have decided to refuse all WordPress as well as JetPack updates, and am actively planning to abandon WordPress for an alternative.Ā  Below are some alternatives to WordPress, each with their own plusses and minuses. I have already implemented a complete back up that is independent of JetPack which cannot be trusted because it is owned by WordPress.com.

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